Wolves everywhere

" Ban? " Sally inquired. " Haha! Wow! Y-You look so different. Is that really you? "

Ban wrily smiled at her. He knew this woman likes to rant as she was a previous gangster. Despite her looking so sexy like a vixen, she still chose to join a gang. She met her man at the gang. At that time, she was so aggressive enough to court him. She thought that that guy was interesting and the man was also a good looking. After few years, they got married and blessed a young angel.

" Sir, I mean Big sis, It's me Ban. Can't you recognize me? I'm only away for 2 days and that's your expression? " Ban complained at her. He glanced at the kid beside her and continued " Hello, little judith. How are you today? " He smiled and patted her head.

Sally came closer to him and said " Woah! You look fairer than me now. What's your secret. Hah! You really look like a sissy right now. " She laughed.

Ban twitch his lips a few times and said " Would you believe me if I only took a bath today after I was born? " He joked.

" Hah! Surely you jest. I bet you took a surgery to make your skin so white like this. " Sally punch his shoulder. She continued " Where have you been this past 2 days? I've been busy after you suddenly disappeared. Did you have some accident by some reckless truck driver and got hospitalized? "

" Eh? You know? " Ban raised an eyebrow.

" What? It's true?! Damn! How could you be so reckless? Here. Here let me check your body. Eh? What are you doing? " She ask.

She saw Ban lifted her Bangs and found a bruise.

" What happened? " Ban changed the subject " Did you two fought again? "

Sally was silent for a moment and said " Hah! Even if we fought, he can't win against me. Why? You want to adopt this Big Sister? I wont mind having a boytoy as a boyfriend you know. " She joke as she made a punch gesture.

" Hey watch your words Big Sis, little judith is here on your side you know. " Ban eyed the kid.

" Big Brother, Can you be my daddy? My daddy always kicked me everytime he saw me. Saying I am not his daughter. wuuu " The little girl suddenly burst out crying.

Both Sally and Ban was startled. Ban look deeply at Sally.

Ban noticed in his Spirit Detection and saw the little girl's bruises on her stomach. He felt an indescribable rage within him.

" Ban? " Sally noticed that Ban was silent. She felt a chill in her body all of a sudden.

Ban returned to his senses and said " Huh? Nothing. What really happened between you and your husband? "

Sally was silent and said " Let's go to a coffee shop. I'll tell you some details. "

Ban picked little judith and carry her into his embrace and said " Alright, let's go. "


At the nearby coffee shop...

Ban was sitting opposite of Sally while judith was on his side munching a cake. She was silent and looking at the street full of people passing.

Ban knew that Sophia's mom was working in this shop. However he didn't notice her in his Spirit Detection so he thought maybe she went home early.

" Hmm. Where shall I start.. Well I will just go straight to the point. " Sally took a deep breath and continued " I and my daughter will going to Fern City to live from now on. I was planning to resign today. "

" Huh? You are resigning? " Ban was startled. " Why? "

" Well after we fought last night, my husband decided to file a divorce to our marriage. " Sally said wrily. She continued " That bastard tried to force me to make love with his boss and you know what happened after that. I got so furious that we fought for almost an hour. Heh! He was badly injured and was sent to the hospital. "

Ban knew that this woman in front of him can beat anyone who tried to insult her, with a metal bat at that.

" That bastard did nothing all day but drink alcohol and gambling. He even brought those filthy whor- " She paused and look at judith and continued " He brought those women at home. He was a problem to me after our marriage. He insisted that I have cheated on him and judith was not his daughter. What a bastard! "

Ban was silent and said " Why not live at my home? I am alone at my house after my parents died years ago. I am also not at the house all the time so I need someone to take care of the house. " He knew that Sally won't be wavered easily so he added " How about this, You will provide the food and house bills and do some house chores so you can feel at ease not paying me my favor. "

Sally look at him with wide eyes " You really go that far for me? " She was confused. In fact, she knew that if she move to another city, it would be a pain in the *ss. Starting anew will make that hard for her and her daughter.

" You are my Big Sis. Of course I will help you. If your husband will make trouble, I will handle it. " Ban said seriously.

Sally licked her lips and look at Ban sexily and said " Hmm little boy, you are playing with fire you know. I might not resist myself and eat you up. "

Ban was smiling in reply and said " Haha. I still love my little life. Big Sis, please spare me. I don't want a metal bat hitting at my head when I sleep at night. "

Sally laugh and said " Alright that's settled my problem then. I was planning to move today. Our things were left at the Inn nearby. " She was observing Ban's attitude since the start of his work so she knew that Ban was trusted.

" Big brother, will you become my daddy? Is that true? " The little girl look at him with shining eyes. A little tear came out. She was about to cry.

" There there. Little judith will live with me from now on. But I am not your daddy but still your big brother. " Ban patted her head and hugged her.

" Let's go. I'll help you move your things. " Ban stood up together with the mother and daughter duo.


Ban and the dou were heading to his house on a taxi carrying some luggages. Ban didnt know wether to laugh after knowing half of the things were different kind of baseball bats. He didn't know this woman were so obsessed by these things that she made a collection.

' This woman is really scary. ' He thought in his mind.

She look back at Sally weirdly after arriving at the inn. She was blushing slightly but recovered as she said that those were her babies and can't let go of them. She told him that every bat has a history.

Ban somehow laughed at those reasons. Every bats were refering to males hit on her but got smashed in return. Every baseball bat have a name carved at the handle. In the end he decided not to ask any further fearing some bats have clean history and needed a name tag.

Before arriving at the house, he saw so many thugs littering outside his house. He did not see any people passing except for two people on the ground.

He check those people and was angry. Those three were his cousin's parents. His uncle was laying on the ground and fainted while the woman was his aunty holding his husband while crying.

" Wait here for a moment " He instructed at the driver who silently nodded. " You two wait here. I'll settle the matter up front. "

" Ban! What are you doing?! Don't go in there. It's dangerous. I've recognized them. they were my former gang, my husband was still active in this gang. Let's call the polic- " She was interrupted by Ban who was ready to go outside.

" Trust me. I know what I'm doing. My uncle and aunty is in there. Stay here and protect little judith. I'll be back in a minute. " Ban said. " I got this. " His last words echoed outside as the door shut in.

Sally was nervous while staring at the people up front. She wants to help but there is her daughter beside her.

" Mommy, where is Big brother going? " The little girl was confused.

" Don't worry honey, your Big brother was dealing with some big bad wolf outside. " Sally was confused why she said those words. However, she was having a feeling that Ban can handle everything out there.

She felt those last three words Ban said to her have his boundless confidence.