Blushing Sophia

Ban called everyone to eat breakfast. He made some simple dishes brought by Sally yesterday.

Ban called for Sally but she refused and told him she will eat breakfast  later with her daughter.

Sophia walk out in her room. There is a noticeable dark circles in her eyes. She grogily walk in the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Ban left some toothbrush unused in case his teacher might use it if she tutor him.

After breakfast, Ban went to his room to check if he really leveled up last night. He check the screen and found out that he indeed leveled up by one order. However, the lights were flickering with different colors now. He didn't know what that means, so he keep the device.

He then took a bath and proceed to the hospital together with Sophia.

On the way, he noticed that Sophia was yawning from time to time. He ask " You didn't sleep last night? "

When Sophia heard him, she was startled and blush " I-I'm not. Uhh. Y-Yes, I was thinking about my father's condition that is why I can't sleep well last night. "

She look at Ban's handsome face from time to time.

Ban knew that it was not the reason why she was like that but he keep a poker face and nodded.


Last night when Sophia felt thirsty and want some water, she walked to the kitchen. However, she heard a muffled noise coming from Ban's room. She eavesdrop for a good one hour before she went back to her room.

She heard the sensual voice of Sally and Ban's heavy breath. Sophia's face turned red from blushing, her breath ragged and her hand was on her private region playing it while eavesdropping. She heard Sally constantly saying 'dragon', 'Big Bro' or something.

Ban also noticed her outside his door at that time but he ignored her and do his business. He keeps pounding and pounding Sally behind while slapping her big busty arse.


Both have awkward silence at the cab...

Arriving at the hospital, the two directly went to the room where Sophia's parents were in.

" Father! " Sophia approach her father with tears in her eyes. Her father was still unconscious.

Her father's name was Peter Rocks and his wife, Lisa Rocks.

Lisa hug her daughter and assured her that there is nothing serious about her father's condition.

Peter's figure have full of bandages on his head.

" Don't worry honey, the Doctor said that your father will be discharge in less than a week. They still need to monitor his condition. " Lisa said. She continued " Meanwhile, you can stay at Ban's house while I stay here with your father. "

Sophia blushed a little but recovered quickly and nodded " What happened to father? Why was he like that? "

Lisa explained bluntly. She told Sophia about having minor accident due to negligence.

Ban excused himself and let the mother and daughter duo have their time.

He went to the Head's office and knock.

" Come in. "

Oscar's voice came inside.

" Oh? Young man, you are here. " He smiled.

Ban said " Thank you for taking care of my Aunt and Uncle. "

Oscar raise an eyebrow and muttered in his mind ' His aunt and uncle? Oh. He is talking about them '

" Don't mention it young man. How are you now? " Oscar ask.

" Hmm. Now that you mention it, I have some questions to Uncle. " Ban said. He continued " Does uncle know about the condition about my body? Why do I feel like I am reborn. Even my strength leaps significantly. "

" You ask me but whom should I ask? Well, all I know is that we are both the same. I also have supernatural strength. I have been reborn just like you. But as for why, I don't have the answer young man. " Oscar smiled.

Ban raise an eyebrow and said " If you are the same as me, how much strength did you gain? " He wants to know if Oscar is leveling up just like him.

Oscar pondered for a second and said " My strength should be equivalent of 10 men combined. "

Ban put a pondering expression and thought ' Strange, that is so low for my current power. If I go all out, I could be equal to a thousand men right now. Shall I ask him if he has inner power as well? Maybe he was lying? Doesn't matter, he is a friend anyway. Maybe I will help him improve someday. '

After some chat, Ban walk out in the office and plan to go to school.

' My overall power improved by leaps and bounds these past few days. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. '

" Huh? That guy is here? "


On the hallway, a man was walking towards the exit of the hospital. This guy is Derrick whom Ban met yesterday morning.

' Hmm. What a coincidence. Let's prank him a bit, shall we? ' Ban grinned and make a plan in his mind. He was angry at the guy sending thugs at his house and injuring his uncle in the process.

' How about staying in this hospital forever? Sounds good I say. Hmm maybe that truck kun accident on me that night? Nah I can't involve innocent people here. '

Ban talk to his aunt and cousin that he will go somewhere and fetch Sophia later this afternoon.


Derrick walk in the road planning to ride on his car. He was thinking ' Fucking bastard. I didn't think that boytoy was so capable. All of the thugs I've send were all crippled by him. I need to plan something that make him disappear forever. I shall hire an assassin or maybe plant a bomb in his house. Let's see if he can survive to that. '

If Ban heard his thought, this guy's life might forfeit. Nevertheless, being in the hospital forever is still the same as dead.

Derrick was driving fast on the way when his front left tire suddenly burst. ' Shit! I need to stop! '

However all of a sudden.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

All of his tire burst simultaneously. Derrick's car was running at 80kph and directly smashed into a concrete barrier.

Ban controlled Derrick's car through his Manipulation skill and deal as much damage as he can making sure to perfect his plan leaving Derrick either vegetative state or crippled for life.

' Hmp I am never a saint to my enemies. Well, that's what I read on novels but I like it. A petty villain. ' Ban smirk at the car whose rolling few meters from the crash.

' Since the hospital is near, I don't worry for his sake. Even if he died, I don't even care. I have killed once then. Doesn't make any difference if I had another one. ' Ban thought. He call for a taxi far from the accident and head to school.


" Hello Teacher? " Ban saw the caller I.D and answer.

Elena " Didn't you say you will go here at school yesterday? "

Elena was bored at school since almost nobody went in class. She have 40 students but only 7 came. Almost all of her students have already started their vacations. They only need to know the schedule of the graduation and relax at home. She think of Ban coming to school today so she directly call him when she saw no Ban in view. She was agitated why Ban didn't go today. There was an expectation and longing deep within her heart.

" Oh. I am here in the hospital. " Ban replied.

Elena was startled and said " What happened? Did something happen to you? Are you alright? I will go there now. "

Ban smiled " No. It's not like that. I came here to visit my uncle who is injured. There is no need to go here. Also thank you for your concern teacher, I feel touched. "

" H-Huh? T-That's my responsibility as a teacher. S-So it's natural for me to be concern at my student. " Elena was trying to explain things.

Ban chuckled and said " By the way teacher, your fiance seems to be here at the hospital. I just saw him earlier. "

" Hey! He is not my fiance- " Elena suddenly stop when her students look at her weirdly. She blush and went outside of the classroom. " Anyway, I have nothing to do with him. I-I, I did not agree to be his fiance in the first place. So like I said, he is not my fiance. " She raise her voice a little making the students nearby look at her.

Elena was blushing right now not knowing where to go at the moment. She took a deep breath and retain her dignified expression. Until then the students look away from her.

Ban laugh a little at her response. " Okay I get it. I will be heading to school now. " He keep his phone in his pocket.

Elena let out a sigh of relief.

' Why am I feeling like this? That brat. Hateful! '