Class is In Session

"First question that we both have wanted to know is where is our dungeon located? What's the layout of the land outside like and what can we expect?" Tilly asks as my core bobs up and down in agreement. Slax takes a few seconds before walking over to the wall and sliding down it until he's sitting with his legs splayed out in front of him, his castyr target lazily walking next to him and flopping down on his side like a puppy.

"So its true that dungeon s can't see outside of themselves, interesting. Well the area your in is located in a wild area that only outlaws and monsters live. It's called the Fallen Realm of Gotyr, a kingdom that was destroyed hundreds of years ago by an invasion of the undead mixed with a nasty plague. Outside the dungeon are the remains of a town from that era that's infested with several types of undead as well as some shadow goblins and night gnomes. The bandits I was with are a small scouting team that belongs to a large group that inhabit the abandoned castle of the old kingdom after they cleared it of monsters. There is also a Lich or some other higher undead that keeps attacking them and creating the undead that wander the area." Slax explains as Tilly's brows furrow in confusion before she nods her head.

"Ok that sounds vaguely familiar and it's good to know there are monster folk as well as undead nearby, they'll make for some strong mobs if we can lure them inside and get their blueprints. What about the environment, we can see the mist and buildings from the entrance but nothing else and I'm not strong enough to leave the dungeon yet." Tilly says as I remember in the familiar tutorial it said eventually she can go outside, lucky.

"It's depressing to say the least. There be some forests a few miles out but they be of dead or living tree's. Lots of mist but I think that be from the undead or whatever's making them. I heard tell of there being a big lake or the sea to the west but the bandits never brought me so don't know how much truth there be to it. Also various gray or dull colored plants and bushes, a few flowers but not much that's bright. If the sun could be hitting this place I be sure that it would be a farmers paradise but it just be spooky as it is." Slax says with a shake going through his body as he strokes his fingers through the fur of the sleeping castyr as Tilly's face turns thoughtful.

"So we have undead, a few humanoid monsters, little in the way of vegetation, bandits, and a mysterious undead creating creature hiding somewhere. What about dungeons? Any in the area that you know about?" Tilly asks as Slax starts clicking his fingertips into the castyr's fur as it lets out a delighted huff.

"I'm not sure but I be thinking there be an undead dungeon somewhere in the region. Not this many bodies in the area, specially of people so means they be getting summoned or created. Gotta be a big one to since the bandits be scared of a few of the monsters wandering round at night, may be that those beasties be bosses or something similar. Maybe pacted creatures like I be?" Slax guess as Tilly nods her head at the possibility and starts thinking. As Tilly is thinking I start poking around the tutorial and find the section on bosses and pacted creatures.

[Retrieving Information....Complete! Pacted Creatures and Mobile Bosses 101- So your curious about the outside world but obviously can't go there huh? Well don't do anything crazy like trying to get your core outside or it'll kill you! There are ways you just have to be patient and committed! Pacted creatures have more freedom than your home grown mobs! With their intelligence and having a soul(usually) this allows them to leave the dungeon for a varied amount of time. If they go to far from your influence they'll be summoned back and once outside if they spend to long out there they will die permanently so be warned! That being the case they do have benefits! When a pacted creature leaves they will receive a timer, every day they can leave for that amount of time, the stronger the creature the more time they have. While outside they can bring items to their dungeon to be added to your loot list as well luring in living creatures or being used to scout out threats to the dungeon. There is also a skill that allows the dungeon core to insert its soul into a boss creature and be able to do the same. These Bosses are called {Dungeon Boss Exploration Units} or DBEU for short. They to have a timer but it is usually increased and the death of the DBEU results in that boss creature dying permanently while the dungeon soul is expelled back to its core. From there the dungeon will have to remake from scratch a new DBEU. To gain access to this skill a dungeon must reach level## and obtain the achievement {############}. Stay patient Young Dungeon Core and continue growing!]

'It says that pacted creatures can leave to bring us stuff to help me get stronger! Slax can you go outside quick and tell us how long you get?' I ask excitedly at the thought of getting strong enough to make a DBEU and exploring outside under the sun! Now I have my own goal other than to keep getting bigger! I watch as Slax gets up and makes his way towards the entrance as the Castyr follows him up to the hallway leading to the entrance, where it begins to whine and paw at an invisible barrier.

[Pacted creature Slax Level 3 Gilded Geckonian Shaman has left the dungeon! Time to return to your area of influence 20 minutes]

I watch as Slax walks around outside for a couple minutes and crouches down grabbing a few things before he runs back inside the dungeon and to the castyr that's waiting for him. As he makes his way back I glance at what he's holding and I see a flower, a piece of wood, some kind of rock, and a rusty bit of metal. When he finally gets back he's smiling as he sets each item down as I get a loot menu, surprising both me and Tilly!

[Slax has returned to the dungeon with loot! Loot received- Grave flowerx1, Battered Wooden Boardx1, silver coinx1, rubblex1. Several items retrieved not suitable as item drops, added to decorations! New resource found-coinage! Dungeon can now spend mana to create this form of coin as loot!]

"Don't know if anything here be worth anything but I been to one dungeon in the past and it had stuff like stones and grass and such inside. Thought maybe this stuff could be used to decorate? Seems a bit boring in here no offense." says Slax cautiously as Tilly glares at him.

'This is incredible! I can actually spend mana to create rubble and busted up pieces of wood now! It also says I can plant the flowers in my dungeon and adventurers can harvest them with the right skills like loot! Plus we can give out money now as a drop! Doesn't this mean Slax did good by bringing us stuff we can use to draw in more adventurers?" I ask innocently as I watch Tilly's eyes soften a little before she points her nose in the air and snorts childishly.

"Well...yea but I could've done that to Kyle! Just cus he can go outside doesn't make him better than me!" She says somewhat dejectedly to my confusion as my core flares in alarm.

'But there are no favorites Tilly! We're all a family kinda here! I promise once we can go outside we'll definitely go on adventures and stuff and it'll be amazing!' I say reassuringly as I have a strange deja vu feeling, remembering an anime I watched in my old life momentarily.

"Deal! It's a date then Kyle now we just have to get you a body so that means more leveling up!" She says excitedly as I remember something similar happening in a lot of manga. As she chatters excitedly I watch her and Slax relaxing in my core room and a warmness fills my core. In assign the castyr to Slax as his protector since he seems to be treating it like a pet and wait a few hours as everyone relaxes before I make a new announcement.

'Okay guys! Since Slax can leave the dungeon its time to do something I love! We're gonna go fishing!!!' I exclaim excitedly as Tilly looks at me with confusion while Slax smiles in anticipation.