
Snow Ran Off With Cody

Well I can't say anything so...best policy look very confused???

I tilted my head sideways and raised an eyebrow.

"I can't believe I didn't see it sooner." Kyle let out a half laugh. "You can cut the act, I know you too well for that. Everything suddenly makes so much sense! How you seem to know everything, and that little email trick was a good misdirection. You're following the agent playbook well."

He glanced at me again then frowned, "How the heck did you end up on the destroy team though?"

I just flicked my tail since I couldn't talk. Although my throat was starting to feel better after that milk. Now I was just starting to feel sleepy again instead.

"Yeah fair, we'll talk later. For now just get some sleep." He reached over and started rubbing behind my ear.

Curse it all! That... feels amazing....I purred softly again.

You know what? Whatever, I can claim deliriousness later or amnesia or something. I rested my head on his knee and closed my eyes. It feels kind of nice to just relax for a bit, its been so long, when even was the last time I let my guard down? 

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth and peace of it.


"We're back!"

"Ryan don't be so loud." Kyle called back softly.

"Huh why?"

The sound of footsteps approached.

"Oh you tamed the beast?" Ryan half whispered.

She really is one of the worst sneaky people I know. My ear flicked slightly.

"Sorry I'll try not to wake her."

"Well, pretty sure she's awake again now." Kyle muttered with a sigh.

"Um Kyle, buddy." Noah approached. "I don't normally question your life choices, but we agreed to be careful around certain individuals of unknown intent remember? Why is the murder kitty sleeping on your lap?"

"She's more dangerous than you, you're right." Kyle replied, "But, we can trust her."

"Kyle, Kyle, Kyle." Noah sighed, "Put down the murder kitty. For all you know she ran off with Cody."

"Yep, he did run off with Cody." Kyle replied.

"Wha-" Noah sounded confused. "Why are you holding her or him then?"

"Because, she's important." Kyle replied.

Inside I smirked, now he's just having fun with it. I wonder how long he'll keep it up. Knowing him, maybe another minute.

"Kyle, what do you mean yes Snow ran off with Cody? We've been searching for her for the past 24hours!" Ryan chimed in. "If he knows where she is lets pull his fur out until he or she tells us!"

"No I really wouldn't recommend doing that." Kyle replied. "She might look a bit weird bald and murder you in the process."

"Who cares how weird Snow looks! Where is Cody!" Ryan walk right over in front of me and my ear flicked again and I opened an eye to look up at her.

Should I be happy she's worried about me, or annoyed because of how loud she is?

"Okay cat, where is she!" Ryan stepped on my tail and I let out a hiss, definitely annoyed.

"Ryan STOP!" Kyle glared at her. "Can you both really not see it?"

"See what?" Noah walked around and stared at me. "What are we referring to exactly?"

"Fluffbrain." I hissed and started coughing, that's annoying but I can finally somewhat talk.

"Hey shush!" Kyle put a hand over my muzzle lightly, "Don't damage your throat."

"Kyle! Are you trying to get your hand bitten off! Enough is enough, drop the murder kitty and tell us what you mean by where Cody is!" Noah stared at him like he had gone insane.

"Great catnip!" Ryan took a step back and both Noah and Kyle looked at her. "Um Kyle, pal, did you by chance fall in love with the very deadly murder kitty? I must say that is a very bad decision."

"What!" Noah stared at the both of us. "Good gods no! You aren't serious!" his eyes widened in horror. "I thought you said you weren't ever going to give up on Cody!"

I half chocked and started coughing again, he said what now!

Kyle's hand started rubbing the back of my head, curse it all! and now I'm purring again, in public! Evil! He is pure evil!

"Okay, no this has gone on long enough." Ryan tried to separate Kyle from me shoving me back onto the mat. "Murder kitty, you are leaving, like now!" Ryan glared at me then turned to Kyle, "And we are going to go look for Cody!"

She turned to me, "Go on get lost!" and made a shoo motion with a hand.

I'd love to, but I still can't walk. I'd probably make it five paw steps before collapsing.

"But first where is Cody!" Ryan glared at me, "Do you actually know?"

I mean, yes, I do know? I'm not sure how to answer that? I tilted my head slightly then nodded and saw Kyle smirking at me.

"I don't trust him or her." Ryan stated glaring at me, "Maybe I'll strangle it out of her!" She moved toward me but Kyle stopped her.

"I was really hoping you'd see it after a few minutes." Kyle sighed. "And you call yourself Cody's best friend."

He pointed at me, "You're looking at Cody."

The room went completely silent.

I waited for one of them to move or say something but they kept staring at me with their jaws hanging open.

"Finally you see the resemblance right?" Kyle said satisfied. "We've been looking for 24hrs for what's right in front of us."

I stared at them as they continued to gawk at me. Wow I must of really surprised them. Was it really that Earth shattering of an answer?

I yawned slightly, I'm tired and it's finally quiet again. They can figure out their lives while I take a few more hours of sleep. I dragged the blanket slightly over me and plopped my head down.

Save the questions for later, I need to come up with some answers anyway.

As soon as I can properly talk, I'm going for their milk supply.