
Ban look at the front and was startled. There was a man sitting on the sofa while drinking a wine.

' Drago? No, he can't be him. He us a little older and more refined than him. ' Ban thought.

The man was interrupted by the secretary informing of the arrival of Ban. He nodded and gesture Ban to take a seat.

Ban calmly walk to the sofa and sat down.

The two were silent the whole time and the man offer him a drink. Ban decline the offer and continue to inspect the man in front of him.

" Interesting. Some people wants to have business with me but they keep their humble attitude. This is the first time someone approach me with a calm demeanor and on top of that wearing a mask. Would you let me show your face? " The man said smilingly.

Ban shook his head and said " This is my way to hide my identity. So, your surname must be Lawrence. You must be the son of Elvis Lawrence the business tycoon of this City since you resembled him a lot. "

The man was not surprise by Ban's claim. He said " Indeed. My name is John Lawrence, the eldest son of Elvis Lawrence. I am also the Boss of the Dragon Gang. " He swirl the wine in his glass and slowly sip it. He continued " What business do you want to have with me? "

Ban thought if this guy in front of him act like a scumbag like his brother Drago, then things might be easy for him. However, this guy seemed civil as he can't punch the face of a smiling innocent man like him. Therefore, he continue to his original plan.

" I want to participate on the underground arena. " Ban slowly utter. Making John look at him in surprise.

John said " How shall I call this brother? "

" Just call me Whiss. "

John look at him deeply and said " Indeed I can take you there but judging from your stature, I believe you can't last for a minute in there. Fighters in the arena were not just anybody you see on the streets. They were famous in skills and not their names only. Every fighter there were gathered all around the world. Also, this is not a simple underground arena. Fighters can kill their opponents if they want to, you can even use a weapon provided only by the arena. Outside weapons were not allowed. Even authorities cannot meddle in the arena's rule. "

Ban smirk behind his mask and said confidently " You won't know unless you try. I only want a profit and not the fame. " He anticipated fighting in the underground arena hearing John's explanation.

" Well since you insist, I will test your skills then. " John clap his hand twice and a buff man appear in a second. This guy have many scars on his face and look seriously stern.

" Is there anything Boss? " The buff man ask calmly.

John call his right hand man to test Ban. He knew this is the best fighter in his gang. He was a retired mercenary. John didn't know how many people killed by this guy but his killing aura has been leaking all the time.

John look at Ban and said " This is Miller, my personal guard. He is the best fighter I had. If you defeat him, I will take you to the arena and register you for a match.  "

Miller look disdainfully at Ban when he heard the Boss want him to test Ban's fighting capability. However when he heard about the arena, he gave a solemn look. He knew those fighters in there cannot be underestimated even for him. He said seriously " Alright Boss. "

Ban stood up and distance himself at Miller who put a stance. Both of them were silent for a whole minute. Seeing Ban did not move, Miller dash and twist his oversize body and ready to kick on Ban's leg.

Ban look at Miller's pose and he thought this guy was going to take him down by kicking both of his legs. Miller however, made a feint and his real target is to thrust his fist on Ban's face. Miller burst a killing intent intending to freeze Ban.

Ban was startled and realized the fighting capability of this guy and praise him. ' Nice. I can use this move someday. But his power barely entered 1st Order so I can take him down with ease. ' Due to Ban's advance senses, he dodge the fist smoothly and distance himself a few meters away.

Miller was surprise at the agility of his opponent. He said " If you only knows how to dodge then you are not qualify in the arena. "

Ban raise his eyebrow and smiled " Come then, I won't dodge this time. "

Miller charge at him with full speed and with a jump, he directly target at Ban's chest.


Ban swiftly grab Miller's ankle before it could hit his face and throw him back with a simple kick in the stomach.


Miller rolled down by the force. He thought in his mind ' What power. I can't even force myself to stop from skidding the floor. ' His body weight about 250 pounds but  Ban easily stop him with a calm face.

After stopping, he clutch his stomach feeling the intense pain. His scarred face turn red and he can't get up.

John was amazed by Ban's strength. He said " That's enough now. Miller, you can go back. "

Miller felt embarrased but he was powerless at the moment. He knew he can't win so he slowly got up and went outside.

" I never knew you would be this capable brother Whiss. Do you want to be my right hand man? I can give you 100 000 dollars a month. You don't need to go to the arena to fight. " John him a job. He thought it would be a pity if he die on the arena.

Ban refuse him and insisted " I still want to participate on the underground arena. "

The two chat and exchange contacts and Ban bid farewell after that. John told him that tomorrow night he will take him to the underground arena to register and maybe meet a fighter for a match.

After Ban was out, John thought ' Maybe I can use him to make a name here in Angeles City and be a qualify successor to my father. ' He thought about his brother Drago which favored by his father, he shook his head.


Ban walk on the streets pondering.

' This arena is a good way to solidify my strength. I grow powerful everyday without stopping. My body feels full as I need to vent my pent up energies. After absorbing essence in the air, I can now feel the inner energy in my body clearly. Both of my physical strength and inner energy improved by practicing Myriad Elements Divine Body. This passive skill is like all-round tecnique, so awesome. '

Ban check his surroundings and notice that someone was spying on him so after he cross a dark alley, he vanished from sight making those following him suddenly felt at a loss.


Arriving at his house, Ban check the time and it is 10 in the evening. He check the house and found Sally washing the dishes. Sophia and little Judith were sleeping soundly so he sneak in soundlessly and approach Sally from behind.


A crisp sound of slap resounded in the kitchen. Ban grab the juicy arse of Sally and squeeze a little.

Sally was horrified feeling a slap in her bottom. She was about to scream when a body suddenly hug her from behind. She saw that it was Ban and she breath out in relief but she was startled again. She said quietly " What are you doing? Let me off. " A little blush appear on her cheeks.

Ban did not let go, instead he kiss her back neck lightly a few times up to her ears making her shiver. He smiled and said " Big Sis, why are you avoiding me earlier? My heart hurts when you do that. " He sounded like he was hurt.

Sally was at a loss when she heard him. After a while she replied " You scoundrel. It is because of- "


A kiss stop her sentence as Ban turn her around and give her a deep sensual kiss. Time went still in Sally's mind and her body turned weak.

Ban chuckle and said " Heh! Big Sis, you can't run away from this selfish scoundrel. Let's do it here. "

Sally was startled and protested " N-No, we can't do it here. "

Ban smiled playfully and carry her to his room and said " That can be arrange immediately. "

Sally knew Ban dupe her so she blush helplessly. She said " Truly a scoundrel. "

" This scoundrel will teach you a lesson not to ignore her man. " Ban grab her bountiful arse and slap it gently.

Another night of not sleeping 'battle' for the duo.