Immortal's Pressence

Arriving at his house, Ban saw Sally busying herself in the kitchen while the Little girl is in the bedroom playing.

Ban walk directly to Sally while smiling. The latter saw him and smiled gently. She approach him and give him a hug.

Sally said " You're back already? You didn't go for school? "

Ban kiss her forehead and replied " Nah. Theres not much to do in there anyway. I went home directly to see you. " He smiled and stare deeply in her eyes.

Sally blush a little and said " W-We can't today. I'm preparing to go for work. " She was avoiding his deep clear eyes. If she stare at him for a few seconds, she might not resist him.

Ban laugh and slap her bountiful arse and replied " Hah! What are you thinking about? Can't I come home just to spend my time with you. " He smiled cheekily at her.

Sally blushed even more hearing his reason. " Y-You scoundrel. Stop teasing this Big Sis of yours. " She buried her face in his embrace.

" Hah! Alright I won't tease you anymore. In addition of coming back home, I want to practice another skills. That Manipulation trick is just one of my skills. Look, this is also one of them. " Ban stretch out his hand and a flame suddenly emit in his palm.

Sally widened her eyes looking at Ban's palm. " Quick! Your hands might burn. Put out the fire now! " Her mouth also widened in wonder.

Ban chuckled and extinguish the fire in his palm with a simple wave. " It's fine. Look, I'll create another one. "

This time his palm has a visible moist and in a second, a ball of water size of a fist silently floating in the air.

" Wow! So amazing! How did you do that? Teach me how to do it! " Sally couldn't believe her eyes of what she saw. First a fire and now a water.

Ban laugh and said " Your constitution is in the process of being reborn. You have to wait a little bit more. Although it's vague, I can sense a fire aura in your body. You must have an afinity to it. That makes you capable of controlling a fire element in the future. " He explained patiently.

Sally was surprised and check her body. " I-I can use fire? " Her eyes glittered for quite a while hearing Ban's observation.

" Indeed. But before that, you need to be completely reborn. " Ban recall the new skill appeared in his mind, an elemental controlling skill. That skill have an offensive and defensive instructions.

" Reborn. " When Sally knew the method to be reborn again, she blush furiously. " Do I really have to do that? "

Ban chuckle and shrug his shoulder " Well, I don't know any other solutions. You don't like it? " He grinned widely.

Sally wants to find a hole and burrow herself in it. She said in a very low voice " You know that is not what I meant. " Her face up to her ears turned red.

Ban raise an eyebrow while looking at her confused.

" Y-You. I can't match your vigor. I-I-I-I can't handle you in-in-in b-bed. " She evade his gaze.

Ban's expression warp but after a few seconds he laugh loudly.

Sally didn't know where to hide and she pouted while grunting and punch him in his shoulder. She said " Scoundrel! Dummy! Hooligan! "

Ban continued his laughing and hug her and kissed her for a long time. His tongue entered inside playing hide and seek on hers.

Sally had no choice but to give in. She slowly fall for the hands of this guy. A feeling of warmt slowly budding in her heart while she look at Ban gently.

After moments of tongue battles, Sally laid on his embrace and burrowed her face.

Ban carry her into the sofa. He place her in his lap while cuddling her for a while.

" I also don't know why that happens. The change in your body is so fast that it is already visible in the second day in a wide margin. " Ban said gently while caressing her black silky hair.

Sally pouted and said " What? You think I was ugly then? Humph! "

Ban didn't know wether to laugh or cry. This woman's mood is always changing. He replied " Why do you think I make you my woman then? "

Sally thought for a moment and replied frankly " Because of my arse? You keep looking at it even when you start working 2 years ago. I can feel your stare all the time you know? " She giggled.

Ban sweated for a second and return his calm " Ahem. Uhh that was in the past. And how did you know that? I always look when you turn your back. Did you have a third eye in the back of your head or something? " He laugh drily.

" It's my intuition. " She puff her chest proudly. Making her ripe melons bump into Ban's face. Ban smelled her body fragrance and he was aroused.

Ban see her bossom up close and his throat went dry. He gulp a little saliva and said " Big Sis. Are you seducing me right now? Because if you do, you have successfully earn my fullest attention. "

Sally felt a rising bump in her bottom and she knew she had awoken a sleeping dragon in Ban. She panick and tried to let herself go in his embrace.

However, she can't get away as she was held by Ban's strong embrace. She blush slightly not knowing what to do.

" Hah! It's fine. I can hold it until later tonight. But, you can't escape at that time. " Ban whispered to her ear making her body let out a goosebumps in excitement.

Sally let out a sigh of relief but blush once again.

Ban smirk at her and continued to speak " You should've remembered our bet last night right? Hehe " He laugh.

Sally buried her face in his embrace without any reply.

" Mommy! Oh. Big brother! Huh? Why is my mama in your arms Big brother? " Little Judith ran towards Ban while she was confused.

Ban smiled gently while Sally was frightened like a rabbit. Ban replied " Your mama tripped into Big brother so it is like you see. " Sally hurriedly stand and arrange her dress while blushing.

The Little girl had an understanding look as she nodded. She ran into Ban's embrace and said " Big brother, Let's play! "

Ban laugh and said " Okay! Hey Little Judith, do you want to see magic? "

The Little girl's eyes shined when she heard magic. She exclaim " Yes! Big brother, show me some magic! "

Ban fetch a empty glass and place it on the table. He carried Little Judith and put a black cloth around the empty glass.

" Watch. Empty right? Come on, say the magic word. " Ban perform a simple magic introduction and ask the Little girl.

" Open Sesame! " The Little girl shouted in a immature voice.

" Pfft! " Sally in the back was amused by her daughters exclamation.

Ban also raise his eyebrow and played with the Little girl. He also shouted " Okay. Open Sesame! I will put a water in the glass. Watch closely. There is no other things beside the glass. Aaaaaand. Tadaaaa! " Ban raise the black cloth and the glass have water in it.

" Wow! Amazing! Big brother is so cool! Another one! Another one! " Little Judith clap happily while giggling in joy. She requested another magic in Ban.

Ban smiled and perform another magic trick making the Little girl laugh the whole time and was amazed. Even Sally became Ban's magic assistant performing his magic show to the Little girl.

After a while, their Little fun came to an end as it is time for Sally to go for work. The Little girl was reluctant at first but Ban promised her that he would play with her again tomorrow making the girl laugh merrily in Ban's embrace and kiss his cheeks nonstop.


After Sally brought the Little girl away for work, Ban remain in his room. He want to start practicing the new skills he gain.

' Hmm. What shall I choose first? '

- Stealth

- Space Rending Slash

- Dragon Transforming kick

- Heaven Seeking Detection

- Immortal Grace

- Elemental Manipulation Canon

- Passion Conqueror Technique

" Stealth is a rather a simple skill, it's like a camouflage and I will turn invisible if I don't move my spot. This slash, Nah. I don't have a sword right now. Oh. This 'Immortal Grace' is the improve version of 'Serene Spirit' skill. The only changes is that whatever I do, my grace never fades. Hmm. I thought I will become Immortal in this skill but only the bearing and aura. Well, This one it is then. " Ban muttered silently and chooses the first skill to be the Immortal Grace.


5 Hours later...

A/N : Spongebob sfx.

Ban slowly open his eyes. A noticeable change in his expression. Every little move, gesture, facial expression, his presence and aura became different. There was a noble bearing within every moves of his.

Although Ban never notice anything just like before, but if Sally was in his front right now, her panty might drop from his presence. The Immortal Presence.

A/N : Kidding. Sally might see the noticeable change. Above can happen though. LoL