Do you also like pikachu?

"Are you really the boyfriend of my Big Sister?" Eliza's beautiful soul catching eyes look unblinkingly at Ban while asking.

Ban also observe her. He thought in his mind 'This woman doesn't even look like a soldier, instead she look like a cheerful tourist visiting a military.'  He smile gently and return the question "If I am, does that mean you are also my girlfriend?"

Eliza's expression went stiff while awkwardly smiled "Ahem. Big Sister will be angry." A little blush could be seen in her face.

Ban raise his eyebrow and continued to ask "Why would she be angry? Isn't that you guys will marry the same man in the future?"

"T-That. Actually, I was the one who proposed it to her back when we were kids. A-And my Big Sister did not consent my proposal back then. My Big Brother was also there at that time witnessed it." The blushing Eliza avoided his gaze.

Ban chuckle in understanding "So that means your Brother told that to the crowd in order to get rid your pursuers especially Rogers?"

No wonder why George was so loud early in the morning. He want everyone to announce the status of Ban in the camp.

Ban wryly laugh. 'I never thought I would become a meatshield for these girls.'

Eliza notice his expression and awkwardly laugh while blushing. She nodded and said "Yes. Don't blame Big Brother, blame me instead. I also don't want that guy to be my boyfriend either, so I cooperated with my Big Brother earlier. I didn't expect you would accept his challenge though."

Ban smiled and said "I still am a victim here. I almost got beaten in the stage by that maniac. So, how do you want to compensate me?" He shamelessly ask.

Eliza was startled by Ban's words. She fidgeted for a while and said "H-How about I will become your-your mistress? Anyways, I also want to be with my Big Sister and you seem to be a good person. My Big Sister have fallen in love with you and I trust her judgement." Eliza's face was beet red while she confessed to Ban.

Ban was surprised by her proposal and shook his head. He didn't want this conversation to go any further. 'This girl is so innocent. No wonder why his brother was always protecting her in his side.' He said "Actually, I am not your Big Sister's boyfriend. I don't know what's on your brother's mind but he always calls me his brother in law in public. But I think he just needs someone to shield you sisters from the pursuers."

Eliza widened her eyes in surprise. After a few seconds, she wants to find a hiding spot to hide her shame. Her face was so red that she was avoiding Ban's gaze.

Ban notice her action and laugh. He said "We can be friends though. I like your cheerfulness unlike your sister. She was so stern in everybody's view."

Eliza was breathing out of relief after Ban didn't tease her more but she was a little disappointed. She didn't know why. She return to her cheerful attitude and said "O-Okay. Right, my Big Sister is indeed quite strict. When she was here in military, her voice could be heard in the whole camp when she -ooops." Eliza covered her mouth after she thought she said too much.

Ban raise his brow in confusion 'She's that loud? What is going on?' He didn't think his teacher have this side of her.

Ban ask "What is it?"

"N-No. It's nothing." Eliza shook her head.

Ban smiled and said "You said that your sister have a very loud voice? Pffft. I never thought of that." He chuckled while curious.

Eliza covered her face while blaming her chatty mouth inside. She said "I-It's not a secret but my sister might feel awkward if she knew someone would know this. She would kill me for this if she knows that I told you that." Eliza felt her ears numb as her Big Sister's punishment was pinching her in that part.

Ban chuckled at the scared Eliza and said reassuringly "Don't worry, I won't reveal it to her what you said to me about her habit. I'm quite close to your sister. Even if I told her that, she won't blame you I promise."

Eliza look at Ban curiously "Do you like my Big Sister? I've seen her fiance, he's a pervert scumbag. I don't like him to be with my Big Sister." She pouted. Eliza remembered Derrick once forced himself to kiss her while he was drunk. Fortunately, she knows how to do a self-defense and kick his balls. She hit so hard that he was bedridden in the hospital for a few months to recover. After Elena heard the news, she detested Derrick even more at that time.

Ban raise his eyebrow "What happened?" He didn't think that guy was so flippant. Even his soon to be sister in law was not spared.

Eliza recounted her bad memories on that guy.

Upon hearing that he was kicked by the balls, Ban had a look of disbelief glancing at the cheerful young woman in front of him. 'This lass cannot be offended. Derrick must have lost his soul at that time.' He snickered inside.

"I also heard about him. He was in the hospital these past few days, I heard he have a serious accident but I don't know much about the details." Ban calmly said.

Eliza was overjoyed hearing the news.

Ban continued "As for liking your sister, I indeed like her but I don't hope that much as to become her boyfriend." He also didn't know if she accepts him if he confess to her. He was her student. He sighed and let the nature take it's course.

Hearing that, Eliza was confused. She ask "I don't think you don't have a chance. My Big Sister never talk to any guy so casually. You look trusted to me too. You revealed your real relationship to me truthfully and didn't take advantage of me earlier." She look at his charismatic face innocently.

Ban sweated for a second and thought 'So she was testing me earlier? Is she really that innocent? Dang! I can't lower my guard everytime. She's dangerous.' He didn't think a cheerful and chatty young woman like her could be a schemer.

But Ban really thought that way too deep. In fact, Eliza was really a simple minded and a direct woman.

Ban cough a little and ask to divert the conversation "I notice that your sister likes pikachu, do you like that character too? I can see that you have one in your thumb."

Eliza giggled and look at her thumbnail that has a face of pikachu. She said "Yeah. In fact, both us sisters like that pikachu because of our mole. Pikachu has a red dot on both of it's cheeks. If you also combine my and my Big Sister's, you find both of them were like pikachu's." She said in a matter of fact.

Ban twitch his lips thinking what kind of nonsense she was talking about. He felt like he wanted to laugh out loud but resisted. He only nodded in understanding.

Both of them chatted in harmony while waiting for George.


After some time, George return where Ban and Eliza were. He had a confused look after getting inside.

"Big Brother!" Eliza greeted him as she approach him.

Ban also stood up while looking at his expression.

Eliza also notice this and ask  "What is it brother? Is anything the matter?"

George shook his head and look at Ban for a while before saying "It's nothing. It's about Major Rogers, the Doctor says that he was in a coma."

Eliza's face change while Ban looks just the same. He was calm as if he expected this outcome.

"What? A coma, you mean he was in a deep sleep? How is that possible Big Brother? We just saw him earlier, he was full of energy back then. Did they misdiagnosed him?" Eliza felt a little guilty hearing the news. This won't happen if she didn't provoke him.

George notice this and patted his Little Sisters head "Don't blame yourself for this. Anyone witnessed the scene. No foul play has been implemented. Also, the doctor didn't find wrong in his body inside and out. The initial conclusion was that, Major Rogers was having a stress in his mind. After forcing himself to do a physical exercise, his mind can't take the stress and was shut down."

Ban look at Eliza and assured her "I was the one who spar with him. It's me whose to blame first. I can also face the charge."

George wave his hand and said "It's fine brother. My Grandpa already knows the situation and he solve everything. Also, my Grandpa wants to meet you."

Ban raise his eyebrow. He didn't think this event would end so easily. He was curious  about their Grandpa. Was he so powerful that he can solve a grave issue just like that?


George lead Ban to another quarters. After a few minutes of walking, they arrive at a luxurious building. The building have 10 floors. Ban and the brother and sister pair arrive at the entrance. The entrance was close and Ban sense there is a man inside. He concluded that this is some kind of a private field where a sparring match is held. Ban look at George doubtfully.

George chuckled and wave his hand "Go on. My Grandpa is inside. Me and my sister will wait here outside."

Eliza also look at George confusedly. She wants to go inside and meet her Grandpa but resisted and wait obediently.

Ban nodded calmly and walk inside. George close the door tightly after that. Ban saw a man at the far end of the field. He was back facing Ban.

Ban walk slowly to approach the man who was 10 meters away. Before he could step, the man disappeared from his sight.

Ban change his expression and sense a danger from his back.

'Phantom Steps!'
