Big Boy's Don't Die

"Nis, why aren't the basic mobs out and about. We've broken an oath to the gods so this thing can defend itself." Growls the large man as he finally fully enters the first room, his girth barely passing the entrance. The rest of the bandit group flinch as he speaks, all except Anissa and Stein.

"Simple Bert, another big group came through. Apparently it happens during dungeon wars, a group of enemy bosses run through and wipe out the mobs and it takes time to respawn them. Means easier access to the core." Anissa replies in a huff, her annoyance lost on the large man.

"Let's get going then, might be able to recover our living property if we move fast enough." Growls Bert as he shoves his way to the front of the group and begins marching towards the second floor stairs.


{Name-Bertram Titaneater Known Alias's- Bert the Butcher, Bandit Lord of the Shadowplains, Spleeneater, Baby Baby Boom Boom Status-Kill on Sight for actions against several gods. Quest completer will gain control of all Minions, properties, land, and wealth owned by victim. All minions will be magically forced into servitude, any who attempt to leave without warning or attempt any betrayal against new leader shall receive a "gift" from the gods. Good hunting young Dungeon!}

"So....anybody understand what this deal means? I mean he's not a monster so why are we getting prompted?" I ask in confusion as Tobias and Emi step forward in sync.

"Lord, usually if a single being causes enough trouble for certain entities they can put an open bounty on that being. If they come into contact with blessed creatures like paladins or warlocks or any other class thats god blessed they are alerted and rewarded for removing a pain in the ass to the gods." Tobias says as Emi nods along and motions for him to relax.

"What Tobias says is true but a little known fact is that all dungeons are blessed and watched over by the dungeon god twins Kjal and Elswen. Many Dungeon also have patrons from various monster gods, weapon gods, and other divine beings depending on their loot and the mobs they use. Since you are a dungeon and he entered your domain you'll gain extra rewards for killing him. But he's fairly powerful so I recommend getting all new combatants and bosses prepped. Shame we can't summon Gorask again since he left the region on that hunt but with these new bosses I think we should be fine." Emi says thoughtfully as the four new boss creatures in the room nod with determination, and a squelch of slime, and begin preparing for combat.


"Hah! Childs play!" Roars Bertram as he splits a scritcher down the center, his axe getting stuck in the ground. Laughing the giant of a man trundles towards the room coated in blood and smiles at the treasure chest in the corner.

"Free loot or free experience! Woo!" Shouts the bandit lord as he brings his foot down in a savage stomp, a shriek of pain coming from Guzzle before Bertram unleashes a savage flurry of blows that decimate the mimic.

"Bertram, we need to keep moving. Stop playing with the miniboss and finish this." Anissa whispers in frustration as she slits the throat of a dying bandit, his legs torn to shreds by the young mimics disguised as broken furniture.

"But we might as well get as much loot as possible for when we kill this thing. or do you think we can enslave it? I mean it's technically intelligent right?" Bertram murmurs as Stein just shakes his head in sadness and glares at Anissa.

"Less talk more getting through this boss, if we clear it all we risk exhausting ourselves. Nobody ever came back from this floor so we have no clue what's down here." Anissa says as the remaining bandits nod and follow after her. Bertram frowns but follows along with Stein lagging behind, a soft green glow filling the room before the stitched man rushes after his group.


"He beat Guzzle to death singlehandedly Kyle! How are we supposed to kill him? And he has the ninja lady and that weird caster with the sewn shut mouth! We need to abandon the dungeon and maybe get your crystal to a new place, somewhere safe!" Babbles Tilly after watching the brutal death of Guzzle, her voice cracking in worry as she watches the group move swiftly through the maze. As they come across a scritcher warrior the poor beast is instantly put down before they rush over its corpse in the direction it came from.

'No worries hun. If they beat the boss I can move my core into the housing area and force them to dig through the walls. We can turn the core room into a boss stage and have all the new mobs and any extra firepower attack them at once and nuke them. If that dosen't work we keep Fraz and Emi with us as a last line of defense since they're our most powerful.' I say calmly as I watch the group barrel through a group of scritchers and into a small graveyard with the wriaths inside it.

"No worries dude. I'll fight these guys for ya since this is a last resort kinda deal. Also I got ya a surprise my man!" Fraz drawls as a mastiff sized panther crawls out of the shadows, its spongy hide shining in the cavelight as it glares at the entrance. Behind the panthercap waddles a duo of strange humanoid mushrooms, each a pale white with a bulbous cap on their heads and stone mallets in hand.

{Species- Spore Servant(Hammer Spore) Description- Small button esque mushroom creatures, these beings are created with the basic skills of using hammers to build and battle. Very rarely found, they can grow to humanoid proportions and learn to smith or become strong warriors.}

'Sweet! Hopefully they'll be able to help out. Battle stations everyone, boss battle in a few more minutes!' I yell as I watch all the new faces begin darting around stressfully as I nod along at the screen and wails of defeated scritchers.