
What is the truth? It's one of the fundamental questions in life. Next to the purpose and such stuff. The real essence however was the truth. The real extract of information. The clear line that put everything together.

The truth was inevitable and strong. The truth could come to light quickly or hide in the shadows never to be seen. The truth was something you could not always see. Something that even nature itself kept hidden so that no one could get more powerful.

The ones who knew the truth became exponentially stronger with every truth they gained. They became beings that surpassed the average. It was like being on the other side of a double sided mirror. Others could only see themselves and their little world. But the one with the truth could see all that was behind and fake and all that was adding to the world.

"And that's why", a pause was added for a dramatic effect "WE are the most powerful among the average! WE know the truth! WE know the bitterness! The others only see their fake little world but we know the extending world!". The hooded figure raised their small arms to the pitch black sky.

The mass around the figure clapped and cheered. They were thrilled to hear such words from their leader. All the frustration that was welling inside them was slowly pouring out becoming more and more addictive.

The figure dramatically bowed in front of the crowd. "Thank you, thank you. I know my words contain such genius".

The crowd now started to laugh. Despite being the leader of such a great and dangerous organization this person had never been anxious or became a megalomanic. Yet the subtleness in their actions was something clever and even more dangerous.

Their words and actions could act like poison that could unwillingly influence you. They seemed carefree yet every action had a purpose. This person was the real reason, why the organization "truth" had become such a dangerous threat.

The bow, the drama - everything was intended to calm the crowd. To calm their sudden uprising so that they would not be discovered. So that they would not suddenly become something untamable.

A smile spread across the hooded figures face. It was insane how many followed willingly. Though it wasn't surprising. Once you tasted the might and the power of the truth you would never be willing to go back. Once you see it and are revealed to the outer world you understand: You can't go back no matter how much they tell you. It was addicting.

Oh it was so ADICCTING! Not to be one of those bottled personalities! Being free and destroying whatever was in your way! A rush of euporia would always kick in while doing this.

"LISTEN!", the hooded figure announced with might. The smile still spread across their face. In their eyes seemed to glow an insane sparkle. "Is this mission legal? NO! We will deviate even more if we do this now! Search patrols, food supplies- EVERYTHING will become harder. But WE, WE know the truth! We can do it together my friends! We can free the innocent lambs in this foul society!", cheers were following the announcements, "We can finally KILL this government!". A laugh followed as the crowd fell silent.

The hooded figure slowly stopped laughing. Looking around they could see people becoming more and more uncomfortable at the usage of the word "kill". The organization wasn't something to dispose and destroy everything. Intentionally it was founded to guide those who are lost.

"My friends", the hooded figure looked around, surprised at the reactions, "My FRIENDS! Do you all believe that we can just act as a guiding star?! Humans are no saints! They are cruel and greedy beings! We cannot let the foulness of the government spread any longer!". Even after those words a few people were still wavering with their decision.

"Would you allow a foul fruit to stay in a basket? NO! It has to be removed immediately! Have you all forgotten what they did to you?! Did you forget the hurt? The wrong they done to you? I did not! I will never forget! If they want me to stay quiet and bottleted up then so be it. But I will not give up without a fight! I will not forgive!", the hooded figure exclaimed.

A mumbling went through the crowd. Once again the words spread like poison influencing even if you didn't want them to. There was no escape. They were looking at each other. Mumbling. Then people slowly started to clap. More and more joined in. The euphoria from before slowly came back.

"This mission my friends, is nothing to joke about!", a sudden silence once again fell over the crowd. It was getting serious now. The hooded figure continued: "It's not legal, who would have guessed-" a few people chuckled "- but it's for the best once again. We all have to focus as well or we could lose one of our own. Stay alert everyone and then this night we will once again gain a step towards our win!".

There was no cheering now. People nodded. Everyone stayed- as ordered- focused. It was a matter of success to net lose anyone. Every single person in the group was crucial for success.

After all the mission wasn't something to take lightly. They advanced further with every attack. Every attack was slowly becoming more difficult as if they were training to take down the big evil guy.

The last time they attacked a government facility. Now they had their eyes set on an information collection building. Rooms that were filled with too many files. Files that were practically screaming to be stolen. To be revealed. But not yet. First they had to steal the important ones and play as if they wanted to destroy them…

This night was the time their operation took place. Tonight was the night the truth would strike once again. Only one day apart from their last mission.