Spinning Top

March 16 2099...

9 in the morning...

Angeles City, Military Base...

Ban stood up in a wide platform. In front of him was Major Rogers looking at him like a wolf preying a lamb. His eyes was a little bloodshot from the jealousy. Outside the platform stood Eliza whose expression was worried while George was calm.

Ban will have a sparring match with Rogers. All of the soldiers were watching in anticipation of the fight. They were eager to know what will the outcome.

Eliza worriedly ask George "Big Brother! Why did you let Ban have a spar with Major Rogers?! Major Rogers build was just like you. What if Ban cannot win and even worse, injured seriously? My Big Sister will get mad at me." She look at the pair in the arena with a frowning eyes.

"Relax and watch them fight." George has a calm expression while crossing his arm in front.


Ban didn't think the declaration of George would result in this situation. He didn't plan to go on a high profile on this place, he only wanted to practice his skills.

Earlier when everybody was petrified including Ban about George claim, Rogers suddenly burst out and cursed at Ban. Because of jealousy, he challenge Ban for a match. Rogers have been courting Eliza ever since the first time he saw her. Who wouldn't blame him? Eliza was the muse in the military after her Big Sis, beautiful and cheerful young woman. Anybody wants to court her but Rogers always swat those flies from getting closer at her. George was irritated everytime he look at Rogers, also for Eliza. He was sticking on their arses all the time.

Ban was also pissed at the moment looking at Rogers hysterically pointing fingers at Ban while cursing. He wants to question further the brother and sister duo what was happening but was interrupted by the annoying guy so he accepted the challenge without thinking. Anyway, he himself was confident in his fighting capability.


George look at his Little Sister's worried expression and chuckled "Do you know why I brought him here?

"Huh?" Eliza was puzzled. 'Come to think of it. Why were a civilian in here in the Military base?' She look at George for an answer.

"That brother over there and I will have a sparring match today in private." George said calmly.

Eliza's beautiful eyes widened in surprise upon hearing her Big Brother's words "What?! Are you kidding me Big Brother? I know how capable you are and you're saying you want to have a match with him?"

She was in disbelief at the moment. She look again at Ban's strature. Tall but not buff enough, well built but not enough. Also, he is so young. 'Having a handsome face doesn't make him win by a veteran Major though' She was amazed by the noble Ban in front of her.

George was amused by this and said while smiling "Don't judge him by his appearance. Just watch and you'll see." He recall the time he met Ban for the first time.


Ban slowly undress his black jacket and put them aside together with his phone and wallet. He then look at Rogers who was ready to pounce on him expression. Ban said calmly "Come."

Rogers didn't attack first. He whispered that only Ban can hear "Do you think anybody can take away the woman I want? Dream on kid! I'll cripple you in front of the crowd. Let's see if you have the guts to approach her again."

Ban raise his eyebrow while recalling the expression of Derrick back then. 'They really have the same look of hatred. Sigh. Another Derrick it is then.' He made up his mind of the future of this guy. He didn't want this guy to harm another soul just by his hatred alone.

Rogers dash forward and prepared a spinning hook kick towards Bans face.

George was surprise that Rogers was going all out. He still didn't know if Ban can handle this guy. His expression is uncertain now.

Ban also commented in his mind 'Pretty fast for a big guy huh?' He dodge the incoming attack.

Rogers followed his kick by a side punch targeting Ban's right ribs.


Ban parry his attack and he was thrown 5 meters away.

"Woah! Major Rogers is so awesome!"

"Yeah. This kid is a dead meat."

"Who wants to offend this maniac? Last time, he teach a lesson to a soldier and was bedridden for 3 months. The soldier only talk a little with Eliza and he was targeted by Major."

"Major Rogers were backed by his family. They have produce generals everytime they send a youngster. He is the future general of this army."

"But he is so cocky, he thinks that everyone is under him."

"Heh! He can't touch the Mist family though. They have the same powers in terms of history."

"Yeah. This is why he was having a hard time courting our muse. Serves him right."

"But this kid will be his next target though. Pity for him."

Soldiers were chatting around every corner while watching the fight. They already sentence the fate of Ban without finishing the fight.

Ban's stop his tracks and became alert again.

Rogers was surprised looking at Ban. He thought 'He can block my full force of punch? That is like an impact of a rushing car.'

Rogers dash again and Ban continued to block the attacks without retaliating.

After a few moments, the soldiers noticed that Ban didn't fall down but he was still struggling to block the flurry of attacks of Rogers.

The more Rogers attack Ban, the more he thinks that something is not right. He look at Ban's face while attacking, he saw Ban smirking at him secretly. Rogers' face changed. He knew Ban was only playing in him. His experience told him that something bad is about to happen. Just as he was about to pull his attack to distance himself from Ban, but it was already too late as Ban was in front of him parrying his attack.


Both Ban and Rogers were thrown back while spinning. Everyone didn't see clearly what happen but both men was down. They saw Ban have a small blood leaking in the corner of his mouth while Rogers was unconscious.

All of them was startled.

"What just happened?" One soldier ask.

"I don't know." Another shrug.

"Didn't Major Rogers attack just now while the kid parried his incoming attack? Why was he also down? On top of that, he was out cold." Another ask.

"F*ck! I don't know demmet! Don't ask the same question!" The previous soldier cursed.

George and Eliza hurriedly run to the platform. Eliza check on Ban while George was on Rogers. George had a look of confusion and call for a medic.

Eliza ask Ban worriedly "Are you alright? Anything hurt?"

Ban was dazing while looking at Eliza. He said gently "You both sisters really look alike." He said that out of the blue.

Eliza was petrified at first then chuckled charmingly "I guess you are alright. People say we sisters do look alike." She help Ban getting up.

Ban patted the dust in his body. He pretended to be exhausted and ask while looking at the unconscious Rogers "What happen to him?"

George look at Ban curiously but replied "I also don't know. We'll wait for the medic to arrive."

Ban didn't pry any further as he knew Rogers was done for. During the exchange, Ban send a burst of aura inside Rogers body. He use his newly gained skill, the 'Elemental Manipulation Canon'. He used a combination of element aura and inject into Rogers head during the parry using his Manipulation. He control the raging invisible aura and attack the brain of Rogers making him a braindead person. Though Ban only experimented this newly trick, it was still a success. The whole fight, he was concentrating the invisible energy in his hand preparing for a sneak attack.

The medic carried Major Rogers to their hospital for a detailed examination.

George then invited Ban to his quarters for a rest. Following them was Eliza who was looking at Ban curiously.

Eliza thought to herself "There's something strange in this guy. Earlier he was exhausted, but now he looks like nothing really happened as if Rogers match with him was nonexistent. Did Big Sister really fell in love with him?" She look at Ban like he was a puzzle case.

The trio arrive at George's quarters. He went out to report to his grandpa leaving Ban and Eliza alone.

Both of them were looking at each other silently.

There is an awkward silence between the two.