Is it bad?

Ban directly gone to kitchen to brew some tea. He felt a little dejected letting Elena off his embrace. Ban could still feel the sensation of those soft ripe melons sticking to his body. Even though he was practicing the Serene Spirit skill, he still felt nervous at that time.

' Dang! What a life. ' He shook his head and prepared the tea.

Meanwhile, Elena was still standing inside the door frozen. She was savouring the moment earlier. Those big hands of his, caressing her waist makes her shivered a little. Elena still felt the lingering sensation of Ban's touches like electric sparks after a thunder. She felt an unknown excitement and longing to be with in Ban's embrace again. However she cast those indecent thought away and return to her calmness. She was still a Teacher to Ban and he was still young.

She blushed again a few seconds later recalling Ban declared her as ' Baby Little Pikachu Girlfriend ' in public.

' Hyaa! So embarrassing! ' She covered her face and proceed to the sofa in the living room.

A few minutes later, Ban returned and held a glass of tea.

" Heres your Iced Tea, Teacher. " Ban placed the tea in Elena's front. He know she was blushing but ignored it and keep a calm facade.

Elena's cheek was hot so she grab the cold tea and gulp it in one go. She calmed down after taking a few seconds of deep breaths. Her ripe melons were heaving up and down, making her look so sexy.

Ban feined a surprise expression and said " Oh teacher, do you want another one? " He was amused inside seeing the cute side of his crush.

" Ahem! N-No. L-Let's have a talk now. " Elena let out a deep breath and continued " Thank you about what you d-done earlier. That guy was bothering me the whole time. "

Ban didn't answer immediately and stared at Elena's eyes deeply. He was gently smiling the whole time.

" H-He has nothing to do with me a-and he's only- w-wait wh-why am I saying this? Ahem! Uhh. Well anyway thank you for shielding me back then" Elena's cheek turned red as she was thanking but also explaining the matter.

The scene was like Elena was caught stealing candies and tried to deny her wrongs. The both role was like being reversed and Ban was the teacher and Elena being the student.

Ban smiled and said gently " Oh. It was nothing teacher. I was just pissed at his rantings and teached him a lesson. Also you are my teacher, I care for you the most. " He said naturally as if everything was just a matter of fact.

' Care for me? ' Elena felt a heat from the bottom of her heart. She didn't want this conversation going fearing she might fall into a deep pit called love.

" A-A-Anyway, I want to know what happened to your health. How are you like that? I mean, you were perfectly fine. How is that? " Elena blushed.

She didn't want to question him about the Pikachu thing as she was very embarrassed at the moment. She didn't want her head to explode in Ban's answer. Maybe she will feel furious or maybe she will feel shy. Though she was curious of him calling her names. Maybe she will ask him someday.

Ban was smiling the whole time seeing her expression changing from time to time. He didn't pry about it and replied " I personally don't know what was happening. The hospital Doctor only told me that I am fine. "

" I have a Sister in the hospital. Sienna, your attending nurse to be precise. She also said the same thing to me. I can't believe it even now. So... magical? " Elena also put a confused face.

Ban chuckled lightly.

Elena noticed him so calm, she said " Your skin, your height.. was it also the doing of the hospital? Strange.. " she put a pondering expression.

" Well, your reaction was lighter than mine at that time. I was even.. Ahem.. cursing when I figured something different from my body. " Ban shrugged his shoulders.

Elena stared at him deeply and said " You are different. I-I mean you are so calm the whole time after I arrived earlier. You look.. I don't know. " She close her face to his and examine him.

Ban remained in his position and also stared at her deeply like he also examine her whole face. After a few seconds he ask her gently " I also don't know. Is it a bad change? " His look right now was akin to a husband looking at his wife. Gentle and full of care.

' Huh? ' Seeing that look again, Elena blush a little and turn her head back a little and replied " N-No. Not a bad change " She was fidgeting at the moment and afraid to stare at his eyes avoiding it.

" Anyway, do you want to go to school later? You look healthy to me though. Even though the whole curiculum just ended, students can still attend for some activities. " Elena inquired.

" Hmm. Maybe I will attend a little late or not since I have to report to my work this noon and relatives so maybe tomorrow. If I have the time. " Ban smiled.

" Okay, you should give them a call to inform them. I'll wait for you tomorrow. " Elena said but her last words were a little ambigous that she didn't notice.

Elena stood up and check her watch.

" I'll be going now. Remember to go to school tomorrow okay? " She pick her hand bag and headed out.

" Alright teacher. " Ban also stood up and bid his goodbyes.


After closing the door, Ban let out a breath and mutter ' She's really gorgeous. The previous me might not take that adrenaline facing the teacher. Fortunately I was prepared. '

He headed back to his room and called his relatives and work.


Elena was now heading to the school and recalled something.

She picked her phone and dialed a number.

" Sienna? You mentioned to me earlier you are now working at your mom at her office. What happen? "

Elena was busy thinking at the matter of Ban earlier so she ignored the words of Sienna. Now that she thought about it, she wants to confirm.

" Okay, I'll head to your place later at dinner. "

After hanging the phone, Elena was dazing.

' Huh? Pikachu? '

Elena noticed the back of her phone's cover and saw the said character.


10 in the morning

Ban walked out from his house wearing a cap and a simple clothes.

Ban was heading to the restaurant where he work. Earlier, when he called his Uncle's house. The whole family was at work and Sophia was at school so he decided to go there later.

Arriving at the backdoor of the building, Ban is still doing his usual routine and greeted the guard. After he took a few steps, a call rang out. " Halt! Who are you? This is a private place. What are you doing here? "

It was the guard in this building.

" Mr. Arnold. It's me, Ban. " Ban said.

" Ban? You are Ban? Let me check your I.D. " The guard was still not convinced.

Ban pass his I.D

" I've come to report to the manager of my absence. " Ban said to the guard.

The guard was in a daze seeing the I.D of Ban.

Seeing the guard in silence. Ban snatch the I.D and proceeded inside " See you later Mr. Arnold. " He wave his hand.

After a few moments later, the guard muttered " That was Ban? Did I just hallucinate? Maybe I drink too much coffee. I better drink less nowadays. "

Ban arrived at the Manager's office and knocked.

*knock* *knock*

" Come in. "

A calm voice came inside. Ban entered and saw a middle-aged woman reading reports.

" Manager Lina, I have come to report. "

The manager raised her head and glance at Ban. She paused " Who are you? I don't recognized any worker look like you. "

Ban took his cap and said " I am Ban Rocks ma'am. I was hospitalized in an accident a few days ago. "

The middle-aged woman was stunned at his appearance and sad " B-Ban? Yo-You look so hansome! What happened to yo- Forget that. I want to promote you to be my assistant and work here in my office. I can raise your salary to 10, 000 dollars a month. What do you say? You only need to maintain some cleanliness to the office and giving me snacks. O-Oh and also massaging my neck sometimes to relieve my stress. " She look fervent looking at Ban like a Cow seeing a fresh grass ready to devour. A little saliva if one notice enough could be seen from the edge of her mouth.

Ban didn't know wether to laugh or cry. He knows that he only have less than 3,000 dollars salary every month. However, he still decided to turn the offer down. He didn't want to be like Derrick's claim of him, a boytoy. Also the woman in front of him is a no-no figure so he didn't think twice.

After turning the offer down and continue to work as his past job. He turn and walk out of the door.

' I better watch out in the future if something similar happens. ' He was having a little goosebumps in his back while he was walking fast avoiding the danger zone.

He prepared to put the cap back on and walk out to the building when an immature voice call him up front.

" Big brother Ban! "

He saw Sally looking at him stunned. Beside her was kid around 3 years old little girl waving at him.