
After Sienna walked out of the room, Ban was feeling giddy all over his body. He tried to move his arms, some cracking noise could be heard. Ban didn't know if that noice was the sound of his bones or the thin cement covering his arms.

He felt his body and found nothing discomfort inside so he continued to stretch his whole body.

" That's strange, is someone playing prank on me? " Ban said. He thought ' No, I feel that impact and almost died at that time. So how did this happen? '

" Whatever, I need to hurry and relieve myself. I'm full right now and need to dump a huge load " Ban tried to get up. To his surprise again, he found out he can do so like having a backflip.

" What on earth is really happening? " Ban was scared somehow. He tried to recall everything that happened after the accident ' Nothing really special... Mother pair duo, Nurse, Stone... Oh wheres that stone again? '

Ban checked his bed but he found nothing.

" I'll think about it later, gotta hurry to the bathroom. " Ban hurried to the bathroom. His posture was like a horror mascot trying to scare some kids at halloween.

After closing the door, another problem came.

No zipper was found.

Ban was scratching his head at his dilemma so he decided to rip the wrap at his bottom. At first he thought it might be taxing to do but those bandages were easily ripped apart. He didn't think the reason and continued to sit to take a dump.

After feeling like eternity but only 3 minutes have past. Ban stood up feeling relieved. He flushed the toilet and then observed his body. He once again streched and decided " Why not take all of these bandages. "

A few moments later he was fully naked.

He was greatly surprised this time. All surprises in his whole life combined was still not sufficient to what he discovered at the moment.

His skin was so white and pack with muscles. His body was still a little boytoy of some rich women out there. His little dragon transformed into a huge mighty divine dragon.

' Dang look at that sleeping dragon , I might not wake it up even I will be scared of its mighty appearance. ' Ban thought as he marvelously staring at his 'thing' feeling unknown budding pride.

' NO! WHOSE FREAKING BODY IS THIS? ' Ban hurriedly ran to the mirror.

Yeap he was dazed.

Before Ban could cursed out loud maybe from excitement or amazement.


Another voice rang out loud choking Ban.

On the front of the bathroom door, Sienna was covering her red face with her hands while sneaking at him from time to time. She thought ' So handsome. and and h-h-h-his.. '

"W-Who are you? Where is the patient? A-And h-how are you n-n-naked? "

Sienna gathered her courage and interrogate Ban. Her hand still covering her intoxicated face.

Ban was startled at first but then she remembered he was naked so he covered his private region. However one of his hand was not enough to cover everything in view. He said " M-Miss Sienna? Why are you here? I was taking a dump just now. "

" Huh? " Sienna heard a familiar voice and was startled. " You are Ban? W-What are you doing? " She questioned Ban, but she also questioned herself internally. " How? " This time she didn't cover her blushing face as she stared at Ban with curiosity.

" Ahem! Uhm, Miss, I'm currently.. you know.. naked? Can you please fetch me up some clothes to wear? " Ban was embarrased at this moment as he was eyed by a young sexy nurse.

" O-Oh I forgot! " Sienna was startled like a frightened rabbit and hurried back.

Before she could take a step, another voice rang out again " What is happening here Nurse Sienna? " Ban's personal Doctor came in his view and saw Ban.

" Huh? Your the patient right? " The Doctor was puzzled. He hurriedly pass a command to Sienna " Quickly call your father and inform him that the patient was awake and fine. Also give this young man some clothes from your father's office. Make your movement as low key as possible, make sure to not let anyone see anything suspicious. "

Sienna was confused but she still did what she was instructed. She glimpse back at Ban a few seconds then she hurriedly withdraw the room while having a blushing face.

" Come here young man, the Head was already informed me about your situation. I will check your body condition before we discharge you. " The doctor said gently.

' Is this doctor having a mental problem? Maybe hit by a truck? '

Ban still obediently came to the doctor and let him do his work.


Sienna came back with her father, she carried a set of clothes in her arms. She was following her father and muttered in her mind ' Low key huh? '

Sienna's father, Oscar Smith also the Head of this ' Angeles City Hospital ' was strolling on the hall heading Ban's room. Every workers there saw the duo and greeted them politely.

Oscar greeted them back and waved his hand to let them do their job and proceeded. Upon arriving, he saw Ban covering himself by a hospital blanket and the Doctor.

" Head. " The Doctor greeted Oscar politely.

Oscar glanced at the Doctor deeply and said " Alright, both of you go back to my office and wait for me there. I'll handle everything here. "

Sienna still has questions in her mind and resisted. She put her things beside the bed and followed the Doctor out.

After a moment of silence, Oscar said " Here young man. Put some clothes first. "

Ban nodded and wear the clothes.

Oscar said gently " My name is Oscar Smith, the Head of this hospital. As I can see, you can be discharge. No need for paperworks as I already done it. "

Ban replied " Thank you Sir. "

Seeing Ban was silent, The Head ask " What is it young man? "

Ban was about to ask how the Head knows about his recovery but resisted.

" No Sir, I just want to go home tonight. "

Oscar smiled and took a hundred dollar bill in his pocket and stashed it to Ban's hand and said " I know you have questions. But I can't tell you why. All you need to know is that I am a friend. If you have any problems in the future, you can find or contact me here. Treat me like a friend. I know that you have no money in you right now so heres some change and don't refuse it as it is a part of my goodwill. "

Ban was gawking right now thinking ' Did I just befriend the Head of this hospital? '


9 in the evening...

Inside Oscar's office...

Oscar was sitting on his desk while crossing his arms. In front of him was Sienna and the Doctor. The Doctor was calm while Sienna has a questioning look.

Oscar faced the Doctor and said to him " You already know the situation so I don't need to repeat it for you. Just remember our agreement. You can go back now. "

The Doctor nodded and replied politely " I will head back now Sir. "

The Doctor stood up and proceeded to head back to his quarters.

After a minute of silence, Sienna cannot hold her curiosity and ask her father " Father, who is he? How did he recovered so fast? What is happening? "

Oscar was amused by her daughter suddenly bombarding him questions.

He said slowly " He was a distant relative of my benefactor. As also to show my grattitude to them by helping the kid. In fact, I personally don't know the kid's background... " He crossed his fingers in his back.

" As for how he recovered.. " Oscar paused and smiled mysteriously. He continued " You can figure it out yourself. "

Sienna pouted at her father's bluntness. She said " I know him, he was a student of my Big Sis. He was just a normal student. As for his recovery.. okay, I'll figure it out myself. " She knows that her father was a tough nut to crack so she decided to investigate herself.

Sienna has a confused expression at the moment and asked " He looks so familiar. Hmmm I think I know someone look like him " She pondered but nothing comes to mind. She blushed a little when she remembered the naked Ban ' Yaaaaa! See no evil! '

Oscar found his daughter's confused expression and said amusingly " He's familiar alright but I also can't recall as you. "

" Oh right Sienna, on the new semester you will go to the capital to study Political Science at the start of College. I have already arrange everything there. You really don't qualify to be a nurse. " Oscar said bluntly to her.

" What!? Father, how can you say that? I want to help you here. That is why I chose to practice nursing in my senior high year. " Sienna complained. She continued " Father, y-you don't want me here with you? I want to help you manage the hospital. "

Oscar patted his daughter's head and said gently " It's not like that Sienna, I want you to help your mother in her position. I want you to support her as she needs your help the most. Look at me, do I look like I needed some help? " Oscar spread his arms to show that he was alright.

In fact, Sienna noticed something from her father. A change.. a good change to be precise. He was younger.

Oscar continued " I want you to help your mom if she wants a higher position on politics. Now is the time for you to made a move and study well for your mother. Don't get me wrong. I like having you here, but she needed you the most. Tomorrow, you will go together with your mom to her office. I will tell that to her later. You should know how busy she was these days. I am worried about her health. " He hug her daughter and kissed her forehead.

After a while, Sienna walked out in her fathers office and her eyes made a new resolution.

She was determined.


Head's Office..

Oscar was busy with his paperworks.

He suddenly paused and stared at his arms. He grip his fingers and felt a sudden strength, ten times that of his past strength. He was just like any people in terms of physical strength a few days ago. Now he can even lift this desk of his with ease.

He said in his mind

' Interesting. Until now I cannot believe this is real. However, I can't recall their faces. Also, that brat was here the whole time! He is the same as me! I need to make him get familiar with me first.. rather my daughter then tell his family of his whereabout. hehehe '

Oscar revealed his sly expression.


At the house Ban lived...

Ban was lying on his bed after having a long bath. He was contemplating about things happened earlier.

His face, body, senses, height and everything he observed from his body changed.


Ban's eyes unknowingly shined in purple lights and his head was having some new knowledge being popped out.

" Huh!? W-W-What is it now?! " His eyes widened.