Is this guy bothering you?

Elena was confused. She looked back at the house and confirmed she was in the right place. She thought to herself ' Is this guy a big brother to Ban? No that can't be. He was the only child adopted by his parents.

Ban break the moment of silence " Teacher Elena, it is me your student, Rocks. " He was amused seeing his teacher dazingly looking at him.

" Huh? Who? Y-you, You are Ban? " Elena was startled at his reply and question him. She continued " You, H-how are you like that? I saw you last night on the hospital. Y-You. Who are you really? "

She was still in disbelief seeing the person in front of her. So she interrogate him.

Ban was chuckling lightly by his teacher's disbelieving sound. He confirmed " Yes, I am Ban, Ban Rocks. "

" WHAT!? " Elena suddenly burst out. Elena realized her outburst, she blushed. She moved closer to ban and pinched his smooth face and curiously ask " Y-You're really Ban? How did it happen? Did you really have an accident? Explain it to me now! "

Elena's gesture right now could be said to be 'intimate'. Her face was so close to Ban as she examined him.

" Uhmm.. Teacher, should we go inside first? " Ban was happy inside seeing his crush touching him all over. She said to her gently as to avoid to be labled as perverts by passerbys.

" H-Huh? O-Oh, I'm sorry about that. I was just skeptical just now. Let's go inside. " Elena blushed at her actions. A little more closer and she and Ban would hug each other.

Ban chuckled and didn't mind her actions, even he himself was far worse when he reacted back then.

He let his teacher in and was about to close the door when someone shouted outside.

" Elena! "

A robust middle-aged looking man suddenly ran in front of the house of Ban. His face looked refined and a hint of a gentleman seeing his lavish clothing. This man's face now however was in disbelief and jealousy. He was now staring daggers at Ban and Elena close to each other.

" Derrick? What are you doing here? " Elena recognized the person. She was also in surprise seeing the man in front of her.

Meanwhile, Ban was on the side silently observing the situation. Curious what this man was up to seeing his unsightly appearance.

If he was the Ban back then, he would be at his teachers back while facing this man with fear. However now, adding to his Serene Spirit together with his unknown confidence, he was facing this man straight up. Even a hint of provocation deep within his eyes.

" Who is he? And what are you doing here going on a man's place? " He asked her. He was furious thinking his woman was in another man's house. Right now he was looking angry and also blinded by jealousy.

Earlier, when he was about to go to Elena's place to talk to her, he suddenly saw her rushing to another place skipping the school. At that time, he decided to follow Elena as he was curious of where she would go at this early in the morning. When he saw that Elena was with another handsome boytoy flirting intimately while he was far away, he suddenly rushed to the place.

" What does that have to do with you. I have my own freedom of whom I want to meet. You have no right to question me of what I'm doing! " Elena rebutted. Although she was confused right now, she was still know what she was doing. She hated this man beeing her tail all the time.

Derrick was ticked off by her reply and said " You are my fiance! I have the right to know whom you socialize with! " Despite his jealousy, he still reasoned with her.

Elena was getting angry now and came closer to Ban. She hooked her arm to his and said to Derrick " What fiance? I don't even agreed to that. Also he was not a nobody, he is my boyfriend! " She declared proudly.

Derrick was gawking for a moment while Ban was surprised on the inside.

" What the f*ck! This hobo of a boytoy is your boyfriend? He is not even rich! Don't you dare lied to me! " Derrick burst out.

Some passersby were alarmed by the noise and check out what was happening.

This time, Ban was slowly getting pissed. He unhook his arm. Elena was startle at first thinking he would deny her claim. However..

Ban slid his arm into her thin waist and pulled Elena closer to his embrace making her unknowingly hug his body. Elena was startled at first, but now she was shocked. She didn't think this student of hers would be so daring in front of the crowd.

Ban slowly let in some breath and then gaze at Elena gently like a lover do then slowly glared at the man in front of him.

" Baby Little Pikachu, Is this guy bothering you? "

Ban slowly uttered a word that made everyone surprised. Especially Elena, her heart was about to burst at the moment. Her face was so red that she hid in Ban's embrace. No one knows if she was feeling shy or embarrased at the moment.

" BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU SAY?! " Derrick was mad seeing his intimate action on his fiance. His eyes turned red and his mind turned blank. He suddenly pounced on the duo and was ready to punch.



Before Derrick could even get close, he was kicked in the stomach and flew a few meters away.

" Argh! " Derrick was moaning in pain feeling his internal organs shifted inside. He spout a mouthful of saliva and some blood from the impact.

Derrick was feeling scared right now as he didn't know that this boytoy looking guy knows how to fight.

Elena was also greatly surprised at the moment. She didn't think Ban was this capable. She didn't know she was still hugging in Ban's embrace.

She was prepared to retaliate as she also knows how to do a self defense. However, she didn't need it now as Ban was sending Derrick away by a simple kick. She was amazed and a hint of curiosity budding inside her heart. She look at Ban in curiosity. Elena was eager to know Ban's secret. The more she was with him, the more she didn't know him.

Derrick slowly stood up while cluching his stomach. If look could kill, Ban would be dismembered by a thousand pieces right now.

" I will remember this! And you sl*t! I will not stop until I take my revenge! " Derrick shouted.

Elena was angry and said " Hmph! I will tell this matter to my Big Brother! Let's see whose afraid of who! "

Derrick paused and feeling scared after hearing the ' Big Brother ' of Elena and scampered away.

' Hmph! B*tch, if I can't touch you then I will target your boytoy of a boyfriend. Argh! It hurts! Damn! I will hire fifty thugs. No, make it a hundred! Let us see whose smiling at the end. I will f*ck you up in front of his dead butchered body. ' Derrick cursed in his mind as he planned something in the near future.

Seeing Derrick hurried away, Ban slightly narrowed his eyes. He knows that this guy was up to something but he resisted to take action since there are many people outside as witness.

He didn't know this mindset of his but he still feel his guts. He recalled the accident a few days ago and knows that there must be something more to it. He saw but didn't recognized the face of the culprit at that time.

Ban knows that getting the roots are solution for all the problems as he also read it on novels. But this feeling right now on him is like very natural like he have done it countless of times. He feels like reading novels have nothing to do with strange emotions of him right now.

He glanced at Elena who recovered her angry expression and returned to a young maiden falling in love for the first time look as she was still blushing in his embrace.

Ban reluctantly let his hand off of her waist and said

" The noisy guy is gone. Let's go in "