
In the hospital...

Elena was still inside Ban's room. She is now glancing at Ban's school bag from time to time.

She was eager to check his phone and investigate the content inside. Her mind was having wild thoughts. ' What if he took a picture at my underwear at that time? What if he did something weird to those things? What if.. W-What if he peep at me while I'm b-bathing? ' Her face turned hotter by the second.

She fanned her face with her hands to cool her wild emotions.

Elena's face was still red so she opened the window to have some cool air. After a while she turned the TV on with zero volume to let out some distraction.

Not a minute later, the door opened and the person entered the room with some things. Sienna was doing her things while she did not notice Elena sitting a little behind from her while Elena was looking at her back silently.

" Little Sister. " Elena called.

" Ay! Putaragis! " Sienna suddenly startled and let out some weird curse. The thermometer flew out from her hand then drop on the floor.

Elena giggled then walk towards Sienna. Sienna glanced at the culprit then said in a surprised voice " Big Sis? ".

Elena picked the thermometer from the floor then hugged her little sister gently. She said " You always focused on your work even when you are young. I told you not to often drink coffee. You are like a cat seeng a cucumber "

Still confused, Sienna asked " What are you doing here Big Sis? "

Elena passed the thermometer to Sienna then she directed her gaze to the resting Ban then said " I was visiting my student here to check his condition. "

Sienna relaxed her tense shoulder then she hug Elena " You scared me there Big Sis. I was so focused on my job that I did not noticed there was other people inside. "

" If your father was not the Head of this hospital then you might lose your job. You might not even pass this job if you are that clumsy. " Elena scolded gently.

Sienna giggled at her scoldings as if it is natural. She said " I'm only doing minor jobs like monitoring the patients and taking their temperature status. I'm only working here to help my Dad. Besides, Big Sis was also the same. Thinking about your students if your temper suddenly becomes at the peak, I really want to see their expressions when you shout like a lio- "

Elena covered Sienna's lips before she could finish her words.

The Blushing Elena said " Okay thats enough. Your making me recall the embarrassing me back then. That is why I chose the teacher job to hone my temper. "

Sienna recalled something and stared at Elena weirdly " Really? " She tried not to laugh and maintain a confusing expression but failed. she continued " This morning, my colleague told me someone in the lobby was cursing to kill someone. Don't tell me.. "

Sienna didn't hold back this time and burst out laughing while clutching her stomach. Her voice was so good even though she was laughing hard.

Elena was covering her face while blushing up to her ears. Thinking ' It's all that sneaky brats fault. '

She pinched her little sister's cheek to make her laughing stop.

The two sisters were chatting and having some good reunion.

If Ban was awake he would scold them from making so much noise.

Elena's stepmother, Lara Mist was the classmate and also bestfriend of Sienna's mother, Lily Smith. They were Senior High School's 'Twin Enchantress' back then.

Sienna's mother was here in Angeles City while Elena's stepmom were in Capital City. They still have connections and meet each other sometimes. Elena met the little Sienna back then when they were kids and became sworn sisters.

" How are your parents? " Elena ask.

Sienna cuddled Elena, while her face was in the latters bossom. Sienna shook her head to feel her Big Sis' ripe melons. If Ban saw this scene, his nose would bleed such vulgar scene and thought ' Oh my freaking Ghad! The legendary ' L ' play. ' Unfortunately for him, he was in a deep sleep right now.

" They're fine. They were busy these days especially mother since she was the City Vice Mayor. Some mysterious incident were happening lately. People aging at teens were mysteriously missing these days. My mom was so busy that she seldom go home to rest. " Sienna replied. She was still in her sister's arms.

" You're a lady now. Don't be so clingy like a little child. " Elena patted her little sister's head and continued " What's the news about your missing fiance? "

Sienna pouted and replied silently " Still the same. Oh right Big Sis, we promised to each other that we both like the same person and make him our husband. "

"That was when we were young. Besides I also have a fiance remember? " Elena replied as she pinched Sienna's bubbly cheeks.

" HoHo I remembered somebody ran away from home in order to avoid her fiance. " Sienna's eyes turned playful as she teased Elena. Sienna continued " I also don't like your fiance Big Sis so I'm still searching for my fiance Hehe. "

In this era. Human population was imbalanced. Female's ratio was 10:1 of that on Male. So they were open on having 2 or more wives.

Some were in favor while others not. In the end, the government decided to make a law that is a man can have 2 or more wives as long as they can make them feed them well. The government doesn't like the view of women making rampage on streets saying ' We want a Husband! ' in a banner and wave it in a manly way.

Sienna and Elena's situation were different from others. They were betrothed by their parents to powerful clans in order to gain a backer or strenghten their footing on their current power.

Elena was not satisfied by her parent's arrangement while Sienna was still observing. They don't know whom their fate will end up.

" I just want to be independent. I don't want my parents to decides on my fate. I want to find my own happiness. " Elena said seriously.

" I second to that Big Sis! I only want to be with Big Sis when she find her happiness. " Sienna's hopeful eyes were staring deeply at Elena's.

Elena hug her little sister gently.

" We leave that to the future. Right, What was it again the name of your fiance? I'll help you find him. " Elena enquired.

Sienna's eyes dimmed a little and said " He was missing years ago. He was from the Capital's Watson family, his name was Dave. "

Elena consoled her little sister " Don't worry little sis, we can find him. I'll ask for my brother for help. "

Sienna's eyes shined and then a little conflicted inside. She said " If I like him, promise me Big Sis to let me meet you with him and dont refuse. At the very least get to know him. " She look at Sienna with puppy eyes.

" I don't do promises but I still want to meet him regardless. I just dont want my little sister get wronged. " Elena kissed her little sister's forehead and said warmly.

" Enough with this husband thing. I want to know my student's situation. How did it happen? " Elena changed the topic and glanced at the mummy-like Ban.

Sienna also returned to her professional expression and narrated " My father told me his situation. The patient got hit into a truck in the middle of the road. The impact was said to be worse as it describe. You can see his appearance right now. The policemen came here yesterday to investigate the condition of the patient. They said that there was some foul play during the accident. According to their initial investigation, someone kick him to the road and got hit by the truck. They also find that the truck was stolen nearby. The police was still searching for clues and checking the traffic cameras. "

Elena said seriously " If this was really a plot to kill my student, then theres someone behind those people who cripple Ban. I will call my Big brother to assist in the case. "

" But your Big brother was busy in military. Will he have time for a regular student? " Sienna replied.

Elena said confidently " He will. He doted on me and my little sister Eliza the most. "

A/N : Elena & Eliza were sisters with same mother.

" Alright, let's stop our talk for now as I will head back to Inform Ban's relatives and his work about his condition. " Elena bid her goodbyes to Sienna.

" I'll come by tomorrow everning. " she continued as she hugged Sienna.

Sienna also hug her sister " Okay Big Sis, I'll wait tomorrow "


Evening 7 pm...

Sienna was at her quarters preparing to head in Ban's room.

At this moment, Ban slowly opened his eyes. There could be seen some purple lights flickering deeply within his eyes. After a few seconds, they returned to their color brown. This time it was more clearer than his previous luster. After being reborn by the white lights, his body felt great as if he was not injured. His head became clear like he was awakened by a thousand years of sleeping.

He felt his body and found out that he can feel his fingers moving normally from the bandages.

" Eh? wheres the stone? " Ban thought.

Sienna entered the room and noticed Ban was awake.

" Good morning Miss Sienna. " Ban greeted her.

Sienna got closer and inspected his condition. She found his vital was normal. She said " It's evening. You rested for a whole day, so how do you feel? "

" I'm feeling great. This gauze is making me uncomfortable. Can you please take these off of me? " Ban asked politely to Sienna.

Sienna gazed at him weirdly and was about to call the doctor and tell him he was having mental problems but she resisted " No. Do you even know your medical report? You have 99 bones fractured in your body, some injuries and loss of blood. "

Ban was startled and said " Thats weird. I'm feeling fine in fact I'm feeling great right now. I could run a hundred kilometer marathon right now. "

" By the way Miss Sienna, Have you seen a stone beside me when I was resting last night? " He ask.

" A stone? What stone? " Sienna was puzzled.

Ban described the stone to her.

" After you rest, I didn't see any stone beside you. Also your bag is here. Is it important? Do you want me to check your things? " Sienna inquired.

Ban was confused because he was gripping that stone before he feel asleep. He still replied " Please. "

It would be a shame if the stone got missing. ' It looks expensive, I could sell it for money '

A few minutes later, Sienna said " I dont see any stone you described. "

" Okay forget it. I'll look for that later. Thanks "

" I'll call the Doctor now. " Sienna directly went out.

' Strange. Did she lied to me? Maybe she stole it? She looks trustworthy to me though. Was it the doctor? ' Ban silently thought while glancing at Sienna's round arse gently swaying while she walked ou of the room.

' Yep. She's trustworthy alright '