
In the dimly lit room, Salvage, Ishu, and Kogito gathered around a small table, cards scattered before them like shards of fate. Salvage, recently promoted from W-001 to Y-001 due to a twist of fate, sat with an air of defiance, the lone male among the Y-ranked elite.

"This isn't fair. He can read our minds!" Kogito protested, his frustration palpable.

Ishu, his form ever-shifting, chuckled in response. "That makes it more fun! Don't be so uptight Z-008, Y-001 just doesn't respect strategy games like you."

Salvage sighed, his brow furrowing. "Can we please stop using these silly code names? Why do we even use them?"

"It's a cool way of showing that you're superior to others," Ishu retorted, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"And out of nothing, Y-001 was handed to me?" Salvage's voice rose with incredulity. "I'm the strongest person there is, without a doubt! I ought to be called Z-000! My power is limitless!"

Damiki, a stoic figure in their midst, interjected, his tone dry. "And you still couldn't beat Z-001? Man Salvage, Z-000 isn't even possible."

"Why do those like me, who haven't even participated in that torture exam, earn anything so low if your rank is determined by how much you endured throughout that test?" Salvage's frustration simmered beneath his words. "Despite knowing my abilities, the doctor continues to minimize me!"

"The whole rank thing isn't supposed to calculate your strength or anything, but it does determine how good your ability will be," Damiki explained calmly. "You not only don't have an ability, but you're not really a part of the program."

"Giving me Z-000 is thus a godsend because I'm already powerful, and because I didn't do the torture test, I don't have a score on it," Salvage reasoned, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Soooo by your logic, you should be A-100," Damiki suggested with a hint of amusement.

Salvage's cards burned to ash in his hands, his anger flaring. "I am the strongest person here; no one can match my power, you foolish mortal. Giving me such a low rating merely belittles my strength!"

Damiki shrugged, unaffected. "I mean, it is what you're kinda implying here. I also know at least three people who can beat you in a fight. But I have to tell you guys why I'm here, I'm here because I have to tell you guys to head into the main conference room for some instructions."

Salvage's mind raced with disbelief. Three opponents who could defeat him? It seemed inconceivable.

Five minutes later, Salvage, Damiki, Ishu, Kogito, and eight others stood before a stage, a motley crew of individuals with extraordinary abilities. Among them were Wareme Nanocan, Z-010, capable of breaking magical weapons with ease; Stuntler Pripson, Z-007, whose talents remained shrouded in mystery; Slit Evercern, Z-006, possessing the ability to turn anything he touched into a deadly edge; Kizutsuku Jibun, Z-004, whose powers were yet to be unveiled; Shinrai Shiomen, Z-001, master of adaptation, standing at the apex of their ranks; and Kachiro Jibun, X-001, distinguished by his white blood, a unique trait among them.

Each of them possessed talents that set them apart, their ranks representing years of training and the development of their formidable abilities.

Anata, their leader, ascended the stage, his presence commanding attention. "Hello leaders. We have run into some issues. The Negative Point has taken note of our strategies and plans, and they have sent out many people who have killed some of our comrades. All of our attempts at stopping them have failed, but right now, the Negative Point is making a bold move and is attacking our facilities, including our main base. So until we take care of the Negative Point, I will put you all into a group to defend these facilities if they ever make it. Some of you will just stay here."

Salvage couldn't shake the feeling of unease as Anata's words hung in the air, the gravity of their situation sinking in.

As Anata issued orders to the assembled group, Salvage's mind churned with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Finally, a task to complete! I've become tired of seeing all of these sad losers while accomplishing nothing, he mused silently, his thoughts a private refuge from the chaos unfolding around him.

But as Anata assigned duties and roles, Salvage's attention was drawn to a subtle omission. My code name was not used by him. WAIT! Why should I be interested in that? he chided himself, a flicker of irritation igniting within him. Now that I'm back here waiting for anything to happen, what if no one shows up? What if I'm left alone here by myself once more? Despite his bravado, a hint of apprehension crept into his thoughts. I'm hoping that at the very least, this collection of folks knows a few party tricks to keep me entertained.

As the others dispersed to their assigned posts, Salvage lingered, a sense of restlessness tugging at him. Anata's conversation with Tsuto piqued his curiosity, drawing him closer to the pair.

"They are quick movers. So honey, how is the progress on your artificial Kagho going?" Tsuto inquired, her voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and concern.

"I finished it but it still has a few obvious weaknesses in it," Anata admitted, a note of frustration underlying his words. "Not only is its ability weaker than a normal Kagho's, but the only way you can activate it is by saying 'Kagho'. It also doesn't make your eyes hollow. I planted it in that Jiomo kid because with the way I see everything in the future, he can help with some conflicts. It took me about 50 years to make this one, but over time I will be able to make an army of artificial Kagho users to assist the revival cult in their battles. After we take care of the Negative Point, nobody can stop us."

"That's wonderful to hear! I will bake a cake to celebrate," Tsuto declared, her enthusiasm palpable.

"You don't need to do all of that!" Anata protested, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.

"But a cake sounds delicious," Salvage interjected, his sudden appearance startling Anata.

"I knew you didn't leave, reveal yourself," Anata remarked, his tone betraying a mix of amusement and exasperation as Salvage materialized before him.

Salvage hesitated, a rare moment of vulnerability slipping through his facade. "I realize it's strange of me to ask, but where does the human portion of me originate from? Do my mom and father even exist? I am aware that I was only made of DNA and tubes, yet I still want to know more about myself."

Anata's response was swift and matter-of-fact. "Your human portion is my DNA, of course! You don't have a family of your own, but you are welcome to call yourself my son."

The notion left Salvage feeling unsettled. "To say that is strange. Just disregard what I asked you; I'll go explore the base instead," he muttered, his discomfort evident as he retreated from the conversation.

Anata watched him go, a bemused smile playing at his lips. "I can never read that guy..." he murmured to himself, the enigma of Salvage lingering in the air like a whispered secret.