Not a date

Ban arrive at school before lunch time. Arriving at the classroom, he greeted his teacher.

" Sorry, I am late. " Ban directly went to his seat and sat down. He saw that there are almost no one in class but he didn't mind. He did not see his buddy and Penelope. Even his love rival, Drago is missing.

Elena was speechless at Ban's straightforwardness. She was hoping that Ban was paying her more attention and chat more with her but that never happen.

When the students saw Ban, they were baffled why a handsome stranger suddenly came and took a seat but they did not mind him.

The class only had announcements and future courses for students to take. Ban was silent the whole time. To be exact he was thinking on what will he be planning these coming days.

' Money, my current strength can have that at any moment if I rob a bank. Heh. Oh I know. Jade market is the best way for me to gain money. But that was on the other country. Hmm. Be a bodyguard of some CEO beauty? Sounds good though. Oh. I think I know what to do. ' Ban was smirking from time to time.

Elena eyed Ban the whole time and notice his perverted look. She said " Class dismissed. You don't need to come back later as I already announce the following programs at school. "

The students ran out from the class as they were heading to go home early. They plan to play games all day. Others were going to City malls to buy some stuff or some time killing for liesure.

Elena grab Ban's shirt when he was about to go out.

" Teacher? Is there something else you want to say? " Ban raised his eyebrow. In fact, he was waiting for this moment to have a chat with his teacher.

Elena was blushing slightly feeling Ban's gaze at her " Uh I-I just want to ask if you have time. I w-want you to accompany me to a place and need your help. "

" Huh? Let's go then. If teacher wants to go somewhere, I will be your tour guide. Having a date with my beautiful teacher makes me happy. " Ban said while smiling.

Elena blushed and said " I-It's only buying a TV on the market. What date are you talking about? The TV in my apartment just broke and was impossible to repair. " She reasoned.

Ban was chuckling at her respons " Oh so that's how it is. Let's go then. But before that, we should eat some lunch outside like lovers do Hehe. " His face thicken as he tease his teacher.

" Alright, let's have a lunch. And it is not a date you hear me? "

Ban raised both of his hand to surrender. Elena smiled and both of them went to a nearby restaurant.


At school gate.

Ban and Elena was walking while many noticed their presence.

" Hey, who's that guy? Is he the boyfriend of our school teacher? " A student nearby ask someone.

The girl student replied " He's so handsome! Wow! They were match made in heaven. No doubt he was the boyfriend of our school teacher. "

" Noooo! Teacher! Why!? Our goddess teacher will be taken away. " Another one exclaim.

" Heh! Look at yourself. You don't even qualify to carry their shoes. " Another girl said.

Elena was blushing by random comments of the students nearby. She was feeling shy at the moment. When she look at front, she was startled and call out " Big brother? "

Not far from them, a man was walking calmly approching the duo. His built was fit for his shirt. One could tell that this man was a trained professional seeing his gestures.

His name is George Mist. A Major in military also the step brother of Elena. He doted on her a lot during childhood days. He protected her and her sister Eliza from bullying back then. He saw his sister and Ban walking together and raise his eyebrow. From the looks of it, they were close to one another.

" Hoho Little sister, is this guy your boyfriend? Nice to meet ya bro. My name is George. " He straightforwardly raise a handshake to Ban.

Elena's blushing face was on the spot when George mention the 'boyfriend' in from of the crowd. "What are you talking about brother? He's a student. "

" Oh? Did I misunderstand you two? Anyway, nice to meet ya bro. " George said.

Ban also raise his hand for a handshake. He raise an eyebrow feeling the force that George produce. It is enough to crush a man's bone from the strong grip. He still face him calmly and smiled.

' This strength, should be about the same after I was reborn, a 1st Order strength. ' Ban thought.

George also raise an eyebrow in shock. He didn't think that the  boy's physical strength would be this excellent. He raise another level of physical strength. This time, he give it his all.

Ban was still smiling calmly at his gesture ' 2nd Order? Wait, I can feel he is not there yet. '

George let go of his hand feeling the questioning glare of Elena. He said while laughing " Haha. I never thought that your boyfriend would be this strong. Hey Brother, how about some sparring? " He love to fight. Previously, when Derrick was sparring with when they first met, Derrick was hospitalized. George didn't want weak individual courting his sister. He believe that strength is the key for anything in order to protect his sister so he wants to test Ban the moment they meet and the result satisfied him.

Ban peak his interest hearing George's suggestion. He also want to practice the Basic Fighting Fundamentals he got. George is his perfect target dummy. If George hear this, his pride might waver hearing his hurtful words.

Ban was about to agree when Elena interrupted " No. He's a student and doesn't know how to fight. What if you injure him? Besides big brother, what are you doing here? " She remembered Ban kicking Derrick at that time but she thought it was just a lucky shot.

Ban was planning to contact George later as he know that just like him, there are other supernaturals within the military. Though he didn't plan on joining, sparring with them is possible.

George scratch his head and thought ' Theres no way this guy does not know how to fight. ' He said " I was investigating about the person you told that was missing. Some info leads in this city and here I am. I also wants to visit Grandpa here. "

" Did you say that man is here in this city? " Elena widen her eyes. If he is found, Sienna might be ecstatic from the news.

George shrug his shoulder and said " We didn't know fore sure. That guy was lost for years now and we didn't know gow to start in this city. "

Ban raised an eyebrow about their conversation and thought ' Missing person? Maybe a criminal? '

Elena wave her hand and said to his brother. " Go visit Grandpa now. He misses you a lot. Meanwhile, I will go somewhere to buy some stuff. You don't need to accompany us. "

Ban and George exchange contacts. They both plan to meet soon about the sparring. They didn't want Elena to know this secret.

Elena grab at Ban's hand who put a surprise expression and grinned. He lock his hand together with hers making Elena round her eyes in surprise. She look nearby and nobody was watching them so she feel relieved. She tried to let go but she can't win against Ban who wore an innocent expression.

Elena was blushing along the way and tried to cover her face. She whispered " What are you doing? Let go of my hand now. " She order.

Ban smiled and said " Just pretend. I think I saw your fiance walking nearby. " He chuckled in his mind. ' Poor guy, he must be in the ICU right now. '

Elena was startled and held Ban's hand tightly. She move her body a little closer to him unknowingly. She didn't know why she did this but she felt safe being around with him.

After a while, Elena's stiff body became natural as she even lean her body to Ban. She ask him " Hey Ban, W-Why did you call me y-your 'little pikachu' back then? " She was curious right now. When she saw the cover of her phone a day ago, she was confused.

Ban smirk at her question. He said gently " Why? Do you not want me to call you that? "

Elena blushed and denied " I-It's not like that. I don't mind. Eh? Wait. Y-You! I never said I was your girlfriend. "

Ban laugh " Hah. I never said anything though? What are you reacting like that for? " He found her cute right now being coquetish to him.

Elena pouted and stomp her foot. She didn't want to give up and question him repeatedly.

Ban answered everything bluntly.

Both of them chatted until they arrive at the restaurant.