
Sleepy Time

I'm wrapped up in even more blankets? No wonder I'm starting to get hot now that the dumb Ice effect is wearing off.

I blinked lazily at the sun streaming in through the windows? Morning? So I've been out what now, a day and a half?

(Hey Snowy, let's never do that again.)


Is the dumb cat still sleeping?


(Furbrained human, what is your problem?)

(You, you are my problem.)

He hissed at me.

(What am I supposed to tell them? Am I allowed to let them know of your revenge?)

(Hmm, I have nothing against the Night, Stripe, or Spot clans. Same with the Cal and Camo, though I haven't interacted with them much. Maybe don't say revenge, just be like, change of heart? Maybe act like I fell in love with humans? That might be a stretch, I need them to still think I'm SnowFall.)

(Well figure it out, or I'm going to tell them everything. What can't you tell them you're SnowShovel instead?)

(Bad human!)

(Fine, SnowBall.)

(Utterly hopeless creature. No, no telling them, I have no idea who might rat me out to the higher ups. Do you want to spend the rest of your days in a cell?)

(I was thinking a nice cat free planet would be nice.)

Darn times up.

"Good morning, how's the throat." Kyle smiled over at me.

"Better." I meowed quietly.

I closed my eyes for a second, I can finally feel the human part of me again. I focused on it slowly feeling the fur disappear from my body.

"Holy! You weren't kidding!"

And the loudmouth is back.

I opened my eyes again, you never know how much you will miss your thumbs until you don't have them for a bit.

"Hi Ryan."

"You're alive!" Ryan knocked me over with a hug.

"Hey would you be careful!" Kyle scolded her.

"The cat didn't actually eat you!"

"No, I'm still me." I replied pushing her off.

I glanced up at a few more pairs of footsteps to see Noah, Oliver and Olivia walking in.

"So biggest question." Kyle and everyone else looked at me. "How the heck did you end up on the destroy team?" He paused then added, "and why hasn't the cat taken you over? Isn't that what they do?"

I shrugged slightly, "Would you believe me if I said an accident and I'm not really supposed to be on it?"

His eye twitched, "No."

"Well it's the truth, sort of." I paused, "But uh, I can't really say much more about it, or my cat might actually eat my brain."

"Invite him out so we can see?" Ryan said, "Oh and we will disconnect as well so he won't feel threatened." A small house cat sized yellow cat with black spots appeared in her lap. "I'll go first, this is Spot! He is fantastic and loves trout best!"


(No, what part of hidden identity don't you get? They would notice in an instance that I'm not SnowFall!)

"Yeah it's not going to happen sorry." I replied, "Snow's big on not leaving. I think he's an introvert."

"Or he has something to hide." Ryan smirked, "Kidding! Sort of."

"He's a cat, of course he has stuff to hide, have you ever met a non-suspicious cat? Our whole planet is full of suspicious cats! and they are all leaving in case the place gets blown up!" I grumbled. "Well then, what are we going to do about it?"

Kyle smirked, "Let me introduce you to our side project, we haven't been doing nothing this whole time." He got up and went to another room and I could hear things being moved about.

"Speaking of which where are we?" I added glancing around.

"Its an apartment area on top of an old church." Ryan replied, "I'll give you a tour later if your up for it?"

I gave a slight nod and checked my phone now that I could access it on my arm case again. Good no world changing things happened while I was out. A part of me was worried half the world would be on fire by now.

I glanced at Cal, "Did you manage to destroy everything?"

"I think so." she replied.

"Good, that should set them back by a few days." I stiffed a yawn, yawning was getting annoying fast.

Kyle returned with a syringe and I flinched. "Oh heck no!" I hissed.

"Relax it isn't for you." He flicked my forehead as he put it back in its case and I glanced in the case.

"What is all of this exactly?" I asked looking at the case full of syringes, questionable substances, and notes.

"Meet my new sleep serum. An injection will knock a cat out until the second one" He motioned to a separate section with blueish liquid, "is given. Just make sure you don't forget to give it."

"What's the third?" I motioned to a last section.

"Uh that's the reject don't touch section, it will put a cat to sleep forever." He replied.

I frowned, "Why the heck are you keeping something like that around? Is it for Pride?"

"No." Kyle replied, "I plan to get rid of it. I just haven't found a safe way to dispose of it yet."

"He should use it on the big murder kitty." Ryan replied with a snort, "He's just too nice to want to kill anyone, Pride could use some sleepy time though." 

I frowned again, "We should get rid of it, feels to problematic to keep around."

Kyle packed them up and put them back, "anyway, I just need a bit more time for testing then we can knock them all out."

"They are murder kitties," I stated using their new favorite phrase apparently, "just shoot them with a dart and be done with it. Preferably before the world ends."

Kyle glared at me, "I'm not killing anyone."

"I thought only the one would kill?"

"Testing Cody, it exists for a reason."

I groaned, why does this feel like an unrealistic goal that is going to get us all killed?

"There is a difference between kill and injure beyond repair or accidental death caused years in the future right?"

