Military Instructor

Ban was blasted away a few meters while parrying the attack. He look at the man in shock. 'This is my limit of strength. What the! This man is so powerful!'

He felt numb on his wrist while gazing at the fist of the man.

The man also look at Ban with the same expression. He didn't think his all out attack would be blocked just like that. The man only tested Ban's strength. He would pull out if he knows that Ban didn't have a capability to counter on time. But who know Ban reacted fast and instead initiate to block his attack.

After the staring contest, the man composed himself and smiled genially as if the sneak attack earlier didn't happen.

The man introduce himself "You are indeed as I thought young man. By the way, I am Two-Star Major General Vernard Mist. I currently hold the army in this region. Those kids outside were my grand kids" He chuckled and walk to Ban.

Ban was surprised once again. 'This man look like in his 40's and have a grand children aged in 30's? You're kidding right? Also his rank, how many ranks were under him?' His brain work fast and realized that this man was like him indeed. Just like the novels, every supernaturals have maintain their young look as they grow powerful.

Ban didn't lower his guard and perform a small nod and also introduce himself "My name is Ban Rocks. Nice to meet you Sir. May I know what Sir is referring to?"

"A superhuman. But most of us call ourselves as Human Divergents or just Divergents." Vernard smiled gently at Ban.

Ban had a look of interest in his face. He wants to know more about it.

Vernard chuckled at his expression and wave his hand "Looks like you are clueless about all of it. Before I explain to you about that, let's talk about what you have done to Major Rogers. Follow me to my office young man." He walk to the exit where George and Eliza waited.

The exited the so called dojo and they were welcome by the two half siblings.

"Grandpa! What are you two doing in there? I feel a tremor just now inside. What happened?" Eliza's innocent face look curiously at her grandfather while shaking his arms.

Vernard didn't mind her like that as he spoiled her so much. He pinch her cheeks and scolded "You lass. I was away for a while and you already making some trouble outside? Looks like your training will be added by a level of difficulty once again huh." He pinch her cheek that Eliza cry out annoyingly.

Eliza pouted "I-It's not my fault that guy was stressing himself and became a vegetable like that. Big Brother! Help me persuade grandpa on my training. That workout is so boring. I want to practice sniping instead!"

George turned a blind eye to it as he was also afraid of his grandfather. He thought in his head 'You ungrateful brat. I was punished more than you earlier. My difficulty became doubled by catching your punishment. I can do your workout even a thousand times a day. What are you complaining for?' George felt like crying inside. He came here a few days ago and what welcome him was a hellish training by his grandfather. He was also punished by his grandfather earlier about his schemes resulting in Rogers' coma.

Eliza pouted even more and chattered nonstop making her grandfather lift her punishment with a shake in his head making the young woman jump in joy.

Ban look at the three with a little envy in his eyes. 'Having a family sure is fun.'


Arriving at Vernard's office...

Vernard told his grand kids to return to their quarters for training while he was having a private talk with Ban.

The siblings reluctantly return to their quarters especially Eliza who was peeking at Ban all the time. Even Vernard notice this abnormality in his Grand daughter. He smiled meaningfully in an instant but return to his usual demeanor.


Vernard sip the tea in his table enjoying the moment of silence. Ban was the same as he also have a moment of peace in himself while sipping the tea.

"What do you think about my grand daughter?" Vernard ask out of the blue. Making Ban almost choke by a sudden random question.

Ban wipe his mouth and cough "What does Sir meant by that?"

"Don't call me Sir when we are alone. It sound so distant. Just call me like those kids do, call me grandpa." Vernard smirk playfully.

Ban cough even more. He thought 'What's this guy playing at?' He adjust himself and replied "I-I don't think I can do that Sir. I'm a little uncomfortable doing that."

Vernard laugh and said "Alright. I won't force you again. But you can try if you made yourself comfortable with me. Anyway, what is your answer to my question earlier?" He look intently at Ban.

Ban adjust his mood and replied "She's a good friend Sir. May I ask why was Sir suddenly question me with her?" He raise an eyebrow.

"It's nothing really." Vernard smirk and continue to speak "That matter earlier, was it your doing?"

Ban thought he must be talking about Rogers. He said innocently "No. I didn't do it."

Vernard raise an eyebrow but relax after that. He said "His condition is quite rare. There is no abnormal about his body. It's like he was untouched but he is in a coma. How did you do it kid? Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. Treat it as a secret conversation." He smiled gently.

Ban rolled his eyes inside his mind 'As if I believe that. You're a military personnel, a Major General at that. How can I trust you that easily when I only met you a few minutes earlier. We're not even close yet.' He cough and replied "I really did nothing there Sir. I only block all of his attacks and he went down just like that."

This time, Vernard rolled his eyes inside his mind 'Went down just like that? You are strong enough to block my attack but you also went down while having an internal bleeding? Can't you find any more acceptable lies kid?' He said while laughing "Okay. Alright, I won't pry any further then. But the family of that guy is a tough nut to crack young man. What are you going to do about it if they find you responsible about the accident? Even if I shield you now, they won't stop and hunt you down."

Ban turn silent. He knew this incident was troublesome. Earlier, he heard those comments of the soldier by the sideline about Rogers' background. He can't turn back what was done. Instead targeting Rogers by a sneak attack like he did to Derrick that no one witnessed.

Seeing Ban pondering, Vernard smiled like a crafty fox for a second and said "I have a proposal for you young man. You want to hear?"

Ban shifted his attention to Vernard, waiting for his next words.

"Become a soldier. To be precise, become my assistant." Vernard revealed his plan.

Ban expression warp for a second and ask while frowning "I can solve my troubles just like that? I have a family outside. What if they also target them? If it's just me they were looking for, I can face them alone but not my loved ones."

Vernard praise this young man's loyalty. He assured him "Don't worry. I can handle everything just fine. Becoming a soldier is not a hard job to do especially being my assistant." He grinned while looking at Ban.

Ban complained in his mind 'I thought this guy already solved the problem earlier? Why can't he just solve my problem all the way? Crafty old man.' He took a deep breath and replied "But I am a student. I also have a work."

Vernard raise his eyebrow and ask "You're a student? How old are you young man?" He didn't think the person in front of him was a student.

Ban replied calmly "I am 16 years old Sir. I will be Senior high next enrollment."

Vernard was surprised and his eyes glittered for a moment. He said "We can arrange everything. Now, your job is to train a batch of soldiers like I do. I will give you a special rank that is Military Instructor under me. As for your schedule, you can attend once a week to perform your duty. How about it?"

Ban rolled his eyes. He thought to himself 'I came here to practice my skills and not to train soldiers.'

Ban argued a little and said "How about once a month Sir? I still a job that is quite important to me." Since he can't evade this problem, he might as well accept it. Besides, having a General as a backer is not a bad bargain.

Vernard thought that Ban accepted his offer and ask "What job are you talking about?"

Ban replied "I am a Fighter in the Underground Arena."

"A Fighter?! In that Arena?!"

Vernard widened his eyes in shock.