Who did this

Ban was 50 meters away from his house. This time, he is walking straight calmly. Many thugs didn't recognize him thinking he was a part of them so they did not hinder his path.

Ban notice his house has many broken bottles littered around and some paint in walls. ' What a mess. Fortunately no things broken inside. '

Arriving at the front of the duo, he check his Uncle's condition. ' Only minor bruises but most of the injuries were in his head. ' He pick his phone and call a number.

Some thugs this time notice him. They were thinking who is this guy.

" Hey brat! Who are you? What are you doing here? Do you want a beating like that nosy old man there? Scram! " A buff thug shouted at Ban. Ban noticed that he might be the leader of these thugs.

Ban only glance at him and noticing the call went through. He said " Uncle Oscar? It's me Ban. Can you send a ambulance here at my house? My uncle is injured by some thugs... Yes yes.. Okay got it, I'll pay a  visit at your place after I have settle things here. "

Ban ignored the man who is cursing and pointing finger at him. He crouch down and patted his aunty's shoulder. " Aunty, I'm sorry I've made you got in my trouble. " He was sincere as he glance at his uncle gently. He continued " I'll settle things here quickly. Stay here for a moment. "

" Y-You are Ban? " Ban's aunty was in disbelief. She didn't recognize Ban at this moment. She look so miserable right now.

Earlier when she and her husband saw those thugs have done to the house of Ban, they tried to stop them but ignored instead. Her husband tried to warn them by calling the police but got beaten miserably.

" Madafaker! Are you even f*cking listening?! " The man was waving a metal bar at Ban and ready to hit his head.

" Watch out! " Ban's aunty exclaimed.

Ban was still facing his aunty while the man's iron bar was nearing his head.

*swish* *bang*

" Eh? " The man noticed his iron bar did not hit on Ban's head. Instead it got slide and slam to the ground. He was confused and felt the recoil of the iron bar.

" Hahaha! Hey big bro, did you not eat breakfast this morning? You can't even hit a still target. " The thugs surrounding the man teased him. They were laughing at his lame aiming.

" Shut up! B*ches! This time, I'll get this brat for sure! " The man's face turned gloomy at their jeering.

Ban slowly stood up and face the man. The man tilt his head a little as Ban was slightly taller than him.

The man was ready for the second strike. However he paused when he heard Ban talk to him.

" Was it you? "

The man was confused at Ban's question. " Who? "

" Was it you who hit him? " Ban pointed at his unconscious uncle on the ground.

" Eh? " The man didn't think that Ban would ask him such a dumb question. He put a smug arrogant expression and replied " So what if I am the one who di- "

*Crack!* *Bang*


The man was lying 10 meters away from Ban unconscious. His body was bending in a unnatural way.


Ban drop his right leg after hitting the man. He didn't control his strength this time and kick the man at his right rib. The force was like having met with a rushing truck-kun.

" Big bro! " After dazing, the thugs were furious and pounce at Ban all at once.

" Get him! "

" Bastard! "

They wave their weapons at Ban ready to strike.

" Childish. " Ban smirk coldly and also make his move.

' Phantom Steps '

He disappeared from his position and before the thugs could react, Ban was at the end of their formation.

*Bang!* *Crack!* *Argh!"

The same sound were repeated for each thug.

Ban was waltzing in the middle of the fight. He break one arm of the thugs and kicked them to the side.

Not even a minute pass and all of the thugs were dealed with. They were either moaning in pain or fainted.

' Is this really me? I didn't know I was this brutal in the past. ' Ban thought in his head. Seeing the thugs, he felt a satisfied feeling.

Ban's Aunt was gawking at the scene. She even forget her bloody husband in her embrace.

Ban was slowly returning at his aunt's side while thinking.

' I don't want to happen this kind of scene twice. I need to find a solution as soon as possible. I don't want my loved ones to be implicated like this. Well, accidents cannot be avoided sometimes but I can prevent it as less casualty as possible. If the change in my body will led me into a maniac like this then so be it. I will protect them or maybe.. I can turn them like me? Hmm I'll figure everything slowly in the future. ' Ban was not aware the flickering purple lights at his eyes.

" Are you alright aunty? " Ban ask his aunt gently.

" O-Oh. Yes I'm fine. " She answer unconsciously.

" The ambulance will arrive here 10 minutes at most. Let's wait for a little while. " Ban said while walking to the group of thugs lying on the ground.

" Y-You! Don't! P-Please spare me! Don't come closer! " The thug near Ban was panicking as he saw Ban walking towards him.

" Destroying my house, beating my uncle, I and my aunt's trauma. Do you think we need some compensation? " Ban's eyes were dull as he stared at thugs on the ground.

' Destroying? We Only throw some bottles. And what is with your trauma? We're in the ones in trauma you devil! ' The thugs were staring at him weirdly. But they didn't voice it out fearing new bones might crack if the man in front of them will attack again.

" Ahem U-Uhh We didn't have money on us Sir. W-We were only told to deal with someone and mess in his hou- " The young thug realized something. His face changed.

Ban smirk coldly " Yes, I am that someone you were talking about. Unless you give me a compensation or your other arm will be my next target. "

" N-No! W-We. The leader! Right! The leader have the money! " The man realized and crawl to the unconscious buff man and rummage his clothes. He shouted " Found it! Uhh. Here is the bounty Sir " The thug pass the money containing more than a hundred thousand dollars to Ban.

" Give it to my aunt and apologize. " Ban commanded.

The thug did as he was told.

" Scram now! Bring those others with you. I will be at Angeles hospital later. If I see any of you there, you guys will be in big trouble. Now beat it! " Ban stared coldly at them.

The thugs were scared and ran away. They were afraid to face this demon in front of them. They didn't even move and the fight was already over.


' That guy should be the culprit of these mess. But I can't sense him nearby. ' He ponder and call a number.

" Teacher? Are you alright? Oh Nothing. I just want to say I'll be present tomorrow at school. " He keep his phone and thought

' Shall I find him tonight? Oh and that guy too. ' Ban recalled the man who kicked him back then.

After a few minutes, the ambulance came and take his uncle to the hospital.

" Aunty, I'll follow you later. Meanwhile, I will handle the mess in here first. " Ban said to his aunt gently.

" Take care my child. Also, can you fetch Sophia later after school? She didn't bring her phone this morning. I'll watch at your uncle at hospital. You can have this money to repair the house. " Ban's aunt replied to him.

" No, It's okay aunty. Theres nothing really damaged at the house, only some garbage to sweep. It's for uncle's medication. As for Sophia,  I'll fetch her at school later. Theres still 3 hours to end the school hours. I'll be there. " Ban assured his aunt.


Ban returned to the cab and open the car door. He said unknowingly " Thugs were away a few minutes earlie- eh? Why are you looking at me like that? Did I have something on my face? " Ban was curious at their expression.

" Big brother is so wild than mommy! You beat those wild wolves with ease. " The little girl exclaim to Ban.

Ban was startled and glance at Sally who wear a stunned expression " Hey Big Sis, Little Judith is still young. You shouldn't teach her like that. It's bad for her growth. "

" Huh? Oh. Sorry about tha- wait a minute. What the f*ck was that just now?! Woah! It feels like we're watching a movie! So bad*ss! " Sally was stun at first then she  suddenly exclaim. Her eyes were shining. She like those men having a manly side to them especially gang fights.

Ban rolled his eyes and said " Come on Big Sis, Your manners. Sigh forget it. Let's go move your things inside. There are some cleaning too. "

" O-Okay. But hot d*mn you are so sexy earlier! I feel like eating you right now. " Sally was chattering nonstop.

Ban knew that was just the usual her so he didn't mind to reply and paid the cab driver and proceeded to move their things.


After settling the mother and daughter duo and cleaning the house, it is time to fetch his cousin at school. Though he could wait for her at her house, it might be good if he fetch her and go directly to the hospital for a visit.

" Alright, feel yourself at home. I'll be going to the hospital and return late so don't wait for me. " Ban reminded the duo.

After bathing and putting new clothes, he went out and head to the school.

He check the time and it was 4 30 in the afternoon.

After a few minutes of walking, Ban heard a van rushing past him.

' Tsk! What a reckless bastard! ' He cursed in his mind.

However his expression changed after that.

' Cousin! '