The Chief Concern

{Enemy Boss Creature Defeated! Creature Blueprint Obtained! Species-Spirit Troll Description- Spirit trolls are rare and cunningly violent creatures. Not quite undead, they are created by absorbing large amounts of pure soul energy or eating the souls of their prey. While most trolls are predatory and hunt their chosen prey from the shadows, spirit trolls are more lax in their ability to obtain food. They will most often times find weaker creatures of the undead or less enjoyable species become their overlord and leader, forcing them to hunt for it or even using its new minions for sustenance. These beasts in combat have heightened reflexes and abilities as well as control over a wide array of illusion and stealth magic. Combined with their increased regeneration and higher pain endurance these creatures are a viscous opponent unless mobbed with attackers.}

"My lord, the troll was absolutely divine, thank you for the meal." Whispers Gullet elegantly as she enters the core room on her multitude of legs, the dilapidated chest she once wore now seeming to be made of a dark polished wood carved with beautiful scenes of battle.

'Your chest is beautiful Gullet. I take it you've advanced?' I ask as the mimic preens at the compliment while nodding happily.

"Both of you stop relaxing, we still have company and this time it might not be easy." Tilly says as Sarah and her party enter the mouth of the dungeon followed by a multitude of creatures. Before I can even try respawning my mobs I'm overwhelmed with a litany of pacts being shouted at me en masse.

"Shit, Tilly you concentrate on helping Kyle filter the new creatures, I'll try to start leading them to the housing area and grab the leaders and Sarah to meet back here!" Emi shouts as she blinks away, her form reappearing in the room Sarah and her group just entered.

After several minutes of arguing, growling, and anxiety several large creatures enter the core room lead by the forms of Emi, Sarah, and Iron. Watching the new creatures, Kyle smiles internally noticing that each of the five of them can classify as a boss creature or close enough in power to one.

"Lord Dungeon, My name is Tobias and I bow to your generosity in both freeing us and offering shelter. If it would please you I would introduce my compatriots for your inspection." The large winged creature with skin the color of granite speaks gently as I accept his proposal and reread his info that Sarah sent over. Glancing over the three other creatures with him I inspect each one and smile at their descriptions.

{Name-Eustace Vinespine Species-Ancient Deathbark Treant Description-Eustace has been alive since the grandfathers of the ancient king Zod of Gotyr. As a sapling his lumber was light yet strong, his leaves providing shade and shelter to those in need, but as time went on and the land became dark his form followed suit. His bark turned the color of ash, and his foliage wilted and drifted away. Through it all Eustace kept his mindset and tended to his wards, the wizened old man acting as both defender and caretaker to the few remaining plant folk until his eventual defeat and enslavement by Bertram the Butcher.}

{Name-Lafey Species-Banshee Description-Lafey was once a beautiful songstress who traveled with one of Gotyr's most loved bards. Her voice rode upon his melodies in such ways that even the gods wept tears of joy at their beauty. Sadly her voice could not save her from her partners jealousy when offered a contract to travel the planes to perform. After reading the already signed contract, the bard slit Lafey's throat in her sleep and fled into the night, but her spirit raged at the injustice inflicted upon her. As her body withered away, her wraith grew stronger with resentment before bellowing a scream that swept through the ruins of the town, killing undead and living alike. As she moved outside to inspect her surroundings a stitched up man held a crystal to her, the gem sucking her into it like a prison as Stein smiled in satisfaction and took her back to camp.}

{Name-None Boss Rank-C Description-This creature is a species of slime that learns as it eats. Once its eaten a person or creature it absorbs that beings knowledge until it becomes fully sentient. Once sentient it can choose to create a humanoid form that relays information back to the main body, allowing it to travel the world and forever absorb new knowledge.}

"Yes thank you young Dungeon for taking in this elder and my charges. We may not be much for fighting but as I've noticed the signs of a grovemaster, I believe we can make many changes here and help each other prosper." Says Eustace in the voice of a kindly grandfather as he bows his head.

"We're here because we had no choice. I wish to wail at those fools until their brains leak from their heads like putty. But...we've pacted to you...and I've seen what that freak of a death dungeon does to its people. They go in as normal creatures or undead and come out insane and monstrous. Allow me to have a stage and get my vengeance and it'll do." Mutters the banshee depressingly, her voice resonating with hatred and shame.

"Grrgle Grrrrrrg Gah!" squelches the slime creature, its body as tall as an average man and as wide as a cow. Its slime shines a crimson red while several bones and a dagger float inside of it.

"We've been calling him Sticky! He's cute in a weird gross way! Oh and hi Kyle! Hi Tilly! I brought you guys friends! Also the big boss bandit might be coming this way and from what everyone says, he might be a monster so.....maybe eat his face?" Giggles Sarah as Tilly flies down and starts checking her for injuries.

'Its a pleasure to meet the four of you. We have rules here but those can wait since I can see the enemies approaching. Your pacts mean that if you fall here, as long as I live so will you. Lets finish this fight then plan for the dungeon.' I say happily as the first of the new group enter, my smile fading as Anissa walks through my entrance followed by a mountain of a man.