Watch and learn

Ban walk out in his house 8 in the morning...

George told him to go in a certain location. He made a breakfast earlier and played with the Little girl for a bit and went out. He didn't plan to send Sophia to the hospital for a visit for recuperation in her ankle. Sally on the other side, became docile. Ban didn't know if she was embarrased or shy but he didn't mind. He only gave her a meaningful look saying 'We'll chat later' since Sophia was in their view at the moment.

Sophia was the same as the other day. She keep yawning, Sally also started noticing this as she plan to talk to her alone later.


Arriving at the agreed location, Ban saw a military jeep slowly stop in his front. A military soldier look at him indifferently at the driver seat and ask "You're Ban?"

Ban nodded and raise his eyebrow. 'Where's George?'

The man told him "Get in. Major Mist assigned me to fetch you here."

Ban thought "That must be George." He nodded and went at the back seat.


A few minutes later...

"HAHA! Brother in law! Welcome to the barracks!" Ban is welcomed by the enthusiastic George upon arrival.

Ban return his greeting and speak "Good morning Brother!"

Many soldier look at Ban in a different light. They knew who was the sisters of their Major as they have seen them quite often here. Some were jealous, while some inspect him. Somehow, they were jealous about his looks.

Even cursed in a very low voice saying 'Boytoy or even fat luck' but they didn't show it in front of their leader.

Ban heard those curse clearly and made a wry smile. He did like his teacher quite a lot but he didn't think George would announce his title in a booming voice. 'Brother, do you want me to be the public enemy of these guys? What if a sniper bullet might pass beside me right now?'

Ban never minded the enthusiasm of George as he followed him to a certain area.

While walking, George ask him directly "You want a sparring first? Maybe some warmups? We have quite a large gym in here."

Ban raise an eyebrow and thought 'Come to think of it. I never measure my strength before. Now that I'm in the 4th Order, might as well test my strength first.'

Ban ask "Is there any private area where I can do my warmup?"

George look at Ban in confusion but he still replied "We have. But why private bro? You feeling shy? HAHA! Don't worry, women here doesn't mind having a handsome boy doing a workout. They love it instead."

Ban wrily laugh and helplessly shrug "Fine. We'll go to the public gym then." He thought to himself 'I can't measure my strength if I do that brother. Whatever, I'll do a low profile for now and ask to use some private gym later."


George open the door and quite a few people could be seen inside doing some workout. Some do heavy and some light exercise. Ban notice that these guys were indeed something. He saw a buff man doing a leg exercise with a weight of 700kg. He look to the other side and saw one doing upper body exercise with a weight of 1000kg. He said in his mind 'Interesting. I only saw 500kg in TV but these guys do it without a sweat.'

George look at Ban who is looking around in wonder. He chuckle and said "This is the gym in our military. Each weights here are a little different the the usual gym outside. We use a concentrated metal for the weights. It looks like a small fist but it is 10kg if you try them.

Ban was impressed as this is even his first time seeing a gym much less their equipments.

Some soldier greeted George as they pass by them. They also look at the handsome boy at his back in confusion. George only nodded his head and find a good spot for a warmup.

George go to an empty bench leading Ban. He took off his military uniform and beckoned Ban to also get ready. He said "Before we spar, do you want to do a run first? There is a threadmill there. Meanwhile, I will do a bench press here." George pointed the machine 5 meters away from him.

Ban wave his hand and said "I'm fine. I will assist you here. I will also do some light bench press after you."

George nodded and proceeded to add weights in the bar. Ban help him at the weights. He raise his eyebrow 'This thing is so light.' The only Ban do his lifting if when he do it with Sally. Even he knew that sally is very light to him like she was a feather in his arms.

George smirk at Ban's expression and said "Heavy right? This bar have 500kg in weight now. Let me try first. You can reduce it later after I am done."

Ban didn't say anything and only nodded his head.

George was bare in his upper body. His muscles are so ripped making him a human version of hulk.

He stretch a little making some bones crackle, a moment later he laid down on the bench.

He do the bench press with ease while Ban look at him in awe. 'This guy is indeed a monster'

After a hundred count, George stop and rest a little. He was sweating a little and his upper body produce a tint of redness.

"Whew! That was good!" George exclaim. He continued to speak "Now, let's add a little more weights."

Ban was surprised "That 500kg weights was quite heavy enough and you want to add another more?"

George was about to reply when a voice rang at the back of Ban "HAHA! Boy, don't underestimate our Major Mist. That 500kg was just an appetizer for him. Just watch and learn kid."

Ban look at his back and saw a soldier looking at him in confidence.

"Oh. Major Rogers. I didn't see you earlier." George greeted the soldier but his expression was of indifference.

Ban knew that George didn't like this man judging from his greetings. He look at Rogers in silence waiting for his next words.

Rogers didn't mind the bluntness in George words. He look at Ban and said "Major Mist can lift 2000kg of weights. Even I am in awe of his power. How about it kid? He's awesome right? All Majors here, Major Mist rank 1st in strength."

Ban nodded his head. He didn't see any problem with this guy but his tone is like he is bootlicking with George.

"Major Rogers, don't you have a workout to do? We are busy now and can't entertain you for a moment. Brother in law, come don't mind him." George wave his hand to Ban.

When Rogers heard the word 'Brother in law' from George, his expression drastically change. He look at Ban with hostility and ask "Hey kid, did I just hear that you are the brother in law of Major George?"

Ban tilted his head and look at Rogers. He was confused at first but clear his mind after hearing his tone of hostility 'So this guy court the sister of George' He didn't back down and look at him in the eye while nodding "Indeed."

"Who? Was it Eliza? Did you court her?" He look at Ban with a hidden killing intent.

George glared at Rogers and shouted "What's my brother in law have to do with you? Him being my brother in law is none of your business!"

Many soldier in the gym stop their doing and look at the trio. They want to know what was happening in there.

Roger ignored George and look intensely at Ban waiting for an answer.

"Brother? What's happening here?" A melodic voice resounded in the gym. Everyone look at the person who spoke just now.

A woman in a military uniform walk hurriedly to where Ban is. Even Rogers stop his glare at Ban and look at the woman. When Rogers saw her, he put a gentlest smile on his face like he never been angry earlier.

This woman is Eliza, the younger sister of George and Elena. She look just like Elena but her mole is in the left side while Elena was on the right side. Ban saw her and felt like she was a copy of his teacher. They really look the same.

George saw his sister and greeted "Eliza, your here? What is it?"

Eliza smiled charmingly while grabbing his arm "Big brother, Grandpa wants to meet you. Anyway, what's happening here?"

Rogers went forward and greeted her "Hello Eliza, you're so beautiful as always. Your brother said that this guy here is his brother in law." He pointed at Ban while smirking.

Eliza raise her eyebrow and was surprise at the handsome Ban. She thought for a moment then approach Ban. She hook his arm and told Rogers while smiling "Yeah! Why?"

Rogers' smile went stiff. He look at Eliza in disbelief. He pointed at Ban and ask "I-I thought he was the lover of your Big Sister? Why-Why are you so intimate to him?" He look so angry while looking at Ban menacingly.

Ban was also surprise at the happening around him. He look at the woman in his side sticking her body up close while she look at him in curiosity and wonder. She was blushing a little when she look at Ban.

George laugh loudly and said to Rogers "You are late Major Rogers. You didn't know this but both sisters will marry the same man if one of them find a man they love. Elena was the first one to look for a man and fell in love, so of course Eliza will also be his woman. This is a secret though, but since you are so adamant about it... Heh! " He didn't continue his words and spill the beans in front of the crowd.


Everyone look at Ban while gawking. There mouths were round enough to fit a watermelon.
