Choices and Caretakers

'I'm choosing two for myself right off the bat guys just a heads up.' I say confidently as I select the Screaming Memer and Hammer Time! skills. After I select the abilities I feel an intense pain blossom in my mind as a vein of bright green appears in the center of my core.

"Hah! Next time don't rush into it! Everyone knows when you learn mind magic or mental magic your usually hit with a huge migraine and sometimes even pass out. That being said at least those skills will come in handy. Crazy adventurers wandering around will be funny to watch at the least and with five new bosses that are craftsmen we can actually start building some stuff for our people. Now ask your questions Kyle, we still have 3 choices left." Tilly says as she pats my core with a humored smile while the pain slowly ebbs away.

'I really want a mimic Tilly, but we already have a bunch of bosses now so I don't know if its useful. The teleporting one is funny but that's about it and the one that lets you talk to stuff could be good but you never leave the dungeon. Baby Boom would be really helpful and I'm leaning towards being able to mine, if one of our bosses become a smith or something we'd have easy access to material. As for the other choice I don't know if I want to be inside of a golem. Yea it'd be great for defending myself but it only activates when I'm in danger, which means I have no practice using it for even simple stuff. I kind of want to get a second familiar though.' I say questioningly as i watch Tilly's face for any sign of depression or betrayal.

"Don't worry about Miss Tilly's reaction dear. She may be hurt that you want another partner but in all honesty it's not a bad idea. Tilly is an excellent familiar but she's still new and your very naïve. If you could find a creature that's willing to sign the contract and that has the knowledge and experience to help you both grow it would be wonderful for all of us here. Your other choices are also sound but I don't agree with the baby boom option. Yes it could give us an advantage but you've been here for several months now and already have an overloaded roster. Your in a position to grow quickly but until you have at least a few more floors I say avoid that. Get the mimic if you want it, I've seen them in action before and they are experts at getting you easy experience and loot. Plus it comes with a shapeshifting skill to an extent meaning it can be moved and hidden anywhere." Emi says professionally as Tilly nods her head in acceptance before sniffling once and smiling.

"Just no bugs kay? Insect dungeons and familiars are kind of creepy. I also agree with Em, you need to get bigger before trying to make your own population. Get the ore, mimics, and familiar this time. I've been studying the walkthrough things we get and it mentioned that you'll get options to gain skills every time you reach a milestone. First is level 5, then 10, then 20 and so on until 100. At that point you get some kind of choice that affects us all but what I have no clue what it is cus its locked." Tilly says as I nod and make my choices. After selecting the last skill I feel a pulse in my core before a large orb appears before my core, its shell resembling a pearl but with small ridges and bumps.

"Dungeon, Undead and beasts. primal....Creator! Interesting. Three floors, one inactive. Yes I can dwell here comfortably. Hello I am Guzzle. You are my core. I shall place myself someplace and wait for my prey. I will try not to disturb your minions or bosses my lord. Excuse me." Whispers a gentle voice from the orb as several yellow eyes open around it, the ridges slowly expanding outwards as several chitinous claws clack across the ground while four barbed tentacles hover above the orb.

{Species-Greater Mimic Boss Grade-C Description- Everyone thinks mimics are just creatures of magic, that they have no true form and can only copy what they've seen. How wrong they are! Mimic's are an otherworldly species created by the Twin gods of Dungeons themselves! Beautiful while stationary, they resemble the most prized jewels and riches of the world until they decide to end their rest. Insectile limbs and strange body structures, the mimics themselves are horrifying to behold. Only those schooled to mastery in magic and dungeon cores usually witness these creatures true forms. Upon entering a new world they will change their body structure to a copy of an object they see, but each mimics story ends the same way sadly. Adventurers always go down with a crunch.}

'So.....I thought it would be like a golem. And why did it sound like a really proper lady?' I ask as everyone else shrugs before motioning me on to my next task.

'Activate Hammer Time!' I say out loud as a list of my dungeon inhabitants crashes into my mind. After several minutes of moaning and trying to adjust I finally manage to pull up the three creatures I had in mind for this skill. Summoning the three we wait for several minutes before shuffling can be heard from the hallway, the scent of dried soil and decay traveling into the room as both worker zombies enter, followed by the lone scritcher mage.

'You three I have chosen to become defenders of my core and caretakers of our community. You shall be promoted to the same level as our other bosses but you will only be expected to fight if I am personally in danger or if you choose to. Prepare yourselves.' I say seriously as the scritchers face lights up in surprise while both undead look to each other in confusion before moaning dryly.

The skill activates and first enters the scritcher mage, his body growing taller and thinner as wiry muscle tightens across his body. Strange grey hair begins to sprout from his head before flowing to his neck, glowing red streaks scattered throughout it. The half starved creatures face fills in slightly as its eyes shine with intelligence before it finally stops growing and drops to the ground panting and covered in cold sweat.

{New Boss Created! Boss Name- Narghal The Weaver Boss Grade- E Description- Narghal was always laughed at for his love of knowledge. The Despot though saw his true worth, for magic is more powerful than brute strength. Taking Narghal under his wing the Despot made sure to keep him close and protected until the day of their enslavement. But instead of cruelty and sadism their captor showed them kindness, gave them a home, and granted them safety. Now Narghal has been called upon to show his worth to his peers as a caretaker to their new master, and he will make any who stand in his way fade into the void.} {Boss creature may choose a crafting profession! Narghal has chosen the profession- Enchanting/Runemaking!}