
"Yosha!" Setchi's triumphant cry filled the air as he charged up magical energy around himself, his determination burning bright as he dashed towards Gonchung.

In a blur of motion, Gonchung retaliated with a powerful punch, but Setchi was quicker, his fist finding its mark with unerring accuracy before he gracefully evaded the incoming blow. Again and again, Setchi danced around his opponent, striking with pinpoint precision as he exploited every opening with dazzling finesse.

But Gonchung, undeterred by Setchi's onslaught, lashed out with his deadly tail, the sharp stinger narrowly missing Setchi's chest but slicing through his waist with brutal efficiency.

"Chop Style-" Oto's voice rang out, his hands enveloped in a white aura as he leaped into action.

"Inside the line!" With a swift motion, Oto delivered a series of devastating chops, each strike leaving behind a trail of shimmering white energy as he carved through Gonchung's defenses. Yet, despite the damage inflicted, Gonchung remained steadfast, his towering form standing firm against the onslaught.

"Shit." Oto's curse hung heavy in the air as Gonchung retaliated, delivering a punishing blow that sent him hurtling through multiple buildings, the force of the impact reverberating through the shattered cityscape.

"Super ball..." Setchi's voice rang out, determination flickering in his eyes as blue magic crackled around his left foot, imbuing his every movement with raw power.

"Kick!" With a mighty thrust, Setchi launched himself towards Gonchung, his foot connecting with the beast's stomach with bone-shattering force. In an instant, Gonchung found himself encased in a swirling vortex of blue magic, hurtling backwards through the debris-ridden landscape.

With lightning speed, Setchi closed the distance, delivering a powerful uppercut that sent Gonchung spiraling into the sky, still trapped within the swirling ball of magic. But Setchi was relentless, his acrobatic prowess on full display as he back-flipped into the air above his foe.

With a swift kick, Setchi sent Gonchung hurtling back towards the earth, the force of the impact causing the ball of magic to explode in a brilliant display of light and energy. Yet, even as the dust settled, Gonchung emerged unscathed, his towering form still standing amidst the wreckage.

"This thing is tough!" Setchi's voice echoed with frustration as he surveyed his seemingly indestructible opponent.

But Gonchung was not finished yet. With a deafening roar, he unleashed a beam of green acid from his mouth, hurtling towards Setchi with deadly intent.

"Wait-" Setchi's warning was cut short as the acidic beam struck him squarely on the shoulder, searing his flesh with agonizing pain. Yet, even as his body burned and sizzled, Setchi refused to falter, his resolve unwavering even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

"That... stings..." Setchi's voice wavered with pain, but his gaze remained locked on his opponent, determination burning bright in his eyes.

As Gonchung stood frozen in place, ensnared once more by Oto's potent green focus aura, a plan began to form in the depths of Oto's mind. With a steely determination, he focused his energy, channeling it into the aura that surrounded the ancient creature.

This plan is simple! This thing is so dumb that it'll fall for the same trick twice. As long as I can get my focus energy on him, I can freeze him in time!

Meanwhile, Setchi seized the opportunity presented by Gonchung's temporary paralysis, his voice ringing out with newfound resolve.

"God's Thousand Fold Nirvana Hands!" Setchi's command echoed through the chaos as a thousand arms of shimmering blue magic materialized on his back, each one crackling with raw power.

With a deafening roar, the arms descended upon Gonchung like a tidal wave, unleashing a relentless barrage of punches that filled the air with a cloud of dust and debris. The ground trembled beneath the force of their impact, the very earth groaning in protest as the onslaught continued unabated.

But just as quickly as they had appeared, the arms shattered into a thousand fragments, leaving Gonchung reeling but far from defeated. With a furious roar, the ancient creature burst forth from the swirling dust cloud, his massive form hurtling towards Setchi with blinding speed.

Before Gonchung could land a decisive blow, however, he found himself once again frozen in place by Oto's unyielding focus aura. Seizing the opportunity, Setchi unleashed a devastating punch that sent Gonchung crashing to the ground with bone-shattering force, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the earth.

As Gonchung lay stunned and helpless, Setchi stood triumphant, his fists clenched in victory as he surveyed the scene before him. Yet, even as the dust settled and the battle raged on, he knew that their victory was far from assured. With Gonchung still standing, their fight was far from over, and the true test of their strength had only just begun.

"With the way this thing keeps getting up, this thing must take A LOT AFTER COCKROACHES!!!" Oto's voice rang out, a mixture of frustration and disbelief coloring his words.

Setchi's response was laced with confidence, his grin widening as he spoke. "Yeah, he's very hard to kill, but even if he could survive a nuke, I can always dish out something stronger than a nuke! That is what a god can do after all."

As Gonchung stood frozen once again by Oto's potent focus energy, Setchi wasted no time, charging towards the immobilized creature with fierce determination. With a powerful punch to the stomach, he delivered a devastating blow, followed swiftly by Oto leaping over Setchi to deliver a punishing kick.

A relentless chain of attacks ensued, with Oto freezing Gonchung in place, Setchi delivering a barrage of punches, and Oto leaping over Setchi once more to strike with deadly precision. But just as they seemed to gain the upper hand, Gonchung broke free from Oto's focus energy and soared into the air.

He dodged the focus energy this time, does he know?! Oto's thoughts raced as Gonchung's eyes glowed with malevolent intent, his six arms transforming into razor-sharp mantis forelegs.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Oto dodged Gonchung's attempt to slice him in half, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. The force of Gonchung's attack sliced through multiple buildings behind Oto, sending debris flying in all directions.

As Oto regained his footing, Gonchung turned to face him once more, his gaze filled with unbridled rage. But before he could launch another assault, he was suddenly struck in the back by a small beam of red magic.

The beam seemed to have little effect on Gonchung, who remained unphased as he turned to confront his attacker. Behind him stood thirty men, all clad in the distinctive attire of the World's Royal Land Forces.

"The government..." Setchi's voice trailed off, his expression grim as he surveyed the unexpected arrivals.

"Oh, they're in trouble!" Oto's response was tinged with a hint of amusement, knowing full well the power and influence wielded by the world's government. In a world where kingdoms and nations bowed to their authority, the arrival of the World's Royal Land Forces spelled trouble for all involved.

In this world, the government holds dominion over all, its authority stretching far and wide under the rule of the king of the world. While the kingdoms retain their autonomy, they are bound to the government through a complex web of treaties and agreements.

The government's reach extends to every corner of the globe, its power wielded from four colossal bases strategically positioned across the world. In the farthest reaches of the North lies Krest, the Base of Operations, a fortress of command and control where the government orchestrates its vast operations. To the South stands Menyeberang, the Base of Law, where justice is upheld and order enforced with unwavering resolve. In the East lies Svyatoy, the Base of Trade, a bustling center of commerce and exchange that fuels the world's economy. And in the West looms Kutsal, the Base of War, a formidable stronghold from which the government defends its interests and asserts its dominance.

These bases are not mere installations; they are entire continents unto themselves, wholly owned and operated by the government. Syn in the North, Roh Kudus in the South, Geuliseudo in the East, and Metin in the West are all under the firm grip of the government, their resources and territories serving to bolster its strength and influence.

Yet, at the heart of it all lies Jijilura, the center of the world and the seat of the World's Kingdom. Here, in the shadow of the government's mightiest stronghold, the king of the world reigns supreme, his word law and his will absolute. It is from this hallowed ground that the government exerts its control over the world, its power extending far beyond the borders of any kingdom or nation.

Within the government, there exists a structured hierarchy comprised of various ranks and branches, each serving a distinct role in upholding the authority and operations of the ruling regime. These ranks are universal across all branches, representing a standardized system of authority and responsibility. Below is a detailed breakdown of the ranks within the government:

1. Recruit: Those who have passed the "Right of the World Test" and completed training school, but have yet to begin active service. Recruits are on the cusp of joining the government fully and must demonstrate proficiency in law, rights, and history.

2. Trainee: Recruits who have completed training school and are now officially part of the government. Trainees assist with various tasks and observe higher-ranking members.

3. Lower Unit: Trainees who have proven themselves and are now actively serving within their branch. Despite having limited authority, lower units contribute to the operations of their branch.

4. Mid Unit: Similar to lower units but with slightly more authority and responsibility.

5. Upper Unit: Experienced members who have garnered more control within their branch. Upper units often serve on the front lines and play crucial roles in operations.

6. Top Unit: The top three strongest or most useful units within a branch. Top units represent excellence and have a high likelihood of further advancement.

7. Commander: Commanders oversee all ranks below them and are responsible for coordinating drills and operations within their branch.

8. Vice Captain: Secondary leaders who step in when higher-ranking officers are absent. Vice captains provide support and guidance to lower-ranking members.

9. Captain: The pinnacle of authority within a branch. Captains have complete control over ranks below them and are entrusted with leading squadrons. To attain the rank of captain, individuals must successfully complete the "Honor Test," which evaluates their loyalty, trustworthiness, and honor.

The government hierarchy extends beyond the standard ranks to include prestigious positions reserved for only the most elite and distinguished individuals. These specialized ranks hold immense authority and command respect throughout the realm:

10. Take Out Squad: A formidable team of highly skilled operatives tasked with eliminating powerful threats deemed too dangerous for conventional units to handle.

11. Take Out Captain: The commanding officer of the Take Out Squad, possessing unparalleled tactical prowess and leading the most elite forces in the field.

12. Royal Guard: An esteemed force comprised of knights, rooks, and warriors entrusted with the sacred duty of safeguarding the king of the world. Though they lack direct authority over units, their loyalty and dedication are unmatched.

13. Royal Captain: The esteemed leader of the Royal Guard, responsible for coordinating the protection of the king and ensuring the safety of the realm.

14. The Twenty Royal Mages: Twenty of the world's most formidable mages, entrusted with the protection of the kingdom of Jijilura and wielding unparalleled magical prowess.

15. Supreme Rulers: The pinnacle of authority within each of the government's four central bases, wielding immense power and overseeing all operations within their respective domains.

16. World's Punishment: The ultimate authority within the government, commanding all branches, including the Royal Guard, captains, and Royal Mages. Responsible for enforcing justice and maintaining order throughout the realm.

17. The Four Great Wizards: The most powerful wizards in the world, possessing unmatched magical abilities and serving as invaluable assets to the government.

18. World's Hand: The trusted advisors and confidants of the king, wielding immense influence and serving as the king's right and left hands in matters of state.

19. Royal Family: The esteemed members of the royal lineage, symbolizing the heritage and sovereignty of the world's monarchy.

20. King of the World: Lord Di Lusso, the sovereign ruler of the world, whose word is law and whose authority is absolute. As the pinnacle of power, the king commands the utmost respect and reverence from all who inhabit the realm.

The branches of the government encompass a diverse array of roles and responsibilities, each serving a crucial function in the maintenance and governance of the world. These branches include:

1. Land Force: Comprising police officers, foot soldiers, government spies, and assassins, the Land Force is tasked with maintaining law and order on the ground, as well as safeguarding the interests of the government through covert operations and intelligence gathering.

2. Air Force: Consisting of air fighters and units stationed aboard the World Government space station, the Air Force holds dominion over the skies, ensuring aerial superiority and defending against airborne threats.

3. Law Force: This branch encompasses lawyers, governors, kings, queens, and overall rulers, responsible for interpreting and enforcing the laws of the land, as well as governing territories and upholding the principles of justice and equity.

4. Casual Force: Including teachers, cooks, doctors, and other government-employed professionals, the Casual Force fulfills essential societal roles, providing education, sustenance, and healthcare to the populace.

5. Hero Force: Comprised of superheroes and wardens, the Hero Force stands as a beacon of hope and protection, defending the innocent and combating threats to peace and security with unmatched valor and prowess.

6. Outside Force: Made up of bounty hunters, the Outside Force operates beyond the confines of traditional jurisdiction, tracking down fugitives and enforcing justice across borders and boundaries.

7. Inter-dimensional Force: This branch harnesses the power of government-owned demons, angels, and dimension hoppers, tasked with exploring alternate realities and safeguarding against inter-dimensional threats that may encroach upon the world.

8. Science Force: Populated by scientists and researchers, the Science Force drives innovation and progress, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and technology to advance the interests of the government and benefit society as a whole.

9. Sea Force: The Sea Force encompasses a wide range of maritime activities, including trade boats, marines, and even government-owned pirates. This branch is responsible for maintaining control over the vast expanses of the ocean, facilitating trade and commerce, and protecting maritime interests.

Setchi's keen eyes scanned the scene, sizing up the adversaries before him. "Those guys are foot soldiers, I can tell from their clothes. They aren't ready for this..." he murmured, his voice barely audible over the tension that crackled in the air.

But before he could make a move, a commanding voice sliced through the silence. "Don't move!" barked one of the foot soldiers, his wand held steady, ready to unleash its power.

Gonchung, undeterred by the threat, turned slowly towards them, his movements deliberate and calculated. The foot soldier's command was quickly followed by a barrage of magical fire aimed at the imposing figure before them. Yet, Gonchung moved with an otherworldly grace, effortlessly evading the onslaught as he transformed his arms into mantis forelegs, each slice cutting through the air with deadly precision, cleaving through his attackers with ease.

"And that's why he's a danger to everyone!" declared Oto, his voice resolute as he leapt into action, his focus energy pulsating around him, casting an eerie green glow. With a swift kick, he unleashed a massive blast of energy shaped like a giant foot, hurtling towards Gonchung with unstoppable force. The impact sent Gonchung hurtling backwards, crashing through multiple buildings before the force of the explosion engulfed him.

As the dust settled, Oto landed gracefully on the ground, his movements fluid and graceful as he darted towards Gonchung, his fists clenched with determination. With a powerful blow to the stomach, he brought Gonchung to a sudden halt, his momentum abruptly halted by the force of Oto's strike.

But before Setchi could execute his next move, Gonchung surged forward, seizing him by the face with a vice-like grip. With a savage force, he slammed Setchi into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the earth as Setchi crashed back into the underground cave below. With a desperate struggle, Setchi managed to break free, using the falling debris to propel himself back into the fray, his movements agile and acrobatic as he delivered a swift kick to Gonchung's back.

Gonchung, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, swiftly recovering from the blow and retaliating with a punishing punch that sent Setchi hurtling out of sight. Yet, before Gonchung could even register his victory, a deafening roar echoed through the air as a massive train hurtled towards him, the force of the impact sending him staggering backwards. With a roar of defiance, Gonchung tore the train in half, his eyes scanning the wreckage for any sign of his elusive foe, but finding none.

Setchi's voice rang out with power and determination. "God's Lifting Wings!" he shouted, and in an instant, two ethereal blue wings of magic sprouted from his back. With a burst of energy, he propelled himself into Gonchung, the force of the impact dragging Gonchung out of the cave and up through the earth above.

They emerged from the underground, breaking through the cave ceiling and soaring high into the sky. As they ascended, Setchi's grip did not falter; he continued to carry Gonchung upwards until they were above the clouds, where the air was thin and the world below seemed distant.

High above, amidst the swirling clouds, the battle resumed with ferocity. The two warriors exchanged powerful blows, each strike resonating through the sky. Gonchung, with a roar, managed to land a solid punch, sending Setchi hurtling towards the distant Ferris wheel below.

Meanwhile, inside the Ferris wheel, Dorpai sat with her arms crossed, frustration etched across her face. "They all left me here, alone in the wheel. God, is it so boring!" she muttered to herself, her voice tinged with irritation.

Her boredom was abruptly interrupted by the sounds of chaos outside. Explosions and screams pierced the air, catching her attention. "Something interesting?!" Dorpai exclaimed, her curiosity piqued.

She rushed to the window of her Ferris wheel capsule, pressing her face against the glass. Her eyes widened as she saw people below running in panic, and above them, Setchi and Gonchung locked in fierce combat, their figures a blur of movement against the sky.

Dorpai's smile twisted into something almost sinister as she watched the chaos unfold. "I had no idea Khaya could do all of that! Oh boy, I want to join in so badly!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with manic excitement.

In the sky above, Setchi deftly maneuvered away from the Ferris wheel, his wings beating furiously as he charged back towards Gonchung. Meanwhile, on the ground, Oto was in constant motion. The battle between Setchi and Gonchung had turned the area into a warzone, with debris falling and explosions ringing out. Oto used his focus ability to teleport from place to place, rescuing innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. Each person he saved, he transported to safety outside of Grottalanda, near a train already crowded with evacuees. As he handed a mother her child, he offered a comforting smile. "Stay safe—"

His words were cut short by the sudden appearance of fifty foot soldiers, led by a young man wearing a blue chest plate over a red and black long-sleeved shirt. He had camouflage pants and black boots, and his blue eyes and sarcoline hair stood out. This was Matachi Okaoya, a top unit government foot soldier.

"Are you one of those Negative Point rookies?" Matachi asked, his tone challenging.

"I'm no rookie, bud—" Oto began, but Matachi interrupted him.

"Well, according to your ranks, you are pretty much a rookie," Matachi said with a smirk.

Oto's eyes narrowed. "One Negative Point rookie could definitely wipe your entire squad out."

Matachi grinned wider. "Kahehe, oh, I'm sorry if I sounded like an asshole there. I'm trying to be serious and stuff. I can't even take myself seriously though."

Oto blinked, thrown off balance by Matachi's candidness. "Oh, uh... what are you here to do, help?"

Matachi's expression turned sarcastic. "No, we're here to sell ice cream to birds. We're obviously here to take care of that threat up top."

"That thing is much stronger than you think," Oto warned.

"So I've heard," Matachi replied, his tone more serious. "We're here to test the waters a little more, to see if it has its normal weaknesses. If not, we'll just send one of the great wizards, royal mages, or the world's punishment here to stop it."

Oto shook his head. "We don't need all of that help. My buddy has it all under control."

Matachi's demeanor remained firm. "Well, by world's law, we still must take orders from the boss. If it really was that easy to make government officials go away, the world would be in absolute decay."

"Rhyming?" Oto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It sounded cooler in my head," Matachi admitted before turning to his troops. "Units, prepare the fireball!"

In unison, all fifty soldiers chanted, "Fire Magic: Fireball!"

Above their heads, a massive fireball formed, its size so immense that it dwarfed both the small army and the train, making them look like tiny grains of rice in comparison.

Matachi's command was sharp and decisive. "Shoot it!"

With incredible force and speed, the colossal fireball rocketed towards the top of the cave, its intense heat and bright glow lighting up the sky.

Oto watched, his skepticism evident. "You can't even see what's going on up there. How are you going to accurately hit the thing?"

Matachi's confident grin returned. "I can sense that thing's mana, and using a little bit of mana tracing, I can successfully make the fireball home in on it."

Mana tracing, Oto knew, was an advanced technique that allowed a caster to guide their magic towards an enemy by following their mana signature. A person's mana signature was determined by their mana level, a metric used by professional wizards, mages, and sorcerers to measure magical power through a point system.

This system categorized individuals based on their mana amount: no mana (0 points), small mana (1 point), below average mana (1 point), average mana (2 points), above average mana (4 points), lots of mana (5 points), colossal amount of mana (10 points), near infinite mana (15 points), and infinite mana (30 points). It also considered the type of magic: inanimate mana (0 points), normal mana (1 point), supreme mana (15 points), ultra mana (30 points), dark mana (30 points), divine mana (60 points), and beyond magic (100 points). Additionally, the mana strength of a person was scored: no strength (0 points), very weak (0 points), weak (0 points), weaker than normal (0 points), normal (1 point), stronger than normal (2 points), strong (5 points), powerful (20 points), destructive (30 points), god-like (50 points), near limitless (100 points), and limitless (200 points).

By multiplying these scores, a wizard's total mana level could be calculated. For instance, a wizard like Forrest Guillotine might have a score of 45,000. Those with high mana levels emitted a unique and invisible surge of mana, known as a mana signature, which could be sensed by others. Though not all could sense mana, and learning to do so was challenging, once mastered, it became second nature.

Oto turned to Matachi with a final remark. "Well, just in case you mess up, I'll be up there."

Matachi shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "Do what you want, Negative Point rookie. If all fails, I'll be meeting you up there."

"Good luck surviving," Oto retorted before vanishing into thin air.

High above, the intense battle between Setchi and Gonchung raged on. Setchi noticed the massive fireball approaching Gonchung, but the latter seemed oblivious to the impending danger.

"Where the hell—" Setchi began, his eyes widening.

In a flash, Oto reappeared, grabbing Setchi and teleporting them both to the ground, right beside the Ferris wheel. Just as Gonchung turned to see the approaching fireball, it collided with him, detonating in a colossal explosion that lit up the sky with fiery brilliance.

Setchi watched the spectacle unfold, a frown marring his features. "That was supposed to be my win..."

Oto, standing beside him, shot back, "Instead of worrying about your ego, how about we focus on where the hell Kemonoka and Rukyoi went?"

As the fiery lights cleared, they revealed Gonchung, completely unscathed and still hovering in the air.

Setchi clenched his fists. "I had a feeling he was still alive!"

Oto rolled his eyes. "Weren't you just talking about your win being stolen earlier—"

But before Oto could finish, Setchi leaped back into the sky, determined to continue the fight. "I knew I was going to be the one to have the last laugh!!!"

From the ground, Oto yelled after him, exasperation evident in his voice. "Seriously, Setchi! Stop bullshitting me!"

As Setchi lunged forward to deliver a punch, a new figure materialized above Gonchung. 

"Fire Magic: Fireball!" Matachi yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Matachi raised both hands above his head, summoning a fireball nearly three times the size of the one created by the fifty soldiers. 

Setchi's eyes widened in surprise. "Who the hell—"

Matachi hurled the massive fireball down onto Gonchung, engulfing both Gonchung and Setchi in an explosion that seemed to set the entire sky ablaze. The force of the blast sent Setchi hurtling back to the ground, his body blackened with soot. He crashed heavily beside Oto.

"I probably should have expected that," Oto muttered, shaking his head.

Setchi sprang to his feet, furious. "That bastard! He took my win!"

"I definitely don't think so—" Oto began, but his words trailed off as Gonchung emerged from the smoke, still unscathed. Matachi, now sweating profusely, managed a nervous smile.

"Defensive Magic: Self Barrier!" Matachi shouted, enveloping himself in a green bubble of magic. Gonchung punched through it effortlessly, shattering it instantly.

"Speed Magic: Quick Aura!" Matachi cried out, his body suddenly surrounded by a white magical aura. He zipped behind Gonchung and activated another spell. "Enhancement magic!"

His right hand, now glowing with magical enhancement, struck Gonchung's back, causing him to stagger slightly. But Gonchung quickly recovered, flying back to Matachi and delivering a powerful punch. Matachi tried to block it, but the blow connected squarely with his face, sending him flying out of sight.

Setchi stood up and dusted himself off. "Here goes nothing!" he declared, sprinting towards the Ferris wheel.

Oto watched in disbelief. "What are you thinking of doing?"

"God's work!" Setchi shouted back. With an incredible display of strength, he lifted the entire Ferris wheel above his head. "No sweat!"

Oto's eyes widened in shock. "The Negative Point is going to be paying a lot of bills after EVERYTHING you've done!"

"As long as the government has this threat destroyed, I don't think we will!" Setchi replied confidently. He hurled the Ferris wheel at Gonchung with such force and speed that it seemed almost unreal. 

Gonchung responded by shooting a piercing beam of green acid through the Ferris wheel, melting it into goo before it could reach him. The beam then continued towards Setchi, who narrowly dodged out of its way.

Setchi muttered to himself, "Well, that didn't work... Oto, do you have a plan?" He turned to look for Oto, but Oto was nowhere to be seen. "I guess he did," he muttered, scanning the sky.

High above, Oto positioned himself directly above the flying Gonchung. "Chop Style: Triple Double!" he shouted. Turning his body horizontally, both of his hands began to glow white. He spun through the air, delivering a series of rapid chops to Gonchung. Each hit knocked the creature further down, and Oto's relentless spinning and chopping continued until they both crashed through the roof of the cave, Oto landing a total of thirty strikes.

"Focus—" Oto's fist glowed green, "PUNCH!!!" he bellowed, delivering a powerful punch to Gonchung's stomach. The impact was so forceful that a beam of green focus energy burst out of the other side of Gonchung, propelling the creature into the ground. Setchi quickly jumped back down into the cave.

"Super God Ball—" Setchi shouted, charging blue magic in both of his hands. "Beam!" He fired a massive beam of blue magic, enveloping Gonchung.

"It's over for you!!! We may not know your weakness, but we can still evaporate you off the face of this planet!" Setchi yelled. However, Gonchung stood up amidst Setchi's beam and began walking toward him.

"Dammit, this isn't enough..." Setchi muttered.

"Focus beam!" Oto cried out, directing a beam of green focus energy from the sky onto Gonchung, pinning him down.

"We have him right where we want him," Oto declared.

"In the middle of death's palm!" Setchi added.

Setchi and Oto both screamed, their beams doubling in size. "Now it's time to let it rip! God's Focused L!!!" they shouted in unison. The combined power of their beams evaporated Gonchung, and the resulting explosion obliterated the rest of the cave in a massive swirl of green and blue energy. When the dust settled, all that remained was a giant crater with Setchi and Oto standing at its center.

Setchi took a deep breath and roared, "YOOOOOSHAAAAAA!!!"

Oto, catching his breath, remarked, "We did it! But at the cost of the cave..."

"Where are the others?" Setchi asked.

Oto replied, "Well, I was asking that question, but you were way too focused on this fight."

Meanwhile, Matachi lay sprawled on his back, panting and heavily injured from Gonchung's punch. "Dammit... At least they did it," he murmured.

All fifty soldiers rushed over to him. "Sir, are you okay?" one of them asked.

Matachi groaned, "I'm fine... but the government's wallets won't be. At least this isn't any of my paperwork."