The Abyss looks back

I track the demon as it walks through the first floor while inspecting things randomly throughout the first room. It bends over and lifts a castyr from within a shrub near its leg and turns it to either side before petting its head and setting it back down. The demon actually avoids the room with spooky and continues to explore the other rooms while continuing to pet or prod the random creatures, finding the hiding mobs without any effort. Finally the demon makes its way to Spooky's boss room where the oversized wolfish castyr stands defensively, a growl coming from the back of its throat in warning.

"My aren't you interesting! Your definitely dungeon born but you've developed a soul, and a rare breed of those adorable little creatures outside as well! Oh stop your growling I promise not to cause you or your master any harm, I'm just checking things out before meeting with it so I can see what we have to work with. Now lets have a spar so I can see your skills." The demon says calmly before it waves its hand towards Spooky and a small dart flies towards him.

"What...Spar...Gah!?!" growls out Spooky as the dart turns in the air and hits him from behind, a dark flame exploding out and burning him slightly but doing minimal damage.

"Your body is thin, lithe, agile even which means you focus on speed. But your not focused enough on your opponents. In a fight you should only stop moving when your prey is dead or mortally wounded. Don't focus on large amounts of damage but small attacks that build up over time. I can sense you have some form of venom in you and the scent of blood is strong meaning you have a bloodlust skill forming. Lead with attacks that have no poison that way they assume your just a speed type. Once they make assumptions you already won, use your poison with bloodlust and target the mid tier fighters in the back. Now excuse me young one I have another floor to view." Explains the demon politely as Spooky sits down halfway through it's speech and begins memorizing the strategy for its next attempt at a party.

As the demon makes its way to the second floor I sigh as I watch the newest prompt fade away right when it reaches the pseudo village entrance.

{A Higher Being has used the legendary rank skill Flame of Knowledge! Dungeon unable to counter spell! All information about dungeon boss Spooky has been learned!}

'Tilly what should we do? This thing seems way stronger than anything in the dungeon and it seems to be just looking through what we have." I ask nervously while watching the demon pinch one of the night gnomes cheeks and giggle at an abyss snake that's poking its head through a floorboard.

"Well...technically it's a summon under Slax's control so it can't technically do anything to us. But it's also an ancient power with an X rank rating so it could probably overpower the summoning magic and our dungeon magic if it wanted to. Lets just be polite and hope it doesn't eat us?" Tilly says in the most unsure voice I've ever heard from her as we see the demon walk into the boss room of Shank and approach him.

"Shadow Goblin, filthy creatures. The gnomes are at least civilized to an extent but these beasts are just feral and greedy little bastards. This ones dungeon born as well but lacks a soul or sentience. Just a semi strong meat puppet but its to be expected at your level. I happen to have a useful blueprint from way back that could fix this though so no worries. Now if I remember correctly the core is usually hidden behind the last room!" the demon mutters as it taps the wall that hides the hall to the core room. As it smiles and walks inside it stops momentarily and turns down the hall before stopping behind the two remaining zombies that continue to dig downwards to create a new room.

"Hah! Now that's an idea I haven't seen in a while. Plus these zombies are starting to grow souls as well and they seem to have absorbed some other undead causing them to strengthen. I'd keep an eye on these two, they might become something useful in the future." the demon says in acknowledgement of the two undead before finally backtracking and entering my core room, its eyes lighting up as it stares at my glowing core while Tilly pokes her head out from beside me.

"It's finally a pleasure to lay my eyes upon you Dungeon Core. I've felt your eyes on me this entire time so its only fair that I get a chance to inspect you as well but first I require a name to call you by." It says calmly with a hint of playfulness in its voice before I prepare myself and try to relax.

'My name is Kyle and this is my familiar and friend Tilly. Against the wall passed out is our human friend Iron and one of my pacted Tyr whom I believe you saved, thank you for that as well as bringing the lanyo to me to become a pacted creature. It will be a huge help. Now who are you and what exactly are you after now that you've been summoned?' I ask as politely as possible as the demon nods once before it seems to float before sitting in the air.

"Nice to meet you Dungeon Core Kyle. My name is usually dependent on the time period but just seeing outside I can tell its been a few thousand years since I last came to this world. So I think I'll take the name Emi for now. Also I know my species can be somewhat confusing to address but I prefer to embrace my feminine side more so you may treat me as a woman. As for my goals I just wish to be able to explore this world, meet people, eat great food and mate with various creatures to maybe create new ones. I am under your control and if needed I'll help fight for you but honestly I'd rather be in an advisory role unless we're threatened. Also as is customary of the summoning accords, any creature summoned to a dungeon by a pacted creature should have some form of gift so you may have this since it's useless to me." Says Eri as she pulls a rolled scroll from her inventory and places it on the ground before it dissolves and a new prompt appears.

{New Room Blueprint Obtained! Species Research Lab is now able to be built! Room blueprint is for the use of dungeon mobs/bosses only and may only be put in an area outside the open dungeon. Room requires a mob/boss that is sentient and has an intelligence or wisdom based class as its leader to be operational! For more information please read Dungeon Room Tutorial!}