
Cornelia surveyed the chaos unfolding in the pub, her voice laced with a mix of amusement and warning. "Fighting in a government-owned place isn't the smartest thing, don't you think, Negative Point grunt?"

As people clamored to leave the building, Cornelia's frustration simmered. "Ugh, now we're the bad guys. Jipami, you know what to do."

Jipami, previously silenced, emerged from her hiding spot beneath a table, deftly unzipping her mouth. "Eyes closed, mouth opened."

With a swift motion, the entire interior of the building vanished, replaced by an ominous void of dark blue, punctuated by colossal floating cubes.

"Where did the doors go?!" cried a bewildered voice.

"The windows... they're gone!" exclaimed another.

"Where are we?" questioned yet another.

"You are no longer in your dimension, welcome to Jipami's dimension!" Cornelia declared with a chilling certainty. "There's no escaping now, you guys are oh so very dead!"

Panicked screams echoed through the room as the reality of their situation set in.

"Kemonoka, let's show them who's boss!" Rukyoi commanded, his voice tinged with authority.

Taking his place at the forefront, Kemonoka assumed a predatory stance, poised on all fours. "Moon Magic: Fake Moon!" Rukyoi's incantation sent a ball of ethereal moonlight soaring into the sky, casting an eerie glow over the dimension. As the moonlight bathed him, Kemonoka underwent a transformation, his features contorting into those of a fearsome werewolf.

"Rip her to shreds!" Rukyoi ordered, his voice reverberating with menace.

With lightning speed, Kemonoka lunged towards Cornelia, claws bared. She narrowly evaded his initial strike, a shallow cut marring her cheek. Yet, undeterred, she met his onslaught with a defiant smirk, retaliating with a swift punch to his abdomen. Despite his ferocity, Kemonoka's subsequent attacks were deftly dodged by Cornelia's agile movements, culminating in a decisive blow to his head.

"Werewolf, eh? Show me a little bit more of what you can do!" Cornelia taunted.

"Speed Magic: Quick Aura!" Rukyoi commanded, enveloping Kemonoka in a luminous white aura. With renewed vigor, Kemonoka launched another assault, his claws tearing through Cornelia's flesh, drawing blood.

"Maybe something other than slashes!" Cornelia quipped, her resolve unshaken.

In a blur of motion, Kemonoka vanished, reappearing with a flurry of attacks that tested Cornelia's reflexes to their limits.

"You will strike..." Cornelia murmured, her voice trailing off.

Just as Kemonoka seemed poised for another strike, Cornelia spun into action, her kick meeting only an afterimage that dissipated upon contact.

"There's just no way—" Cornelia's words were cut short as the real Kemonoka descended upon her from above, unleashing a devastating sound beam that slammed her to the ground.

"Maybe something a bit stronger!" Cornelia retorted, determination flashing in her eyes.

In a blink, she reappeared beside Kemonoka, their clash sending shockwaves through the air. As their battle raged on, Cornelia couldn't help but acknowledge Kemonoka's newfound strength.

"With all of the buffs from your friend, you're actually strong! Dare I say it, worth my time." She said in a mocking tone

"Let's wrap this up! Offensive Magic: Strength Boost!" Rukyoi's command resounded through the chaos, punctuated by a surge of power.

Kemonoka, encased in a crimson aura atop his existing one, exuded an intimidating presence.

Cornelia's gaze hardened as she turned to Jipami. "Jipami, what do you have to say to that?"

Jipami's response was barely a whisper, filled with dread. "You can't..."

Suddenly, a colossal cube from the sky hurtled toward the helpless citizens, casting them into the shadows of its immense form.

"What do you say to that?!" Rukyoi demanded, his eyes darting between Kemonoka and the impending catastrophe.

Rukyoi's hope dwindled as he caught sight of Kemonoka's unwavering gaze fixed on the plummeting cube.

"Soooo we're screwed—" Rukyoi's words were cut short by Kemonoka's abrupt intervention.

"Drip Claw." Kemonoka's voice resonated with a deep, raspy intensity as his left arm ignited with a blinding white glow. "Primordial Score."

In an instant, Kemonoka vanished from sight, leaving behind stunned onlookers and a baffled Cornelia, whose expression shifted from smug confidence to sheer disbelief, her features contorted in a comical display of shock.

Meanwhile, Rukyoi's face lit up with genuine delight, his faith in his comrade unwavering. Jipami, her visage beaded with sweat, watched in anxious anticipation, while the bystanders mirrored Cornelia's astonishment.

High above, Kemonoka sliced through the colossal cube with astonishing precision, cleaving it neatly in two. As the severed halves floated away into the abyss, Cornelia voiced the collective bewilderment. "How the hell—"

"That's good, Kemonoka! NOW GET RID OF THEM!!!" Rukyoi's directive reverberated through the chaos, urgency lacing his tone.

With a swift descent, Kemonoka unleashed a powerful beam of sound, propelling the halves far into the depths, their fate lost to the void.

"Woohoo!" Rukyoi's exuberant cheer pierced through the tension that hung in the air.

"I do have to say..." Cornelia's smirk widened as she acknowledged Kemonoka's display of strength. "That was a strong move!"

Kemonoka, his gaze unwavering, returned Cornelia's smirk with a glare as she made her request.

"Mind if I use it?" Cornelia's eyes flared with an orange hue as she unleashed her own version of Kemonoka's technique. "Drip Claw: Primordial Score."

Her left arm illuminated in the same intense glow as Kemonoka's had before, and with newfound determination, she charged towards him.

"Defensive Magic: Top Shield!" Rukyoi intervened, conjuring a large blue shield to protect Kemonoka.

Undeterred, Cornelia barked orders to Jipami. "Jipami! Do it now, bitch!"

"You won't..." Jipami's words trailed off ominously.

Suddenly, the fabric of reality shifted. The auras surrounding Kemonoka dissipated, the artificial moon vanished from the sky, and the protective shield dissipated into nothingness.

"What!" Rukyoi's disbelief mirrored the confusion of those around him.

With a swift maneuver, Kemonoka narrowly avoided Cornelia's slash, landing on the opposite side as the glow around her arm dimmed.

"Wh-What happened?!" Rukyoi demanded, his voice tinged with frustration.

"This is Jipami's dimension," Cornelia explained, her voice dripping with superiority. "She has control over EVERYTHING, meaning she can also turn off all magic in her dimension. You guys are now magic-less!"

"Well, aren't you too?" Rukyoi challenged.

"Nope, not at all!" Cornelia countered. "She can choose who she affects with these things."

"Well, you're either dumb or stupid, but Kemonoka doesn't use magic," Rukyoi retorted.

"What...? Then how does he—"

"Chi," Rukyoi interjected, elucidating the mysterious power that fueled Kemonoka's abilities.

In this sprawling world, dominated by the twin forces of chi and magic, existence is as diverse as the inhabitants who call it home. Countless individuals lead lives shaped by these elemental powers, with some exclusively embracing magic, others harnessing chi, and many more adeptly balancing both in their daily endeavors. Yet, amid this tapestry of existence, there are those who remain unaware of the existence of the other, their knowledge confined to the realm they inhabit.

Chi, the subtle yet potent force, serves as the foil to the elaborate artistry of magic. While magic dazzles with its kaleidoscope of spells and enchantments, chi possesses a raw practicality and versatility that sets it apart. Its applications are myriad, ranging from the fluidity of sword techniques to the intricacies of summoning arts and the rigors of martial combat. In a world where magic reigns supreme, chi emerges as a vital ally, its innate ability to bypass magical defenses offering a distinct advantage to those who wield it with skill and finesse.

"Oh, so the dog knows chi? How weak!" Cornelia mocked.

"Well, a better question would be... HOW THE HELL DID YOU LEARN HIS ABILITY?!" Rukyoi's incredulity echoed through the space.

"It's my little ability, one trick pony!" Cornelia's revelation shed light on her uncanny talent.

One trick pony gives Cornelia the ability to copy one of any technique from anyone, just as long as she's seen it activate. She can use the stolen ability anytime she wants without any fatigue or repercussions that the ability would give the user, but she can only copy one ability per person.

"Well, that's not really... specific..." Rukyoi's uncertainty lingered in the air as he contemplated their next move. "Kemonoka, I have a plan!"

Drawing Kemonoka close, Rukyoi whispered urgently into his ear, their words exchanged in secrecy. "You deal with Cornelia, and I'll do my best to take care of that Jipami person. Once she's down, I think we'll have a better chance at winning."

Kemonoka nodded in silent agreement as Rukyoi sprang into action, dashing towards Jipami with determination in his eyes.

"Oh no you don't!" Cornelia's voice cut through the chaos as she moved to intercept Rukyoi's advance.

But before she could land a blow, Kemonoka intercepted her, his swift movement blocking her kick and countering with a powerful punch to her stomach. Cornelia staggered backward, her resolve unyielding even in the face of adversity.

"Bastard..." Cornelia's retort was laced with grit as she struggled to regain her footing. "Jipami, it's time to play hide and seek! You hide from them, and I'll seek out their graves."

Meanwhile, Oto and Setchi navigated through the labyrinthine darkness of the alleyways, their footsteps echoing against the cold, damp walls.

"That woman sure did have a lot of blood," Setchi remarked, breaking the silence.

Oto glanced at him, his expression unreadable in the dim light. "Setchi, I'm pretty sure that's the usual amount of blood for a human body."

Setchi shook his head vehemently. "Well, it went everywhere! And we had to clean it up-"

"In secret!" Oto interjected sharply. "And nobody knows! And now we're back to the surface, as if nothing just happened. We must keep our presence inconspicuous."

"Let's just hope that the next fight isn't on the surface-" Setchi began, but was interrupted by a sudden explosion of dust and smoke behind them.

Turning in unison, they beheld the wreckage left in the wake of the destruction. Amidst the swirling haze stood a towering, monstrous figure. It was a hulking blue creature, its six arms stretched wide, each ending in menacing claws. A scorpion tail arched behind it, tipped with a deadly hornet stinger. Its massive jaws, reminiscent of bullet ants, snapped menacingly, while its compound dragonfly eyes glinted with malice. Wings like those of a dragonfly beat furiously, stirring up the dust, while its muscular legs, akin to those of a tiger beetle, held it steady.

Setchi's eyes gleamed with excitement at the sight of the giant insectoid creature, his hands twitching with anticipation. However, Oto's annoyance was palpable, his brow furrowed in irritation as he stared at the imposing figure before them.

An explosion shattered the tranquility of Grottalanda's streets, plunging the once calm thoroughfares into a frenzy of chaos. Panic rippled through the crowd as people screamed and scrambled for safety, their frantic footsteps echoing against the cobblestones.

From the billowing smoke and debris emerged Setchi and Oto, sliding out of the tumult with a grace borne of necessity.

"And there goes being inconspicuous!" Oto muttered, his voice tinged with frustration as he surveyed the mayhem around them.

"Time to show off more God pow-" Setchi began, but his words were abruptly cut off as the monstrous beast delivered a brutal uppercut to his stomach. With a pained cry, Setchi was sent hurtling through the air, his form disappearing into the distance with a desperate scream trailing in his wake.

Oto's eyes widened in alarm at Setchi's sudden departure, his mind racing to comprehend the sheer force behind the creature's attack.

The beast, known as Chimera Beast: Gonchung, towered menacingly before them. Chimera Beasts, ancient creatures hailing from a time long forgotten, were the predecessors to their respective species. In an era when the gods were still honing their craft of creating life, these beasts were fashioned for the singular purpose of survival and destruction. Utilizing samples of their DNA, the gods fashioned myriad creatures, each a unique iteration of its progenitor.

Gonchung, in particular, held a special status among the Chimera Beasts. As the progenitor of all insects, it bore the mantle of the insect savior, a guardian of its kind in a world fraught with peril. While some Chimera Beasts evolved into avatars of their respective species, Gonchung remained true to its primal form, a testament to its resilience and endurance. Millennia passed, and Gonchung endured, wandering the wilds until fate intervened, and it was ensnared and imprisoned within Khaya. With her demise, Gonchung found itself reborn, unleashed once more upon the world.

Gonchung, its towering form eclipsing the crumbling cityscape, launched a ferocious assault, its massive arms poised to strike with devastating force. Oto, quick as lightning, evaded the onslaught, his agile form dancing away from the impending blow. With a deafening crash, Gonchung's fist collided with the ground, unleashing a torrent of destruction that rent the very fabric of the city.

In the midst of the chaos, a triumphant cry echoed through the pandemonium as Setchi crash-landed atop a nearby building.

"YOSHA!!!!" Setchi's exultant shout pierced through the cacophony, drawing Gonchung's attention like a beacon in the night.

In a blur of motion, Gonchung soared towards Setchi with blinding speed, its massive arm cocked back in preparation for a devastating strike. Yet, Setchi met the beast's gaze with a wide grin, anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

Before Gonchung could unleash its fury, Setchi struck first, his fist connecting with Gonchung's jaw in a resounding blow. The force of the impact sent Gonchung reeling backward, its immense frame thrown off balance.

As Gonchung regained its footing, it unleashed a deadly beam of green acid towards Setchi. With lightning reflexes, Setchi leaped from the crumbling rooftop, narrowly avoiding the lethal stream that sliced through the building with terrifying precision.

As he plummeted towards the ground, Setchi's grin widened with exhilaration.

I'm going to love this fight!

But before he could fully revel in the thrill of battle, Gonchung was upon him once more, raining down blows with relentless fury. Setchi soared through the air, crashing through buildings like a whirlwind of destruction, each impact sending shockwaves reverberating through the urban landscape.

Undeterred, Setchi regained his footing mid-flight, his movements fluid and precise even amidst the chaos. The two adversaries clashed fiercely, their blows echoing through the crumbling ruins as they tore through the city.

With a powerful kick to Gonchung's face, Setchi managed to send the beast hurtling skyward. Seizing the opportunity, Setchi arrested his momentum and launched himself upwards, meeting Gonchung in mid-air.

Gonchung, undeterred, attempted to collide with Setchi in a brutal mid-air assault. But Setchi, fueled by adrenaline and determination, intercepted Gonchung's charge, propelling the beast even higher into the sky with a mighty kick.

"God's Nirvana Hands!" Setchi's voice reverberated through the chaos as four extra blue magical limbs materialized on his body, crackling with arcane energy.

With a roar, Gonchung charged towards Setchi, the air vibrating with anticipation as the two adversaries prepared to clash once more. Their fists collided with bone-shattering force, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding landscape. Buildings crumbled under the sheer force of their blows, crumbling to rubble as if made of sand.

As Gonchung reared back for a decisive strike, Setchi's grin widened with anticipation. With lightning speed, Gonchung's fist hurtled towards him, but Setchi ducked under the blow with graceful agility. In a swift motion, he lashed out with both feet, delivering a powerful kick to Gonchung's chin that sent the beast hurtling even further into the sky.

Before Gonchung could recover, Setchi vanished in a blur of motion, reappearing behind the towering creature. The extra magical limbs that adorned Setchi's form coalesced into a single massive fist, crackling with raw power. With a mighty roar, Setchi unleashed a devastating punch, sending Gonchung hurtling back towards the ground with bone-shaking force. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, causing an explosion that tore through the remaining standing buildings with brutal efficiency.

"God's return!" Setchi's voice rang out, his body engulfed in azure flames as he hurtled towards Gonchung with unparalleled speed.

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of the battle, Oto sprang into action, his eyes scanning the devastation for any sign of danger. As buildings crumbled and debris rained down around him, he spotted a crying child perilously close to being crushed beneath a falling structure.

With lightning reflexes, Oto leaped into action, his hand slicing through the air with deadly precision. The building split in half with a deafening crack, and Oto scooped up the child just in time, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

"Dammit Setchi," Oto muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with frustration. "Don't forget that there are still people here! You are so lucky that I got most of them out of here before YOU killed them!"

With a surge of green aura enveloping him, Oto vanished from the scene, reappearing outside the cave where the battle raged on. Handing the child back to its parents, he turned back towards the fray, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Gonchung looming in the distance.

As Gonchung turned to face him, Oto's fear was palpable, but he stood his ground with steely determination. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged Gonchung's swinging fist, countering with a swift jab to the creature's chin. Two of Oto's arms lashed out in rapid succession, followed by a powerful kick to Gonchung's stomach.

With a final, decisive blow, Oto's fist slammed into Gonchung's chest, sending the monstrous creature hurtling into the distance with a resounding crash. Each strike left a green afterglow in its wake, a testament to Oto's formidable power and unwavering resolve.

Before Oto could react, Gonchung surged forward once more, his massive fist aimed directly at Oto's vulnerable form. But just as the blow was about to land, Setchi interposed himself between them, his own fists rising to meet Gonchung's onslaught.

With a flurry of lightning-fast punches, Setchi unleashed a relentless barrage upon Gonchung's face, each strike driving the creature back with bone-shaking force. But Gonchung, fueled by primal rage, refused to yield, his massive arms moving to retaliate against his attackers.

Yet, before Gonchung could land a decisive blow, he found himself ensnared by Oto's green focus aura, the verdant energy crackling with intensity as it surrounded him. Frozen in place, Gonchung could only watch helplessly as Setchi and Oto pressed their advantage.

With a swift leap backwards, Setchi disengaged from the fray, allowing Oto to step forward and deliver a punishing barrage of blows upon Gonchung's stomach. Each punch landed with bone-crushing force, driving Gonchung backwards with each successive strike.

With a mighty kick, Oto sent Gonchung hurtling through another twenty buildings, the force of the impact shaking the very foundations of the city. Yet, even as Gonchung soared through the air, his descent was abruptly halted by Setchi, who appeared with blinding speed, his own body enveloped in Oto's green focus aura.

With a swift kick, Setchi sent Gonchung plummeting back towards the earth, the ground shuddering beneath the force of his impact. As Gonchung staggered to his feet, dazed and disoriented, Setchi was already upon him, his fist glowing with magical energy.

With a resounding crash, Setchi's punch struck true, driving deep into Gonchung's chest with the force of a battering ram. The creature let out a deafening roar of agony as the magic-infused blow sent shockwaves rippling through his massive frame. Yet, even as Gonchung struggled to rise, Setchi and Oto stood firm, their determination unwavering as they prepared for the final showdown.

Oto's voice cut through the chaos, his tone grave and resolute. "He's no game this time, Setchi."

Setchi's response was characteristically nonchalant, his grin unwavering even in the face of danger. "Well yeah, but maybe he's somewhat of a workout."

Their banter, though tinged with bravado, belied the seriousness of the situation. With Gonchung still standing, their battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.