Dungeoneering 101

After watching the lanyo leave I focus back onto the various parties entering and notice a familiar face among the groups. Concentrating I finally realize its that assassin woman that came to make the pact before but this time she's leading a group of young people with barely any gear.

'Hey Tilly look here, its the woman from before but she's got a bunch of kids with her. Should we be worried? She was really strong last time and we haven't grown much, plus Banshee is still respawning and has another eight hours.' I ask nervously while eyeing the daunting assassin.

"I don't think so. Those look more like teenagers than children so most likely she's running them through our dungeon as a school lesson. Kind of like training them for the future almost. These guys are probably the talented of the youths in the bandit village so she's giving them hands on experience while also staying nearby to watch over them. Probably no deaths from them but we can watch and see how they do, they might be worth investing in for the future in case the bandits break apart." Tilly says as we watch the group of five enter the first room and look around in amazement.

-------------------------------------Party Perspective------------------------------------------------------

'I hate drawing the short damn straw and having to babysit these pukes. Much rather be hunting that damn troll boss out in the wastes, yea he respawns after death but the poison and weapons he drops are worth the effort. Oh well lets figure out who we have.' I can't help but think as I glare at the four teens in front of me, their eyes gawking around them with no sense of self preservation.

"Stand at attention you idiots! This is a dungeon not a damn flower park, at any time a mob or trap could be sprung taking your life or those of your comrades. Now, My name is Anissa Yiogh or more commonly known as the Shade. I'm your babysitter so if you follow my orders you'll survive. The only time I will get involved is if there are enemies to difficult for you to face as well as when you attempt the boss. Now lets move out, your to stay together and I'll be watching." I say with a smirk as I activate my true stealth abilities and make myself fade into the background.

Watching the group of four I can't hold much hope for any of them. There's a boy who's more fat than muscle thats squeezed himself into some chainmail and has a rough spear made for himself. Next to fatty is a tiny girl with a long braid going down her back, Very thin and barely any curves to her means she's probably just hit thirteen if she's lucky. She's holding a carved wooden staff with a sloppy icon of Misaya the goddess of healing winds so she's probably a light magic user of some kind. Theres another girl beside her that's twice her height so probably around six feet and some change, hairs almost clean shaven and she wears tight armor across her body except her large chest. I can barely see a small wooden buckler on her hip and a stone sword that'll do more clubbing than stabbing. Finally we have their illustrious leader, looking to be a teenage dwarf male with the makings of some actual stubble on his chin and wild red hair that looks like its never been in the presence of a comb. Strangely he wears leather instead of the normal plate that dwarves enjoy and he seems to be dual wielding hatchets instead of an actual axe.

"Kay everybody we need to stick together! I heard one of the guys at the chow tent say the monsters here were tough but easily taken down with teamwork. I'll watch for traps and sneak around while Hilda takes the front and tanks. Chunk, we need you to stay behind her and stab the bad things while Jenny heals and buffs us. Now lets go!" Shouts the dwarf as the group carefully make their way through the forested first room and find themselves in front of the first of their enemies.

"I got this Elrick, you try to circle around while we take it out. It's just a castyr so shouldn't be to hard." Says the tall one as the dwarf nods and enters a basic stealth technique. Interesting, a dwarf rouge at his age, maybe these scrubs do have some talent.

I watch as the tall girl charges towards the castyr while screaming a hilarious war cry, her sword high over her head as both the fatty and the little girl charge after her screaming as well. I can't help but let out a laugh as the castyr jumps up, startled, before letting out an angry chuff and charging towards the group with its head tilted down for a headbutt. The tall girl closes her eyes before swinging downwards as the castyr easily dodges the blow and aims itself at the fatty, its thick skull ploughing into the jiggling man child and throwing him to the ground with a loud oof. The young girl with a staff watches with horror on her face before she screams and swings her staff into the castyr's head, the spiky symbol on the top of the wood stabbing into the castyr's eye as it begins chuffing and growling in pain. Shaking my head in disbelief I leave the trio behind as I come across the young dwarf cleaning his blades off on the body of a blighted castyr, the beast having a large gash running across its throat as well as several stabs against its eyes.

"Young one, I'm impressed you were able to solo this creature which means you have skill. Your friends are struggling though, lesson number one of dungeons is you don't split the party. Go before they're dead." I whisper from behind him as he jumps in fear before dashing through the brush to help his friends. As I stalk behind the dwarven rouge I watch as he leaps from the bushes with both his daggers held with the blades facing downwards, the blades piercing into the castyr's back as it rears back and tries to run before a spear lances through its throat and a stone sword bashes it onto its side. Sighing I can't help but remember my starting years as the group loot the body and the dwarf begins yelling at his group.