They Set Me Up

Setchi found himself in the depths of darkness, surrounded by the remnants of old, destroyed trains and the haunting presence of scattered skeletons.

"Yosha!!!" Setchi exclaimed, his voice echoing in the eerie silence.

Above him, Oto traversed the treacherous terrain, grinding on a pipe leading down to the ground.

"This is a big drop... Setchi!" Oto called out, his voice tinged with concern.

Suddenly, Oto found himself besieged by a swarm of large flying insects.

"Flying ants? Large flying ants?" Oto muttered in disbelief, his expression contorted with surprise.

"What are those!?" Setchi exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock.

From the ground emerged a monstrous blue centipede, its usual legs replaced by numerous arms.

"Ew, what is that!?" Setchi recoiled in disgust.

In a swift motion, Setchi leaped up and delivered a powerful kick, severing the head of the centipede with precision.

"Bugs are pretty easy to kill!" Setchi declared triumphantly, his confidence unwavering.

Chunks of insects fell to the ground, followed shortly by Oto's descent behind Setchi.

"So, do you have any idea what this person can do?" Oto inquired, his tone laced with concern.

"The person summons... bugs?" Setchi ventured, his brows furrowing in contemplation.

Suddenly, three large wasps with scorpion tails for arms and legs swooped down towards Setchi.

"And disturbing bugs at that!!!" Setchi exclaimed, his eyes narrowing in determination.

With a swift motion, Setchi charged a ball of magic in his palms, unleashing a blinding flash of light that stunned the wasps momentarily.

"Mega God Flash!!!" Setchi roared, channeling his magic with precision.

In the blink of an eye, Setchi lunged forward, slicing through the wasps effortlessly with his God's Chopping Hands technique.

"Alright, give me more!!!" Setchi challenged, his adrenaline pumping.

Suddenly, a massive swarm of large flying insects emerged from the cave ceiling, blotting out the sky with their sheer numbers.

"They can hear me!" Setchi realized, his voice tinged with urgency.

"Hey, if you're gonna do a flash attack, make sure to warn me next time," Oto remarked, his tone calm despite the chaos.

"Sorry about that, Oto!!!" Setchi apologized, his expression contrite.

"It's... fine. Deal with these bugs," Oto instructed, his voice steady.

"Alright!" Setchi responded determinedly, his gaze fixed on the approaching threat.

With a swift motion, Setchi unleashed his Ultimate God Chaos Blast: God's Eraser, obliterating the swarm of insects in a brilliant display of magic control.

"Excellent magic control, Setchi! You managed to perfectly focus your magic into individually exploding all of those bugs," Oto praised, his voice filled with admiration.

Suddenly, a colossal spider with the head of a kissing bug charged towards Setchi, its menacing form casting a shadow over the cavernous expanse.

Oto's voice rang out with a mixture of realization and concern. "So this person isn't only limited to making bugs too..."

Setchi reacted instinctively, delivering a devastating punch that obliterated the spider completely. However, to their horror, the destruction unleashed a swarm of hundreds of thousands of small flies.

"How is that possible!?" Setchi exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

With quick thinking, Setchi clapped his hands together, invoking his Ultimate God Chaos Blast: God's Pout. A powerful gust of wind emanated from him, sending everything in the vicinity flying, including Oto. The bugs were propelled into a wall, where they met their demise upon impact, while Oto crashed headfirst into a nearby shack.

"Setchi! TWICE NOW HAVE YOU-" Oto began to reprimand, but his words were interrupted by a startling discovery.

He noticed a woman with the eyes of a fly, her black hair neatly arranged into a bun, clad in a white beekeeper suit adorned with the letters M.A.G.I.C.

Khaya Don- Y-006: Her ability is Chimera Critters

Brushing himself off, Oto stood up and addressed Setchi. "That might have been an unintentional power play, Setchi!"

"Please, no!" Khaya pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

In a sudden move, Setchi appeared upside-down in the air directly in front of Khaya, his face mere inches from hers.

"So they are M.A.G.I.C! Oto, let's give this harlot a beatdown!" Setchi declared, his tone brimming with determination.

"That's very mean of you to say, but I guess you're right!" Oto conceded, his expression serious.

With a swift transformation, Khaya sprouted fly wings and took to the sky.

"You won't catch me alive!" Khaya taunted, her voice echoing as she ascended.

"You get no mercy!" Setchi retorted, his resolve unwavering.

With a determined leap, Setchi propelled himself towards Khaya, ready to confront the threat head-on.

Khaya's desperate cry echoed through the air as she sent a swarm of large flies hurtling towards Setchi.

"Ultimate God Chaos Blast: "God's Grip!" Setchi roared in response. With swift precision, he seized the air with both hands, initiating a powerful rotation that drew all of the bugs into a swirling vortex. As the insects converged, a hole formed in the swarm, providing Setchi with a clear path to maneuver through. The swirling air caught Khaya as well, causing her to spin horizontally.

"Yosha!!!" Setchi exclaimed triumphantly as he soared through the opening, his momentum carrying him towards Khaya. With a decisive blow, Setchi's fist connected with the top of Khaya's head, halting her spin abruptly.

"Bring her down," Oto commanded, his voice steady and determined.

Seizing the opportunity, Setchi seized Khaya by the head and forcefully slammed her to the ground in front of Oto, incapacitating her and bringing an end to the confrontation.

"Ok Setchi, you know the drill, switch up game!" Oto commanded, his voice resonating with determination.

Setchi landed on the other side of Khaya, his gaze fixed on their adversary alongside Oto. As Khaya stood up to face Oto, Setchi sprang into action.

"Vice Versa!" Setchi declared, his voice ringing out with purpose.

With synchronized precision, Setchi and Oto launched into a relentless barrage of attacks against Khaya. Setchi landed a powerful punch to her left arm, while Oto followed up with a swift kick to her right leg. Setchi then delivered a punishing kick to her right arm, while Oto jabbed her left leg.

"Switch!" Setchi commanded, seamlessly transitioning their positions.

Oto struck Khaya with a precise jab to the face, followed by a swift kick to the butt. Setchi continued the assault with an elbow to her back, while Oto landed a forceful kick to her chest. As they both jumped back, Khaya remained stunned, still reeling from the onslaught.

"Ping-Pong!" Oto announced, his voice brimming with determination.

Setchi charged forward, delivering a powerful punch to Khaya's face, sending her hurtling towards Oto. With impeccable timing, Oto met her with a swift kick to the stomach, propelling her back towards Setchi. Setchi responded with a fierce kick to her neck, sending her flying back towards Oto, who delivered a decisive jab to her face, knocking her back to her starting position.

"One up!" Setchi declared, his determination unwavering.

Oto dashed towards Khaya, unleashing a series of rapid strikes. With precision and skill, they coordinated their attacks, delivering blows to Khaya's chest, face, and stomach, sending her reeling with each strike.

"I'm switching it up!" Setchi announced, his voice filled with confidence.

Launching himself forward, Setchi delivered a powerful kick to Khaya's face, sending her hurtling across the cave. Swiftly closing the distance, Setchi followed up with a knee to her stomach, propelling her even farther. With relentless determination, Setchi continued his assault, delivering a series of devastating punches and strikes that reverberated throughout the cave.

In a seamless display of teamwork, Setchi extended his arm, allowing Oto to join the fray, delivering a final blow that sent Khaya crashing into the wall with a resounding impact. As the dust settled, Setchi and Oto stood united, their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

"Tag in!" Oto commanded, signaling Setchi to take over.

Setchi leaped back, allowing Oto to take the forefront of the battle. With lightning speed, Oto unleashed a relentless barrage of jabs to Khaya's ribs, their hands a blur of motion as they struck with precision. Over a hundred blows landed in rapid succession before Oto delivered a final punch to her face, ending the assault.

Meanwhile, above the chaos unfolding below, Rukyoi and Kemonoka navigated through the panicked crowd. As the ground trembled beneath them, panic rippled through the crowd, causing chaos and confusion.

"Is that an earthquake happening?!" one person exclaimed.

"It doesn't seem that bad!" another reassured.

Rukyoi cursed under his breath, expressing his frustration at the unfolding situation.

Back in the midst of the battle, Setchi marveled at Oto's strength.

"You hit her hard!" Setchi remarked, acknowledging Oto's prowess.

"There's a reason why I don't punch," Oto replied cryptically.

With swift and calculated movements, Oto delivered a chop to Khaya's neck before seizing her by the hair and slamming her against the wall repeatedly. With a forceful motion, he hurled her towards Setchi.

"Finale!" Setchi declared, charging towards Khaya alongside Oto.

As they closed in on Khaya, Setchi delivered a powerful punch to her cheek while Oto jabbed her in the chest. Swiftly switching positions mid-attack, they slid across the ground in perfect unison.

"Super Ball!!!-" Setchi began, charging magic into his fist.

"Focus-" Oto added, charging focus into his own fist.

With synchronized precision, they both turned towards Khaya and unleashed their combined power. Setchi's punch landed squarely in her stomach, while Oto's struck her in the back.

"PUNCH!!!" they shouted in unison.

Their combined force caused a shockwave to erupt, splattering Khaya's body from the inside out, leaving nothing but a bloody paste in their wake. As the dust settled, blood stained their hands, a grim testament to the intensity of their final blow.

Setchi strikes a triumphant pose, reveling in the aftermath of their victory.

"YOSHA!!! That's what I call action!" he exclaims enthusiastically.

Oto joins in, pumping the air with his fist. "That's what I call an ass beating," he adds with a smirk.

Meanwhile, in the pub, Rukyoi and Kemonoka seek refuge from the chaos outside. As they catch their breath at the bar, Rukyoi's expression falls as he realizes they're short on funds.

"Kemonoka, I know this might be a rare ask but... do you have money?" Rukyoi asks, his disappointment palpable.

Kemonoka shakes his head, prompting Rukyoi to sigh in resignation. "Didn't think so," he mutters.

Suddenly, Kemonoka nudges Rukyoi, drawing his attention to Cornelia seated nearby. Rukyoi's shock is evident as he realizes their proximity to her.

"We're so... close to her..." Rukyoi whispers, his voice filled with disbelief.

Cornelia notices their gaze and smirks. "What's the deal with your partner there?" she asks Rukyoi, her tone laced with curiosity.

Caught off guard, Rukyoi stammers, "Uh, I-I was... planning on getting a coffee and my friend here was looking for a warm glass of milk..."

Cornelia's smirk widens as she rubs her nose mischievously. "Hey, barista! Can I get a coffee, lots of sugar, and a warm glass of milk!" she calls out.

As the drinks are prepared, Rukyoi expresses his gratitude, but Cornelia surprises them both by downing both cups in a single gulp. Rukyoi recoils in shock, questioning her actions.

"What kind of sicko downs hot coffee..." he mutters in disbelief.

Cornelia brushes off his comment, asserting her dominance. "I'm not a sicko, punk," she retorts with a smirk.

Unwilling to back down, Rukyoi stands up and confronts her boldly. "AS AN AGENT OF THE NEGATIVE POINT, I SHALL DEFEAT YOU!" he declares, pointing at Cornelia with determination.

Cornelia scoffs at his bravado, rising to her feet. "Negative Point?" she muses, her expression hardening. "So you're the runts we're looking for, or at least two of them."

The tension in the bar mounts as Cornelia prepares to confront Rukyoi and Kemonoka, signaling the beginning of a potentially dangerous encounter.