Cute Eliza

Soldier in the vicinity was alerted from the sound. They run towards the area where they hear the sound.

"Where is it?"

"A terrorist infiltrate the base?"

"Impossible. Maybe some hand grenade was accidentally unplugged by someone."

"I heard it came from Major George's quarters." One soldier pointed.

Everyone change their expression and hurried to the place.


George wryly laugh while looking at the crater that Ban created. He said "Thanks brother. I really thought I would die in there." He felt like death gripping his heart earlier. That is also why he have a sudden breakthrough from the adrenaline. He knew Ban redirect his target in a split second. He didn't felt any killing intent at that moment but he knew he would die if that punch hit him. He look at Ban in wonder knowing he had a terrifying skill.

Ban chuckle at George "Heh! Congrats on your breakthrough though. Your strength became stagnant and need some thrill to push through. I guess you rarely went to a war instead, you only train in the gym." He think like a veteran while guiding George. He only have many reading expreience in novels but there are still in him that it's like he was a veteran himself and he can't point it out.

Eliza widened her eyes upon hearing Ban's words. She look at her brother joyfully "Really Big Brother? Congratulations!" She didn't thought her dear brother had a breakthrough. She knew her brother longed to achieve the goal to have a breakthrough for years now. She really felt happy for him.

George smiled in dismay while replying to Ban "Come on brother, I am not even half of your strength even if I am 2nd Order. Maybe I am indeed too relax lately that my blood became still having no push for a breakthrough. By the way brother, what was that move you used earlier. It's so powerful. Can I learn that too?"

Before Ban could reply, a shout came outside.


The chat suddenly interrupted by a group of soldiers rushing inside searching for George.

George raise his eyebrow and had a sudden realization. He came to the soldiers who were looking at the crater for inspection and said before they could speak "Disperse. It's only a minor accident using a hand grenade. Theres nothing to see in here." He wave his hand to disperse the crowd.

The soldiers look weirdly but didn't pry any further. They also look at Ban whom they saw earlier at the sparring match with Major Rogers. They also saw their muse in the sideline having a cheerful face. They perform a salute then left the area.


After dispersing the crowd, Ban look at the crater at the middle of the dojo. He said "Shall we continue? Since you have a breakthrough, you need to get familiar with your new found strength."

George eyes lit up and clench his fist. He felt like his current strength became triple from before even more. He excitedly replied "Round 2 brother. Also that skill of yours.."

Ban wave his hand and said "If you have an earth element energy, then I can teach you that. That skill needs to be infused by the earth element energy for the explosive part. If you don't, the skill will only look like a normal move." He said half truth since he used earth and wind element energies for the skill to be explosive. He learned that the more element energies he infused, the greater the destruction it produce and effects of the elements within the skill.

George widened his eyes in wonder "So brother have a earth awakened element? Did your master teach you that skill?"

Ban shook his head and said shamelessly "I created that skill using my own understanding of my element. I indeed have earth as my element." He nodded at his last word.

"That skill is so powerful. Sadly, I don't have any affinity on elements the same with my sisters." George shook his head dejectedly.

Ban consoled him "Don't worry brother. I have another skill that you can practice. I didn't show it earlier. That skill only need a speed and strength perfect for the Enchants." Ban uttered making George elated with joy.

George knew if Ban have a explosive skill earlier, then his next one will also be the same. He laugh loudly "Thank you brother. I can't wait to flaunt the skill to my grandpa later."

Eliza rolled her eyes on his side "How can you be shameless Big Brother. A skill that so precious cannot be given to anyone just like that. Brother Ban, do you really want to give such precious skill that easily?"

Hearing his sister's claim, George was startled. He thought she has a point and didn't think of it earlier. He just casually ask Ban about his skill. He said "What are you talking about Little Sis? He is my brother in law and your future husband. He is a family so it's natural for him to gift his brother in law a dowry." He look at Ban fawningly while shamelessly declared.

Eliza blushed furiously but didn't contradict her brother. She only look at Ban shyly. Her eyes shined every second the more she look at him.

Ban was surprise by the sudden development. He thought 'Can't I just give a skill naturally and nothing else? What's with this husband all of a sudden?' He twitch his lips and said "Don't worry. It's just a skill. I have some more if you guys want to learn."

Eliza felt a little disappointed hearing Ban's evasive reply but she recovered instantly in elation hearing his words. She joyfully ask "Can I also learn brother ban? But I am only at 1st Order. I don't know if I can master them."

Ban look at Eliza in surprise. He ask "You are in 1st Order? Then, what was the level of your sister then?" He heard that Elena was also trained here at the military base.

Eliza snickered while squinting her eyes at George who look gloomy. She said "My Big Sister was at 3rd Order. She didn't look like it but she surpassed Big Brother long ago. Big Sister was so hardworking unlike my Big Brother. Hihi" She giggled even more upon seeing the expression of George.

Ban widened his eyes. Never did he thought that his mature teacher would be such a monster in disguise.

George wave his hand in annoyance "I will train more from today onward. I also plan to go at the border where some war happen to hone my strength. I can't protect you girls if I am only at the city training with no progress."

Eliza was shock and hurriedly caught George's arm and exclaim "What are you talking about brother?! That place is so dangerous! I don't want you to go there only to risk your life for our sake. If you still insist, I will call Big Sister right now. See if she will fix you then." She gestured to run back to her quarters to call her sister making George twitch his lips.

Ban pulled Eliza who was in a rush. She tripped herself into his embrace and cried out. Ban didn't expect things to happen and regain his calm while comforting her "Don't worry. I am here. Can't you see your brother broke through in just a few hours of training with me?" He look at the eyes of Eliza who was blushing red.

Eliza lean on his bare body not wanting to let off. She didn't even heard him saying something being distracted by the embrace.

George was surprise by Ban's solution but chuckled at his sister's action. He just silently stand on the side observing the two.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Ban called for her.

Eliza snapped out of stupor and pouted. She still didn't leave in his arms as she replied "My name is not Hey. Call me by my name." She waited for him pouting cutely.

Ban wryly laugh. He became bold enough to flirt with her in front of George as he pinch her nose while breathing out her name gently. "Eliza."

Eliza felt some butterflies on her stomach while dazing at Ban calling her name in a romantic way. Her body suddenly felt weak by his charismatic face. A stare that's like looking at her very soul and his mesmerizing voice. She even hug him tighter while having her own fantasy while blushing.

Ban chuckled at this while he also look at George who was resisting his laughter.

Ban patted her head and said "I said your brother don't need to go away as I will be training with him to improve himself much faster." He felt like teasing her but resisted.

'This girl is so cute sometimes.'