
3 in the morning...

Ban was awake the whole night but he still feel energetic. Beside him laying the naked back of Sally sleeping. Ban look at the door and sense Sophia returning back  to her room.

' This girl is getting more and more bold and eavesdrop my battle the whole time. Hmm. I should create a skill that can create a sound barrier. '

Ban check his body and his inner energy went up once again. He was awake in order to investigate the breakthrough in his body yesterday. ' Turned out after doing it with Sally makes my inner energy went up. This should have something to do with her liquid she produce. What was that in novels again? Yin Qi? Maybe essence? Whatever, I shall call it the 'Sweetest Nectar' Hmm sounds right Hah! ' Ban laugh in his mind.

He also notice Sally's constitution improved after doing it once. Ban notice her strength upgrade a little that she didnt even know. Now looking at her figure, she is getting more fairer and beautiful.

' Does that also have something to do with my essence? '

Ban notice that Sally's eyelids tremble and he smirk. He whisper to her ear " Seems like Big Sis is awake. Time for another round I guess. " He grab her perky arse and squeeze it softly.

" Auuuhhh. N-No d-don't. I can't take another round anymore. Y-You. Are you even a machine? You don't even feel exhausted. L-Let me rest please. " Sally moan and pleaded him.

Ban laugh with joy and pride and smack her round bottom. He said " Hah! I'm just kidding with you. I rarely seen your gentle side with outsiders before. You look so cute right now. " He held her in his arms for a cuddle.

Sally burried her face in his embrace and grunted at Ban's comment. She was shy facing him right now.

" Although I can't promise you anything for now as I have no plans for the future. Just know that I will protect you and little Judith as long as I am alive. " Ban said seriously. He didn't say any flowery words but he is doing it with action and being direct. Ban is selfish deep inside and that is his pride.

' Plans huh? Maybe... Maybe I should look for my real parents? ' He thought.

Sally said " What protect? I can protect myself you know and I am not your woman. " She pouted coquetishly.

Ban kiss her cheek said domineeringly " You are my woman. Also since you are my woman , I can tell you a part of my secret. "

Sally raise her head and look at him confused.

" How do you feel about your body? I mean, do you feel any change in your body? " Ban ask.

Sally ask " What's your secret have to do with my body? Hmm. Now that you mention that, my skin looks fairer than before. "

Ban smiled and said gently " You didn't know but your strength have improve quite a bit from yesterday. "

Sally's face turn red and said " W-What are you talking about you rascal. Did you think I am more proactive this night? Y-You. " She hid her face once again.

Ban was surprised and laugh loudly. He said gently " What are you talking about? I mean your constitution have improve. Well, look at me. I want to show you something. "

Sally raise her red face and look at Ban. She was curious of what will he show to her.

" Don't blink. Look at that phone beside you. " Ban pointed at his phone near Sally.

Sally look at the phone and said " What about your phone? You want to show me some magic? "

" Indeed you are right. I can make it levitate in the air just like you see in those fantasy movies on TV. " Ban played along with her while smiling.

" What nonsense. Do you really think I will believe that? Did you have a brain damage or something? Maybe hit by a truck so much that you hallucinate things? " Sally look at him weirdly.

Ban let out a wry chuckle " What are you talking about woman? How about we make a bet? " He grinned pervertedly.

Sally's brow raised up and ask " What do you want to bet? " She raise her guard seeing the look of Ban.

" I do the impossible. If I will make the phone float, we will do it in the kitchen later this night. If I can't, your call. You can make any request you want. Sounds fair? " Ban smiled at her.

Sally laugh but blush again " Pervert! " She imagine her doing it with Ban in the kitchen. Her body temperature went up. However, she knew that what will he do this time is impossible so she agreed " Fine. If you lose, I will have one request from you. "

" Hah! Alright then. Let the show begin. " Ban laugh. He smirk in his mind ' A little thrill might do '

He pointed at the phone while Sally sat down while covering herself with blanket watching Ban. She look at Ban weirdly ' Is this guy really have mental illness? Doesn't look like it though. '

10 seconds...

20 seconds...

1 minute...

" Did it move? You pointed the phone for a minute now. I don't see it floating though. " Sally look at him weirdly. She went closer and feel his forehead. " Did you have a cold? Are you alright? Did you sleep talk just then? "

Ban smiled at her and said " Look. "

Sally look back at the phone and what she saw makes her eyes pop in surprise. She exclaim " Kyaa! G-Ghost! " She hug at Ban who is laughing at her expression.

" Hah! Relax. It's just me doing a trick. " Ban patted her perky arse while squeezing it a little. His trick was a success.

" A trick? " Sally's eyes look at the swaying phone in the air. Her panic expression turn into confusion. She still didn't notice Ban's devil hand caressing her bottom as she was examining the phone. She continue to speak " H-How did you do this? I didn't notice any things that make the phone floats. "

Ban chuckle and said " A magician never tell his secrets. "

Sally pouted and replied " You said earlier that you want to tell me a part of your secret. So, you're saying you are a magician? "

" Hah! Magician. Well, you could say that " Ban was amused by her claim.

Sally was excited as she held at Ban's arm and shook it fervently making the phone drop down. " How did you do it? Tell me tell me tell me! "

Ban was swaying left and right by Sally's persuasion. He smiled wrily at her enthusiasm.

" Okay Okay calm down. Let me show you the trick again. Come here. I can do it while laying down. " Ban pulled her to his embrace and explain things calmly.

The phone which is down a few seconds ago float once again making Sally look at it with a shining eyes.

" This trick is called manipulation. It is a real magic trick using real magic. You can do it too but not for now. I can sense your body is slowly changing and just started to be reborn. " Ban said as he played the floating phone easily as if the phone is a part of his body.

Sally muttered in a daze " Real Magic. " She look at Ban that was focusing on the phone and she continue to speak " So you are saying you have powers? Like those in the movies? "

Ban nodded " Yeah. And my body strength is powerful too. You witnessed that day when I deal those thugs easily? Being a supernatural have both inner energy like I did to the phone and super strength like what I did back then at the thugs. "

" You are saying I can do that too? Really? " Sally eyes light up and said to him. " Do you really trust me that much that you want to share your secret with me? " Sally felt something in her heart as she look at Ban gently.

" You are not a nobody to me. Keep it a secret though as I also don't know if there is anyone more powerful than us if someone investigate. I don't plan to stay a low profile in the near future though. That future has you in it as we will be together no matter what trouble come to us. Because like I said, You are my woman. " Ban look at Sally's eyes seriously.

Sally took the initiative to kiss him for the first time and said in a coquetish manner " What if you find another woman? I know I am old and if you find a younger one, will you abandon me and my daughter in the future? "

Ban scratch her nose and said " Yes. "

Sally knew to herself that Ban might really abandon her in the near future if he find a new woman giving his unlimited future. She has a daughter and woman like her might have another man in the future but not anybody will accept her daughter as their child.

Upon hearing Ban's reply, Sally widened her eyes and was about to feel disappointed.

Ban hug her closer and kiss her on the lips " Yes, I do have a woman in mind. I know myself I am fickle in love but you should know that I am a very selfish man. You can't get away from me forever. You are my, Ban's woman. If you walk away, I will chase you back. "

Sally pouted and said " Even though I am open to everybody as this is my nature, I also get jealous. What if she doesn't like me? How can you handle that? "

Ban look at her gently " I know my limitations in love. But once I fell, I trust that someone. That is my weakness. I once loved a girl but turned out she played with my feelings. I don't have the answer to your question but try to talk things out. We will figure something together. I don't want to lose any of you. You can call this selfish but this is me. " Ban close his eyes recalling his past.

He continued " Ahem. Now that you know my secret, I also want to make you have powers just like me. Though I read novels that people have powers have longer life span and stayed younger even though they were few hundreds of years old maybe even forever just like immortals, I can't prove any of that but we will discover that in the future. "

Sally heard the right word in Ban's mouth about 'staying younger forever', her eyes glittered for a moment and ask him excitedly " Really? I will stay younger forever? What about my daughter? I don't want her to be left behind. "

Ban think for a second and said " I will figure out something in the future. It will be possible since you saw I have powers, maybe anything is possible. "

" So, how should I raise my powers then? Tell me. I want to look more younger Hihi " Sally giggled at the thought being young forever.

Ban look at her weirdly but smiled pervertedly and said " Heh! As of now, there is only one answer to that. And that is... " He whisphered to her.

Sally widened her eyes as her face blush all over to her neck. She thought to herself

' Did I just fell into a trap? '

Before she could do anything to avoid it, Ban already pounce on her.

" Heh! I'm all fired up! "

Another rounds of erotic battles happening on the duo...