Level up!

[Dungeon Core Leveled to Level 2!]

[New amount of mana 150! New maximum rooms-8! New max amount of mobs-25! Congratulations!]

[Boss Spooky has leveled to level 5! Has gained the skill bloodlust. Spooky has been defeated respawn timer- 8 hours]

[Basic Castyr has evolved into Castyr Ambusher! Castyr ambusher has gained a level! Current level 2! Castyr ambusher has gained the skills- ambush, stealth, sneak attack, backstab!]

[Current unused mobs- Slax, Gilded Geckonian Shaman, level 3]

[Loot obtained- basic health potionx3,basic rationsx3, leather armorx2, chainmail greaves, chainmail gauntlets, poor quality ruby ring, poor quality gold ring, studded leather chestplate, frost iron slavers chainsx2, tamers treatsx7, beast tamers ring of calm, slave masters chains of subjugation, basic crossbow, basic bronze boltsx9]

'Holy....Tilly we're rich!!! Look at all this cool loot they had! We can make so much now!!! Plus I leveled up and have more mana and on top of that Spooky did to as well as the basic Castyr! It even evolved and gained a ton of skills! This is incredible!' I can't help but yell startling both Tilly and Slax as they stare at me. Tilly smiles happily as she rubs the top of my core while Slax stares in confusion before finally letting out a chuckle.

"You truly be a baby dungeon eh? This may well be an adventure unto itself. If you think that junk that those thugs be havin' is grand treasure I cannot wait until you be seeing real adventurers." Slax says as he's reading the list of loot.

'I am not a baby! I am a full grown man....kind of.....anyways now that they're gone our next step is easy, we have to go over the loot, create new mobs, figure out what to do with Slax, and finally its says I can expand so I'm gonna get big!' I say excitedly as Tilly nods in agreement and the geckonian wears a look of uneasiness.

Looking over Slax now that I don't have adventurers I finally have a chance to see him in detail. He stands about a meter and a half tall if that and is fairly thing, almost like a runner's body. He has dull green skin that is smooth and has a slight shine to it with a tail behind him curled like a rams horn. His hands and feet are like a normal persons with no claws but starting from his neck he has golden frills that lead from his shoulders to the top of his head, giving him a very regal appearance. His mouth and nose protrudes out slightly but seems more human than lizard, while his golden eyes shine with energy and curiosity.

"Dungeon Core Kyle, although I have pledged myself to you I'm sorry to say that I'm barely a combatant. As I stated before my knowledge is limited and although I have some magical ability it's more useful as a supporter or a back line unit versus trying to kill or attack head on." Slax says nervously as Tilly glances down on the poor Geckonian as if she's an empress dealing with a pauper.

"Kyle has deemed you of value Slax and if you are to be in this dungeon you will have to put forth some form of effort if you wish to stay. As a named creature of this dungeon and per the standard pact agreement between a dungeon and it's servants you must obey Kyle's demands and protect his core with all of your power as well as your life. Plus even if you do die you'll respawn in this room eventually so I don't see the problem." tilly says coldly as Slax deflates and looks to the ground in despair.

'Easy Tilly! Be nice to Slax didn't you see how they treated him? He's part of our little family now so try to be nicer to him okay? And Slax even though your not a fighter your listed as a shaman which means you have magic! That's awesome and I think you'd be a really strong addition as a wandering boss like Tilly told me about in the past! Just imagine it we have a room full of adorable chubby castyr's lazing around when some big mean bandits show up and start hurting them, then all of a sudden the super needed support wanders into the fight and saves the day with his awe inspiring spells! It would be absolutely epic Slax!' I exclaim excitedly as Tilly's cheeks redden in embarrassment at her scolding while a thoughtful look appears on the geckonian's face.

"That does sound like it could be fun, but you still know nothing of what my skills be like Kyle." Slax says hesitantly as my core glows in happiness at his acceptance.

'Well that's easy! I'll just summon a castyr mob since we need more anyways and you can show us what you got! Use it as a punching bag, even kill it if you want since it'll just respawn. After that we'll set you up and then I have a ton of questions!' I say as Slax nods firmly before a pudgy castyr appears under my core and looks around dumbly. I quickly order the new mob to walk to the wall and let Slax attack it without fighting back.

'Kay Slax it's all set up you can start whenever!' I say as he nods towards me before stepping towards the castyr.

"Spirits of da Unhallowed void hear me prayers and grant this servant the power of shadow! Shadow Visage!" Slax chants ominously as a dark color slides over his skin before it floats of of him like a mist and rushes towards the castyr, entering the beasts mouth and nose before the creature falls unconscious and begins spasming.

Curious of the effect I inspect the castyr and am surprised to see it's health is actually dropping while it has a {Nightmare} debuff. After a few more moments the castyr's eyes slowly open and it looks around before shaking its body like an dog and staring dumbly at Slax. Looking at Slax I notice his green skin has started to turn pale and he seems to be wobbling on his feet.

"Kyle if you haven't noticed that spell almost drained his entire mana pool and that's why he looks in such bad shape. If I'm guessing right you weren't captured while exploring the world but probably kidnapped or sold right from birth so your completely self taught aren't you Slax?" Tilly asks with a hint of admiration in her voice as she flies down and casts a spell on Slax causing his body to perk up and him to take on a more healthy pallor.

"It be true. I be born to a slave woman and man, and even though they have a good master he not be needing a whelp running around, specially after it was proven that I be having the gift for magic. So he sold me off to a noble mans daughter, as a fancy pet but that girl, she be evil. She had the gift too but her talent be stronger than my own, she sealed my mana making it impossible for me to cast. A slave pact forced me to not defend myself and I became a training toy for her, This spell is one she enjoyed using on me every night and eventually I learned it. I also learned a spell that be used to heal wounds which a maid cast on me thrice a day. Last spell I be having is to summon something but I never be using it. It bring a demon to this world and I be knowing that I'm not strong enough to control or kill the beast." Slax explains as he stares at the ground as he body shakes at the memories.

"After I hit me growth spurt I became a grown geckonian, able to slowly break the seal on my mana, but it be taking time and by the time it be broken my mana pool shriveled. The girl became an adventurer and used me as a scout, although it was still slavery I be happier since I can explore the world, but then she be meeting a man outside a bar. Man offered gold for me and she took the deal, several months later and here I be, the man was a bandit with those men, although I be sad the first one be dead. His name be Gunther and he always try to be kind to me, always giving me his treats and tending me wounds. But he were a coward and never try his taming trick on me so not a thing I can do bout his death." Slax finishes as I think for a little bit.

'Tilly if Slax summons that demon can we technically control it since its his?" I ask out of curiosity and watch Tilly's face turn thoughtful before she shakes her head.

"Honestly I have no idea, your tutorial may have an answer if it's still active. Have you tried accessing it further?" She asks as my core goes dimmer in embarrassment.

[Tutorial Information Generated! Subject: Mob Summoning 101- So you have yourself a mob or minion that can summon its own huh? Nifty trick but it can be dangerous so here's what ya need to know Young Dungeon! First if it is a mob that summons these minions they will always be under the dungeon cores control. They will act as if you yourself have summoned them and take on their natural roles, but after all enemies leave the dungeon they will despawn. Also these summons cannot level up or evolve and any experience they would receive for kills or damage is instead given to the mob that summoned them. If it is one of your pacted creatures the rules are different though! The creature summoned will be under its owners command and can level up as well as evolve. If this creature is viscous or an unwieldy creature that's prone to killing the summoner or the summoner has no control over the summon then you as the creatures dungeon can choose the next step. If the summoned creature kills its summoner you may try to form a pact with this more powerful creature, adding it to your dungeons repertoire and gaining a powerful addition. You may also kill this creature and obtain its blueprint, but a killed summon can no longer be summoned after this making it a one time use of the spell. Finally you may choose to put this creature into hibernation causing it to become an item in your storage. This ultimately allows you to wait until its original summoner is strong enough to control it allowing you to have two minions for the price of one! Hopefully this helps and remember Young Dungeon Core to keep growing!]

'So we could summon it but I think for now we should fix the dungeon up and finish adding the mobs and such! As we do that it's time to ask you a ton of stuff Slax!' I say giddily as Tilly puts her face in her palm while shaking her head.

"Oh Kyle....your so excitable but your right lets begin!" She says quietly as she looks down at Slax with a chilling smile.