Snake Gang

At the restaurant, they order some light dishes and ate.

" So tell me, why did you call me little pikachu at that time? " Elena keep pestering him.

Ban twitch his lips a few times " You ask the same question for quite some time now. I already told you I like to call you that. Another question please. "

" No. That is not the answer I was looking for. " Elena stared at his eyes seriously. She wants a definite answer from Ban.

" Oh? What answer would you like me to say? " Ban smiled mysteriously.

" I don't know? Maybe you saw my p- Ahem. T-This dish is so delicious! " Elena almost blurted out her words but change it instantly.

Ban raise an eyebrow. He smirk playfully and said " I saw your what? Your P? What P are you talking about? "

Elena blushed and tried to look away and snorted " My phone. There is a pikachu sticker at the back cover of it. You may not know this but pikachu is my favorite character. "

Ban laugh and said " Hmm. I didn't know that though? Let me see? " He smiled innocently.

Elena widened her eyes this time. She thought ' If he didn't know about the phone, then.. then.. '

" Hmph Forget it. " She pouted while eating.

" Do you really want to know that much? " Ban smiled to her.

Elena suddenly stared to his handsome playful face. She hesitated for a moment and said " O-Of course I want to know. "

Ban gestured her to move closer. He whispered the words for a few seconds.

Elena's whole face turned red up to her ears. Her face felt hot upon hearing Ban's answer. She spat lowly " Scoundrel! " She then cover her face and run to the restroom while feeling embarrased.

Ban shrug his shoulder and smiled. He thought ' Heh! Curiosity kills the cat. '

A few minutes later, Elena return. She did not blush but her ears were red. She tried to act normal and continue to eat.

" I'm done eating. " Ban smiled playfully at her.

" O-Oh I-I am also finish. " Elena blush again.

Ban said " What are you talking about? You didn't even touch your food. Don't worry, I can wait you know. " He was enjoying every bit of time he have with his crush.

" I'm on a diet. No worries. " Elena replied as she drink her water. She continue " Let's go. "

Ban approach her and held her hand " It's okay right? " He smiled shamelessly to her.

Elena was stunned and said " I never knew you would be this shameless. " A little blush could be seen in her cheeks.

Ban saw her expression and know that his advance was accepted then he happily walk together with her.

They walk until they arrive at a mall and buy those things needed. After sending his teacher in her apartment, Ban plans to head to the hospital.


5 in the afternoon...

After Ban fetch his cousin bringing her to his house, he notice that there was no Sally inside. He thought maybe she went to work so he also prepare to go. He reminded Sophia that he will be late and not to wait for him.

Arriving at the restaurant he notice Sally busying herself at the tables so he proceed to his work. Some notice him and thought he was a new guy so they didn't bother talking to him. Some waitresses peek a glance at him from time to time.

Sally was avoiding his stare while blushing a little but Ban did not mind. He recall her enticing figure last night and smirk.

After work, he directly went out and plan to go somewhere. Ban went to another place to make some money. He plan to go on the streets to observe. He is waiting for something or maybe someone.

Ban was in a black shirt and pants with a cap while wandering accross the streets. He was targeting some known gangs for his plan. He also prepare a pikachu mask to execute it.

Not long after, he saw two thugs at a dark area of the street, these guys were planning to rob their victims using daggers. Ban saw that they have a snake tattoo on their neck. He thought their gang might be popular.

He directly walk into them without looking. Upon arriving, sure enough one of the thugs aim a dagger at Ban's back.

" Give us your money kid. " One of them whisper to Ban.

Ban didn't respond, only staring at the man in front.

" You deaf?! Give us your belongings! " The man at the back push the dagger further.

Ban slowly open his mouth and said " Put your weapon away. I am in a good mood so i don't want to cripple someone today. " He narrow his eyes coldly.

" Not only you are deaf but you are also a dumb idiot. Stab him bro! " The man in front ordered. He didn't want to resort something like this but the Ban in front of them pissed him off so he also took a dagger and plan to stab Ban.

*pak!* *swish*

Ban slap the dagger away and grab the man in his back on his neck and throw him in front of him.

The two men collided each other to the ground. Their noses were bleeding from the impact. Ban kick away their weapon and stomp the first guy on his chest.

" One more move and I'll cripple you for real. " Ban said calmly. The man was frightened at the same time felt the pressure of Ban's foot. He can't even move much less retaliate. The other guy was also scared. They did not think they will meet a demon today.

" W-What do you want? If you want money, you can take ours. Just don't hurt us. " The guy acted tough but he was still scared.

Ban smiled " I dont want your filthy money. What is the name of your gang? "

" What do you want to do? I tell you, never mess with our gang or you will suffer- " The guy replied but was interrupted by a kick in the face.

" Suffer? All I see now is you guys will suffer if you don't properly answer my questions. " Ban coldly said.

" D-Dragon, our gang is c-called Dragon Gang Sir. " The man nearly piss his pants from the force of the kick and he answer obediently.

Ban was confused " That tattoo on your necks were snakes so I thought your gang is called Snake Gang. Such low cost tattoo is really making it worse. I suggest to change your Gang's name into a Snake Gang. It sounds fitting on your tattoo. "

Both guys felt like crying about Ban's comment.

" Now, where is your headquarters? " Ban continued to ask.

One of them said " I-It's 2 blocks away from here Sir. The Dragon Casino is our headquarters. "

" Fuck*ng retards! Your headquarter is a casino and you are here robbing on the streets? I thought owning a casino makes your members rich. " Ban slap the two and cursed.

Now both of the men were crying as they did not know how to respond. They were just minor members of the gang.

" Forget it. Lead me to your boss now. Go to the backdoor of the casino. Also, don't tell anyone about my face. I don't want anyone to recognize me. If you do, your faces will turn into this. "

*Bang* *Crack*

Ban stomp the floor and produce a web crack on it.

Both men gulp at the scene. They didn't think this man's leg would be this powerful. They stiffly nodded nonstop while sweating.

" Give me your names. " Ban ordered.

The two replied instantly. They were Cane and Gab.

" Now let's go to your headquarters. " Ban put his pikachu mask and the three of them headed to the casino.


At the back of the casino entrance, there were two buff men guarding the door. They saw three people approaching and stop them. " You can't enter. " They sound stern while blocking the door.

Cane and Gab were smiling as they approach the guards. " Err. You see. Someone want to meet the Boss. " They point at Ban who is silent the whole time.

The two buff guys saw Mask guy and shake their head. " No. The Boss is busy right now. No one can disturb him. "

Cane didn't know what to do and he look at Ban for answer.

" I want to make a business to your Boss. " Ban said calmly.

One of the guard raise an eyebrow and disdainfully look at Ban. " You think anyone can do business with our Boss? Scram away or we will beat you here kid. "

Ban chuckle and said " I wasn't requesting. I am ordering you two. "

The two was enraged at his words. They were about to attack when their earphone rang. The two of them was startled and look at Ban deeply. One of them said " The Boss wants to meet you. Go ahead to the top floor, someone will assist you there. As for these two, they will remain. " The guard glance at Cane and Gab.

Ban was surprise a little but he still proceeded. He thought ' Interesting, I never met the Boss before but now he wants to meet me. '

At the top floor, Ban saw a lady in professional dress greeted him politely and assist him to the office of the so called Boss.

When Ban saw the Boss, He was startled.

' You've got to be kidding me! '