I want to be your girlfriend

Ban stretch a little and investigate the changes in his body.

' As I thought. Nothing changes within. I should've practice the other skills instead. That Heaven Seeking Detection is more useful than this Immortal Grace. It is the improve version of Spirit Detection. In that skill, I can sense more thorough in anything. Even inside a person's body is not spared. It's like an X-Ray vision, but alas. Sigh* '

He got up and plan to fetch Sophia in the hospital.


He then get Sophia and brought her to his house. His Aunt notice something in Ban but she can't point out what's the difference in him. It's like he is changed but not.

Sophia also notice this but she did not know what's different in him. She only look at the handsome Ban from time to time. Evertime she look, her heart would beat much faster than before. She didn't know why but it's like Ban has a magnet in himself that she can't take her eyes off of him.

Both of them arrive at his house.

" What's the matter cousin? " Ban raise an eyebrow to Sophia. He notice her behaving like that since he fetch her in the hospital.

Sophia look at Ban's face in clear view. Her face turn hot as she replied " N-Nothing? " She was at a loss.

Ban look at her confusedly " Is there something on my face? " He felt his face if something stuck in there but he found nothing.

Sophia blush even more as she stare at Ban's every move. In her view, Ban's every gesture is so sexy. " N-Nothing really. " She was stuttering.

Ban thought about the passive skill he mastered earlier and was enlightened. He look at the blushing Sophia and decided to tease her a bit. He said while his face is getting closer to her like he was examining her " Cousin. You look strange these past few days. What's wrong? Is there anything I can help you with? Is anyone bothering you? Tell your cousin, I will deal with them. "

Sophia's heartbeat turned to the roof as Ban's face was so close to her. She almost fainted from the shock and said " Wa-Wa-What are you t-talking about cousin? I-I-I look f-fine. R-Really. " She blush furiously and continued " I-I-I'm going to my room! "

She run unconsciously without caring for anything.

" Hey, Hey! Watch your steps! " Ban warned her but it was too late even his advanced senses can't catch up to her sudden fall as he was stunned. Sophia trip in her own foot.


Sophia fell down and her ankle seem injured. She curled up feeling the pain.

" F*ck. I shouldn't have teased her. " Ban thought with a guilty face. He hurriedly approach her and crouch down. He said " Are you alright? " He touch her right ankle that was swelling.

' Kyaaaa! So embarrassing! I want to die!!! ' Sophia exclaim in her mind. She replied in pain " My feet hurts. " A little tear came out in her eyes.

Ban carried her in his embrace to put her into the sofa. Sophia was startled and blush. She saw Ban carrying her like a knight in shining armor. Her pain momentarily disappeared as she look at Ban's charismatic face.

Ban didn't notice this and put her into the sofa and examine the bruise. He tried to massage the ankle little by little.

" Hurt! Hurt! It hurts cousin! " Sophia was groaning in pain.

Ban thought for a second and an idea suddenly pop out. While he massage, his hands suddenly turn cold while he slowly press the swelling part little by little making Sophia moan in comfort.

" Ohhh. That's better. Cousin, why is your hand so cold? It feels so comfortable. " Sophia close her eyes while feeling the satisfying massage on her ankle.

Ban didn't mind replying as he was thinking for another solution. He infuse a water energy in her ankle and constantly massaging it for a few minutes.

The swelling noticeably reduced until it was gone. Ban asked her " How do you feel now cousin? "

Sophia tried to move her ankle and was surprised feeling no pain or discomfort. She look at Ban in surprise " Gone? I feel no pain at all. What is happening? Am I dreaming? " Sophia thought that her injury might heal after a day's rest but she didn't think the pain only lasted for a few minutes.

Ban chuckle at her reaction. Now that he can relax a little, he notice that Sophia was only wearing a short skirt. He can clearly see her smooth white thigh up front. Ban blink a few times before looking away.

Sophia noticed this and was startled. She blush furiously once again and said " I-I will try to get up. " She insisted to get up.

" No. Don't. What if the pain might come again? Wait here. I'll fetch a first aid kit. Don't move. " Ban hurriedly fetch a box and started to bandage Sophia's ankle. After that, he carried her to her room.

Sophia was blushing the whole time and didn't argue with him.

Ban put her in the bed and plan to make an early dinner for her. He turn and walk out but before he could do anything, he step a thing in his foot. He tried to pick it up and was confused " Hey cousin. What is this? Is this your towel? "

When Sophia look at the thing in Ban's hand, she exclaim " Kyaaa! N-No! Give me that! " She twisted her body and snatch the thing in Ban's hand faster than a speed of light. She even neglected about her injury just now as her expression was like a red tomato.

A/N : That's just a girl's reflex in exaggeration.

Ban was like a statue in compared to his cousin. He thought ' She's so fast! My senses can't follow her move! ' He look at his cousin acting weirdly.

Sophia hid the thing in her back in a flash and said " I-It's nothing cousin. Y-You can go back now. " She blush up to her neck.

Ban didn't pry any further and shrug. He walk out of her room and make her a dinner.

Sophia's beet red face breath out a sigh of relief. She look at the thing she hide. It is a see through black sexy lingerie her classmate lend to her. She forgot to return the thing and keep it with her. She never plan to wear it until she do her eavesdrop in Ban's room.

If Ban saw her wearing the thing, he might have a nosebleed at the view of his innocent cousin cursing the ones who lend her the forbidden item or maybe praise them deep inside.

After giving his cousin an early dinner, Ban prepare himself to work.


Ban arrive at the restaurant and do his usual job.

Sally this time didn't ignore him but also looking at him weirdly all the time. She didn't know but she felt like she like him more and more.

Sally's colleague also notice her especially ladies asking what was her secret to make a skin more fairer. Even guys wants to hit on her but Sally rejected them with a agressive fist stance.

After work, they chat a little and he said he might be late tonight and not to wait for him making Sally let out a disappointed sigh but she quickly hid it.

Ban headed to the managers office to receive his monthly salary. He plans to not work in this restaurant in the future but that plan will do if making money in the underground arena will be a success. But he is confident in his fighting capability that he can do it.

*knock* *knock*

" Come in, Ban. "

Ban was surprise a little how did the manager knew it was him but he didn't mind and went inside the danger zone.

Manager Lina expected his arrival with a smile on her face. Ban felt a chill for a moment and decided to move forward. He wear a cap and Lina didn't notice the change in his facial expression but she felt like Ban is different the way he move.

Ban instead want to face a most wanted criminal than this manager of his. She was scrutinizing him from her desk like a hungry cat observing a mouse all the time.

Manager Lina hand him a fat envelope containing Ban's salary for the month. Ban receive the money and raise his eyebrow. He thought ' It's more than what I receive every month. ' Judging from the thickness, it was probably tripled.

Manager Lina smiled and said " I have decided to raise your salary every month since you have been working here for at least 2 years now. "

Ban replied calmly. " Thank you Ma'am. " He didn't mind having a raise. In fact he didn't feel elated.

" Don't call me Ma'am when we are alone. Just call me Lina. " Manager Lina wink at him.

Ban felt a goosebump when he saw her expression. He said " Okay. If that is your wish. "

Manager Lina stood up and came closer to him. She said while smiling " Do you have a girlfriend Ban? What do you think of this Big Sister? Can I be your- No, I want to be your girlfriend! I have money, I can buy anything you want. " She pose a sexy stance in front of him and offered him.

' Pft! What the heck! ' He felt chills in his back looking at the manager trying to seduce him. Ban didn't want to linger any moment, the danger zone in his mind became a forbidden area.

He said while backing off " No thanks, Ma'am. I need to go now. See you around " Ban didn't stop and was already at the door and disappeared in sight.

Manager Lina stumped at his action. Before she could say anything, Ban was already outside. She pouted while saying lowly " You can't run away from this Big Sister. I will have you one day. " She grudgingly return to her seat and continue to do her work.

Ban wipe his invisible sweat on his face and directly went out of the building.