I keep forgetting Kyle has medical training. But now I was starkly reminded of it as a stethoscope moved across my furry body.
How the heck did this happen. I'm supposed to be the cool one who doesn't get injured and looks amazing in the process. But.....I still can't move and its been almost an hour.
"Well your heartbeat and lungs seem normal enough, I don't think you'll have any lasting effects. But uh, maybe be really careful with the skill of yours." Kyle finally withdrew his intrusive metal device.
I glared at him with my ears back and hissed again.
If he makes me purr again I might bite off a finger or two.
"Wow you really are ungrateful, we could of just left you there you know." Ryan was perched on the edge of a couch also in half cat form.
Maybe they are worried I'll attack them, which is a fair concern given how much I'm hissing at them.
I flicked my ears angrily at her.
"Snow's human is a girl right?" Ryan glanced at the blanket covering me.
"Seems like it, similar to you the cat changes, human is probably a girl." Kyle replied.
Suddenly I felt weird, what had they been looking at while I was unconscious exactly!
I didn't think it was possible for my ears to go further back but they did. A low growl escaped my throat followed by a slight cough.
"Hey take it easy there." Kyle reached out a hand which I quickly dodged and hissed again.
"Chill" Ryan glanced at me, "It's not like we haven't all seen each other's cat parts. Its like a Halloween costume not yourself."
I hissed again and tucked the blanket firmly under my body. She had a very valid point, I had not given my snow leopard form clothes, hadn't even considered it until now.
"Well he/she's a lost cause." Ryan replied, "I'm going to go check Cody's place again."
Ryan stood up and headed for the door.
"Wait I'll come no one should be alone." Noah hurried after her.
"What about Kyle?" Ryan glanced at him. "Cal and Camo are already out shopping for food since we all moved here."
"He's got Snow?" Noah glanced hesitantly at me, "Although Snow probably isn't any use in a fight currently."
"Snow probably is the danger." Ryan snorted. "Come on." She grabbed Noah's shirt collar and dragged him after her.
Once they left Kyle got up for a moment.
"You hungry?" He glanced at me.
I glared back at him. I probably can't eat anything, I can't even talk.
"Okay, noted." Kyle left for the kitchen area, or at least where I assumed the kitchen area was.
I couldn't see much from where I was. An old fire place and an L shaped couch, but there was obviously lots of space and rooms behind me.
A few minutes later he returned with a delicious aroma. I felt saliva dripping from my jaw. He had even warmed it up.
He placed the bowl in front of me and I looked at it with mixed feelings. I wanted nothing more than to dunk my head into it, but I also didn't want to become a coughing fool.
The greatest temptation known to cats...warm milk!
He is truly a fiend.
"Relax I didn't poison it." Kyle watched me with a frown.
Ah but that's not my main concern, I thought. If you wanted me dead you would of left me outside.
Kyle sighed picked it up and drank a sip. "See perfectly fine." He set it back down right in front of my twitching nose.
Traitor! I glanced at my nose.
I carefully stuck out my tongue for a small taste.
Oh delicious goodness! Why did I ever doubt! I stuffed my snout into the bowl cleaning it dry a second later.
Swallowing hurt a little, but was more manageable than I originally thought.
I stared at the empty bowl. Then glanced up at Kyle longingly.
Could I maybe, just have, a little, tinny tiny bit more? Please? I had to stop myself from batting my eyelashes.
You like cats right? Cats are cute and adorable, bow down to my whim and bring me more milk!
Kyle smirked slightly and picked up the bowl before retreating.
You know, I think I see why cats like our planet so much.
Kyle brought me another bowl and I devoured it as well. Maybe I should just request the entire gallon? But-
I looked up at him eye suddenly widening. Wait he took a sip out of it first, was this the dumb famed indirect kiss thing!
I coughed weakly looking away. It's a good thing cat's don't turn red.
"Hey you okay?" Kyle was suddenly next to me holding my head and examining me. "Sorry, I thought for sure milk would be fine." He frowned slightly looking at me.
I looked back, he was so close right now. Ah I hate this, I want to go curl up under that blanket.
"Your eyes." He suddenly whispered frowning, then he blinked a few times. "They look so similar, they are practically exact copies." He frowned again then looked at me and a weird look crossed his face. "Wait." He whispered.
I felt him gently turn my head from side to side. What is he doing now?
He frowned again before carefully laying my head back on the pillow.
"Cody?" He whispered his eyes widening.