
Sally already went home together with Little Judith. Ban walk to the casino where the Dragon Gang was located.

Arriving at the entrance, the guards at the back didn't stop him as Ban walk straight inside to the top floor.

John already expected him to come. " Brother Whiss, welcome back. Come, let's go for a dine first before we go to the arena. " He beckoned Ban to come as John already seated in a dining table full of food.

Ban raise his eyebrow ' Is this guy really want to see my face that much? Can't this guy tell I am disguising myself? ' He wave his hand and reply " I'm good. I'll wait for you. " Ban sat on the sofa.

" Oh yeah I didn't know you were hiding your identity brother Whiss. Forgive me. I'll take a bite first. " John didn't mind Ban's blunt reply as he ate his meal.

After a while, John said to Ban " You know brother, you really don't need to go fight in that arena. You don't know this but the fighters in there were really strong. If I say really strong, they are like superman without a suit. All you see in the TV were just a childsplay to them. " He stare at Ban deeply. " There is a special rule in that arena that specifically protect us commoners though. Once you register to them, you can't attack any innocent people. There are warnings, but if you disregard their system, you will gain a bounty in your head. Fighters in the arena will hunt you down. That arena is a mystery itself. Some say they were build by the government in order to control those wanted criminals in the world. As for whose the Boss in that arena, nobody knows. "

Ban had a look of interest in his face. He said calmly. " Oh? Tell me more about this arena. Is there any rankings on fighters or something? "

Ban wants to know what's so special about this arena.

John put his spoon aside and drink a glass of wine and cleared his throat " Alright. Since you want to go there that much, then I'll tell you all I know in there. This information I got is all from my father who told me in the past. Every region in a country has one arena. In our country, we have a total of 13 arenas. Every arena has a top Fighter. The classes from the lowest to highest respectively are Class C, Class B, Class A and Class S. Every region have a fix number in Class A have 10 ranks, Class B have 25 ranks and Class C have 50 ranks. "

John took a deep breath and drunk a water.

Ban raise an eyebrow and ask " What about Class S? How many are there in a region? "

John chuckle and replied " Theres no Class S in a region but in the country. There are a fix of 10 Class S in every country by the rule of the arena. Don't underestimate those 10. Even I don't know what are they capable of. They represents the power of their country. My father told me that each one of them can face an entire army alone. I didn't believe it at that time but father showed a video to me of a power of Class S and my entire worldview changed. " He has a look of wander recalling the might of the Class S in the past.

Ban's eyes shined and ask " If I register there, What will be my rank then? " His hands was itching to fight those Class S even more.

John cleared his throat returning to his calm demeanor and said " After you register, You will be categorized as Unranked Fighter. Each rank has a symbol represent their ranks. Unranked Classes has a symbol of a crossing silver sword, Class C has a Silver Crecent moon, Class B has a Silver Half-Moon, Class A has a Silver Full-Moon and the last, Class S has a Golden Sun symbol. Having a rank have many benefits, you can ask them as I don't know about it. " He smiled and continued " You gain rewards depending in your rank every match. The more streak you win, the reward will multiply. After 10 wins, you can challenge the ranks in the Class C. If you lose, you will be back to zero again. I don't know what are the qualifications in the upper ranks though. Phew. " John took a long breath.

Ban had a look of understanding inside his mask as he ponder. ' This arena is interesting. I can't wait to fight in there. '

Seeing Ban was silent. John added " Brother Whiss, there is still rank above the Class S. But I don't know the details. All I know is that they were world ranks. "

Ban was surprised at John's revelation ' If Class S can represent a country and can rival an army, then what kind of monsters are above them? '

He shook his head and said " Let's go then. I want to register their now. "

John laugh " Hah! Alright. Let's go. "

Both of them went down. Miller welcome them with a luxurious car outside. Ban went inside together with John.

Ban ask " How long will we arrive there? "

John assured him " It will be at most of an hour. Registering there will take a few minutes. I don't know the details but they say it will only take at most 30 minutes. "


An hour later, they arrive at a wide private area and a huge building in the middle where there are many guards.

At the gate, their car were stop by an armored guard and ask them " What is your purpose here? "

John told him " We are here to register a Fighter. "

The guard raise an eyebrow and look at the masked Ban. He wave his hand and nodded " Park your car on the right side and proceed to the lobby. " He didn't say much and instructed them.

Ban raise his eyebrow in confusion.

John chuckled and ask. " What is it Brother? The entrance is quite easy right? Nobody wants to trouble this area. If you do, you know what will happen. "

Ban nodded calmly.


At the lobby, they were greeted by a cute clerk and ask " The guard outside told us you want to register to be a Fighter? " She look at the masked Ban.

Ban nodded silently.

The clerk didn't mind his silence and gesture him to follow her. She told John to wait at the lobby.

Arriving at a room, Ban notice the simplicity in the area. There are only a computer and a camera. In the middle was a large black sofa.

A/N : Oooooohhh. I think I know this place. LoL

" There is a registrant Bi- I mean Ma'am! " The cute clerk stuck her tongue said to the lady who is busying herself in the computer. The lady look gorgeous and had a refined aura in her.

The lady raise her eyebrow and look at the masked Ban. She wave at the cute girl and the latter left the room. She said calmly while pointing at the sofa " Have a seat in there. "

Ban sat calmly while looking at the lady.

" My name is Nancy. I will now register your personal details. Your name please? " Nancy ask him.

Ban said " Can I use any name? "

Nancy nodded as she was not surprise by his question.

" Whiss. " Ban said.

" Your bank number and phone number please? " She continued to ask.

Ban told her the bank number and his contact details.

Nancy put the details in her computer and nodded " And lastly, I need to request to take off your mask and I will take a photo on your secret profile. "

Ban was a little surprise and ask her " Do I really need to do that? "

Nancy nodded and said " It is a must that any fighter must have a photo in their secret profile. Don't worry, your face will not be seen in public. You can still fight wearing your mask. We only need to follow certain protocol if a fighter breach the agreement like if you do something bad to the innocent outside, your face will reveal to your fellow fighter and you will be hunted down. Don't worry, we don't execute injustice without any trial. "

Ban was silent for a moment and nodded. He stood up and remove his cap. After a moment of hesitation, he remove the pikachu mask in his face.

Upon revealing the face of Ban, Nancy's face went stiff from being stunned. She couldn't believe he is a handsome young man. She stare at him for quite a while without any reaction.

Ban notice this and said " Is there anything wrong miss? "

" Huh? O-Oh. Sorry. I-I'm just a little shock just now. " Nancy blush a little and find a solution to her awkward moment " I mean you look so young. Are you sure you are here to register to be a Fighter? You know that this is not just a normal arena right? "

Ban smiled and show his teeth " I know. It's fine. I'm really here to be a Fighter. "

Nancy was dazzled again and cough a little. She thought to herself ' Come on Nancy! Why are you so clumpsy right now?! But he is so handsome!! ' She said " O-Okay. "

Nancy took a picture of him. After a few seconds, she said " O-One more time. A-A-A little s-smile will do. " She blush a little when she ask that.

Ban raise his eyebrow but smiled as he cooperate with her.

After processing for some time, she pass a stack of paper and a small pouch in Ban who wear his cap and mask.

" Your Unranked Fighter badge is inside the pouch. That badge serves as your I.D when you visit any arena in the country. There is a special serial number that corresponds your profile in the system. If you lose it, contact us immediately. As for it's benefits, it is in the documents. " She continued " These are the agreements and terms, you can read it in your place. There is a password at the back of the documents. You can use it to enter our website. You can see any news in there. Also the scheduled fight will also be seen and the place of the matches. We will also contact you if you have a incoming match for confirmation. Any questions? " She thought ' Ask me to be your girlfriend! '

Ban nodded and said " None. "

Nancy reluctantly ended their conversation as Ban stood up and went out.

Ban was personally assisted by the cute clerk earlier.

Ban and John return back to whence they came from.


Nancy was fiddling on a printer while she was sneaking a peek at the door fearing someone might barge in.


A photo drop down at the printer. If Ban was here, he might be amused by the doing of this lady. The photo was the Smiling Ban. Nancy pick up the photo and she was about to stash it in her purse when the door open.

" Big Sis! " The cute clerk earlier went inside and greeted Nancy.

However, the cute clerk's mouth turned a big 'O' shape when she saw what her Big Sis have done.