2nd Order

"Cousin? Is that you? " Ban was surprised at Sophia's question.

He didn't think she would recognize him.

Ban return his calm and said " Yes, it's me. I saw you earlier in the street nearby unconscious so I brought you home. "

" Is this really you cousin? You look so different right now. " Sophia was amaze. She walk closer to him and squeezed his cheek. She added " Wow and you are so tall right now. "

" Yeah. Some changes happened to me recently. I'll explain to you later. Oh. By the way, This is Sally. She will be living here with me together with her daughter. Well, it's quite complicated to explain her situation maybe I will explain to you some time in the future. " Ban introduced Sally to Sophia.

" Hey there, little lass. I thought you were Ban's girlfriend for a moment Hehe. " Sally giggled at the side.

" H-Hello Big Sis. " Sophia was blushing upon hearing the word  Ban's 'girlfriend'.

Ban rolled his eyes and said to Sophia " Don't mind her. She was always open to anyone.  Anyway, I want to inform you that your father was at the hospital earlier. " Ban replied to her calmly.

Sophia's expression changed and quickly ask him " What?! What happened to my father?! Is my father alright? " She wore a worried expression hearing his news.

" You dont have to worry. Uncle was just having a minor injury after an accident. Maybe he will be discharge by tomorrow. Do you want to go to the hospital? But I advice you not to go as it is late at night. I have already told aunty that we will go there tomorrow. " Ban explained the situation of his uncle to Sophia gently. He didn't want her to worry too much. He continued " Meanwhile you can sleep here at my house. The guest room was available. I don't want you to go home alone. " He smiled.

" Anyway, let's have some dinner now and rest. We'll go to the hospital tomorrow morning for a visit. " Ban said.

Sophia agreed.


After the dinner, Ban was at his room inspecting the weird device he got earlier. Back then, he heard the kidnapper that this device was special.

The device is like a  combination of a box the size of rubicks cube attached at the top of a phone. Behind was a sort of laser scanner and the front has a screen at the box.

Ban was fiddling at the device, he wants to know how to operate the thing.

After starting the device, he saw some info at the screen. Ban noticed that this device was a sort of scanning device of things and living beings. He pointed the scanner on his body and the info of the screen changed.

" What is this? Human, Energy level? It says 2nd Order and what's with this flickering white light? " Ban pondered. Ban did'nt think much about the light but the Energy level sounds familiar to him. ' Hmm. This device should be a scanner of those who were supernatural beings just like me since my strength is abnormally strong for a common human. '

Ban put away the device and plan to study it in the future.

' If that device indicates my level as 2nd Order then that tells my current power right now. I also feel that leveled up earlier. Anyways, should I start practicing one of the two skills remaining? '

" That skill Mirage smash was so powerful, though using it reduces my energy quite a bit but it is skill good for a finishing blow. " Ban grip his fist recalling the man that was smashed into smithereens.

' Hmm. Let's start with the Myriad elements divine body. ' He thought.

Ban sat in a meditate position and recall the instructions.


After 3 hours he opened his eyes and felt his body. ' That skill is also broken. I can use any elements at will. Also, I can absorb around just like in the novels I read. The air has essence of elements that can be devoured. '

Ban tried to absorb the energy within his surroundings. ' Eh? So little after an hour of gathering essence. ' He thought.

" Dang! I should've known this skill was absorbing automatically from the surroundings. What a waste of effort and time to meditate. Although the absorption was half of that when meditating, it is still good than nothing. " Ban pursed his lips.

Ban stretch his body and was about to rest when he heard some clanking sound at the living room.

" Sally? Why is she up so late? Wait, she look so drunk. " Ban muttered.


Sally was alone in the sofa drinking alone at the table with a wine bottle. Her face was intoxicated. Her vision was blurry and she is still drinking the wine.

" What's up? "

Sally heard a voice beside her. She said " Who? "

Ban slowly approched her and sat opposite in the table. He said " Do you want a company? "

Sally narrowed her eyes and saw it was Ban and chuckled " Heh. Sure handsome. Come! Accompany this Big Sis for a drink. "

Ban fetch a glass and poured some wine in it.

" Bitter. I dont like the taste. " He said calmly. But he still drink nonetheless.

" Yeah. Taste bitter. Just like my life. " Sally smiled at his statement.

" Let your past make you better not bitter Big Sis. " Ban replied. He continued " Judith is a good girl. Don't waste your time thinking about negative matters and be content of what you have right now. "

Sally was silent.

Ban didn't mind her silence and continued to drink.

Both of them silently drink for a few minutes without saying.

" You are right. I should move on and be content of what I have right now. " Sally broke the silence.

Ban was surprised and look at the woman in front of him. He didn't think she would be this headstrong. Ban praised her from the bottom of his heart. He also didn't know how to console her as he didn't know what to say.

Back then when he had a breakup with his girlfriend, he was depressed and never went outside for quite a while. No one console him at that time except for his buddy.

" You are a good young man Ban. Your girlfriend will be happy being with you. " Sally told him.

" Nah. I don't trust any girls that much. Don't worry, I trust you Big Sis. " Ban said gently.

" Huh? Are you hitting on your Big Sis right now? Hmm. Maybe I'll consider. But you are still a little man. " Sally tease him. Her expression right now was intoxicated. After drinking wine for a while, her face turned red.

" Little? Pft! I am taller than you Big Sis if that is what you mean. " Ban chuckled.

" Heh! That is not what I'm talking about. " Sally stood up and approach Ban who was surprised and also stood up. She walk beside him and put her hand at his lower region.

" This- eh? " Sally paused. Feeling Ban's thing, she was startled and open her eyes wide.

' What the heck! This woman is so daring. ' Ban thought. He was also nervous at her advances as this is the first time for him. There is a curiosity and excitement inside.

" B-Big Sis? What are you doing? " Ban ask her.

" Hoh! So you are not so little after all. " Sally's eyes shined and whispered to his ear " It has been many years. I want to eat you right now little man. " Maybe because of the wine, her reasonings were jumbled and her body feels hot together with her daring attitude, she approach Ban aggressively.

Ban was affected by her boldness and grab her waste and kissed her on the lips. He seemed provoked and said " Like I said, I am not that little, Big Sis. " He grab her bottom and squeezed it forcefully. ' Dang! So soft. '

Sally was melting in his embrace and said " Heh! Show it to Big Sis then. "

Ban smirk and carried her to his room.



Ban was the first to awake feel his surroundings. Beside him was a naked mature woman who was deeply asleep. He check the time and it was 4 in the morning.

' This woman is so wild last night. Fortunately, I was more wild than her as she beg me to stop. ' Ban feel proud recalling the erotic battle last night.

Suddenly, he felt something odd from his body.

' Huh? I leveled up again? Why didn't I noticed that happening? '

Ban dressed himself and proceed to the kitchen to make a breakfast.

After a while he saw Sally walk out of his room. When she saw Ban, she blushed and ran to her room while limping unnaturally.

Ban smiled and shook his head.