Worried again?

March 15 2099...

Ban got up in his bed leaving Sally in the blanket sleeping soundly. He smiled gently and kiss her cheecks. Sally's body is still sensitive and pink in color with a bit of sweat as the erotic battle have just ended. Sally was already turned unconscious before Ban could release his final shot. He didn't know if she will be pregnant after this but he knew that this essence is a way to reborn her body. He shook his head and went to take a bath after a while.

A/N : Maybe she took a pill.

It is 5 in the morning and he needed to make a breakfast.

' What a day. I leveled up once again. My body feels so light like I can fly at anytime. Doing it with Sally makes my body indeed improve by a lot. Hmm. I shall investigate this matter in the future. ' He check the improvements in his body.

" What the.. my Spirit detection covers about 1km right now at maximum. Damn also my physical strength is so powerful now. That damn truck, even if I face that, I am confident I can stop it and kick it back with the same speed as it came. " He marveled the changes in his body. He raise his right hand and he can now produce a fire.

He didn't know the limit of the skill Myriad Elements Divine Body, but he knew this skill is superb. Not only he can absorb the essence in the air but it also converted into elements energy to store and nourish his body like a superman making him invincible to any elemental and physical attacks.

" I am now at 4th Order. The energy in my body, I can sense them well right now. But, what is this feeling that there is something vague in my body that I can't see and that whole region is covered by purple lights? Hmm. I shall wait until I level up more and know what that is. " Ban pondered.

Before he could walk out in his room, an intense pain in his head due to a sudden knowledge imparted to him by that purple area. Ban clutch his head in agony.

' Aghh! Damn it hurts! Why does it always like this even though I have improved my body. But this pain doesn't like it came from my brain, instead it came from my soul? ' He sat down and tried to concentrate his aching head. Ban took a deep breath while closing his eyes.

After a few minutes, the pain subsided and Ban open his eyes. His eyes shined in purple lights for a moment and return to its original brown color.

' A new skill set have arrive? Sounds convenient having a set of these powerful skills but hurts like hell in the process of impartation. ' Ban massage his head checking the new knowledge in his mind.

" Hmm. Very good indeed. All of these were either improve version of my past skill maybe some combination and new ones. " Ban thought on when he shall start practicing them. He was excited those improved version of his past skills.

' But what's with this random impartation? The first one is when I entered in 1st Order. And now, I am in 4th Order that a new one suddenly came. ' He thought. ' Maybe because my body needs to be qualified enough in order to gain a new skills? That purple area is the one giving me these skills and that is for sure since it light up a little before I feel the pain in my head. '

Ban slowly walk to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. He knew Sally this time is dead tired, so he took care of judith and feed her breakfast. Sophia was also in her room sleeping soundly.

In the Sofa, Ban played with Little Judith happily. The Little girl dance in joy playing with Ban.

Ban watch the TV for some news while waiting for the girls to wake up. He have plenty of time today so he was idle laying on the sofa.

8 in the morning, Ban saw Sally sneaking from his room. Sally took a peek and noticed Ban was with her daughter but no Sophia in her view so she directly run to her room carrying Ban's blanket. She was like a ghost lady trying to scare someone. Little Judith didn't notice her mother sneaking away. Ban laugh loudly while looking at Sally amusingly.

" Big brother? " Little Judith tilted her head looking at Ban in confusion.

Ban never stop his laughing and carress the little girls head " Oh. It's nothing. The show on the TV is so funny. "

Sally on the other hand blush furiously upon entering her room. Her face was so red that she look like a ripe tomato. She was bare naked while running only covered by a blanket.

' Scoundrel! ' Sally puff her cheek while feeling embarrased. She directly went to the bathroom to take a good bath.

Sally notice the changes in her body this time. She look more younger and beautiful while she look at herself in the mirror. She also feel like she grow taller quite a bit. She was originally 175cm but now she notice the difference like she grew a few centimeters more. Her vixen figure is even more hot right now.

After dressing up, Sally went out and sat beside Ban. Ban smiled to her amusingly. Sally blush and pinch his side and glared at him coquetishly. Ban responded to her and acted like he was hurt.

Ban also retaliated and pinch her round bottom making Sally shivers. She blush a little while glaring at him.

Ban didn't mind her glare and spoke " The breakfast is ready, go and eat first. Why are you waking up late? Little Judith is more obedient than you. She wake up so early not like her mama. " Ban teased Sally while taking the little girl in his embrace playing her smooth hair.

Sally rolled her eyes at Ban's comment. She said " I am not hungry. That's strange, I am not on a diet though. Oh. I indeed feel the changes in my body now. That's so magical! " Her eyes lit up thinking about the new changes in her body.

" Mommy is beautiful. " The little girl chimed. She was playing in Ban's embrace. Sally happily kissed her daughter's cheek and proceeded to eat her breakfast.

" Good Morning! *Yawn* " Sophia walk out in her room and greeted them. She has eyebags in her face while looking sleepy. Her short green hair look messy.

" Morning. Come, breakfast is ready. " The trio greeted her back and Sally invited her to eat breakfast.


After breakfast and a little chat, Ban and Sophia readied themselves to visit to the hospital.

The same as yesterday, Ban look at Sophia weirdly. While Sophia was avoiding his gaze while blushing. There is a little guilt appeared on her beautiful innocent face.

Ban snickered in his mind ' This lass is so cute sometimes. ' He said " You are worried about Uncle again? "

Sophia's face turned red as she wants to bury herself in a hole and hide forever. She said in a low voice " Y-Yes. "

Ban patted her head and consoled her. " Don't worry. Uncle is fine and was in a good condition. "

' I know. ' Sophia wants to tell that but she was embarrased at the moment so she could only nod her head.

" You should sleep more. Don't let yourself worry about Uncle, he will be fine and be discharge in a few days. " Ban said to her. In fact, he didn't want his cousin to eavesdrop in his activity with Sally as he was also trying to control his voice out when doing that but he can't stop Sally whose like a legendary warrior riding a stallion and 'shouting a battle cry' nonstop.

A/N : Sally was enjoying that 'battle'.

Sophia nodded her head but her mind is saying otherwise. Her urge to eavesdrop is so high that peak her curiosity what Ban and Sally done in his room.

Ban sighed inside seeing her expression like that. He decided to let her do what she wanted for the time being until she return to her house in the next few days.


Ban don't know what to do at this moment. He check the time and it is still early and he didn't plan to go to school.

' Shall I call George for some sparring session? Or maybe I shall go home and study the new tecniques. ' Ban was thinking when he heard his phone ring.

" Eh? " Ban's heart skip a beat when he see who called.

He took a deep breath and answer " Hello? Penelope? What's up? "

Penelope was in her room drawing a face of a person in her sketchboard. The person she draw seems to be the past Ban. She misses Ban since the exam and she wants to call him and have a chat. She unknowingly grab her phone and dial Ban's number. After she knew what she done, she panick and blushed.

Penelope suddenly end the call before she could hear Ban. However, she was disappointed at her doing. ' Aish! I shouldn't have ended the call. Penelope, Penelope, you are an idiot! ' She slump in her bed while looking at her drawing while sighing.


Ban was confused at the moment " Huh? What was that all about? Did she call the wrong number? " He shrug his shoulder and thought of this classmate of his. Long curly golden hair and a pair of sapphire eyes with a innocent but naughty face.

" What did I do in the past that makes her likes me? " Ban recall his memory when was the time he saw a blond little girl. ' I can't recall anything. Wait, there is that time when I rescue a little girl 11 years ago. But that was so dark since it is night time. Whatever, I can't remember what happens that night anyways. I should head home to practice the new skills. '

' If I have time late tonight, I will call her for a chat. '

Ban bid his farewell to his Aunt's family and head home.

A/N : Penelope is the cover in this novel.