
Eliza broke the embrace with a flushing face "O-Oh. T-Thank you Brother Ban." She sounded intimate but also embarrassed.

Ban didn't mind her and nodded saying "I will also teach you some skills together with your brother. As for now, your brother and I will continue to train for the day. I will be back tomorrow to report to your grandpa. I will visit him before I go home later." Training both siblings also benefit him as he needed someone to practice in private. He only mastered 30% of the Basic Fighting Fundamentals but he can now easily played with George. He really praise this technique even more powerful and complex than his other skills. He notice this skill was mainly to counter any Fighting style he face and adopt during the combat.

Eliza was confused. She ask "What report are you talking about Brother Ban?"

"Haha! He will be your partner Little Sis. Grandpa hire brother in law to be his assistant. He is now a Military instructor." George replied the question.

Ban nodded to confirm the claim of George making Eliza widened her eyes in surprise.

"Really?!" Eliza exclaim and found everything surreal. Too many happens to make her shock for a day since Ban arrived. Hearing Ban will be her partner, she felt elated inside. She didn't know why but she like to be with Ban beside her. She look curiously and continued to ask "How?!"

Ban smirk and ask her "You don't like me to be your partner?" He tease her.

Eliza blush and evaded his gaze "I-I'm just shocked. You have surpassed my Big Brother's rank in a day."

George walk and patted her head "You will assist Ban during the training program."

Eliza felt happy inside hearing her brother. She patted her chest proudly and stare at Ban "I will of course assist you Brother Ban. You can count on me on anything."

Ban nodded and said "Now, shall we continue the training? I will ask about the camp later as I don't know much about military structure and which group shall I train."

George nodded and said eagerly "Right. Get ready now brother."


Eastern Realm...

Redwood Immortal Palace's Library...

Isaac was reading a book seriously while muttering nonstop. He was reading some history of a certain Clan having specialty regarding soul. The Clan was famous on ancient era within the Central Realm long time ago. They became history and the Clan vanished in time.

"Darling. What are you doing here?" Emma walk towards Isaac in confusion. She felt her husband was getting distracted these past few days. He keeps murmuring incomprehensive words and often look for the library. She didn't mind at first but after her curiosity hits her, she decided to ask him personally what was on her husband's mind.

Isaac broke his thought and glance at his wife who was approaching her. His eyes light up every now and then. He replied "Oh honey. Nothing. I'm just reading something about a certain clan's history." He look at the book again.

Emma hug his back and said in a low voice "What is it that you became distracted these days? I can't help but worry about you."

"It's about the mortal kid you introduced back then. I am fascinated by his soul structure that I need to review some histories similar to his but nothing in return. I already send your niece to that place to monitor him but she didn't came back to report personally. She insisted to stay there during sound transmission for a while saying the planet was interesting for her." Isaac replied calmly.

"My niece? You send her there? I thought she was only interested in training." Emma look at Isaac confused.

Isaac chuckled "We trust her so I need to send her there. I also only told her that the man she will be investigated was a mortal and have a very high chance to surpass her in the near future. Well, her expression was doubtful so I told her to check on him."

Emma was surprised and said "You really put importance to that mortal and send my niece to investigate him? I know that his soul was unique but is there something else other than that?" She look at him doubtfully.

Isaac nodded and said "I have read so many books related to souls but that kid's soul was none of the records. Also, you didn't know this but her last report yesterday was that he was getting stronger at an abnormal pace. You only baptized his body using light energy right? He should be just any above average or genius at most compared to the people this realm but his speed of gaining power was kind of abnormal. That is why she was curious and didn't come back here. She plans to observe him on a daily basis. I also told her to befriend him as your niece since he knew you met the kid."

Emma was surprised. She said in her mind 'I didn't think that much about giving the kid a renewed body to be able to get stronger and face his future in that planet when he gets old but now he was getting stronger and stronger each passing day?' She has a look of wonder. She ask "Then, should we visit him and take him here? I bet he will improve further more in this place."

Isaac laugh and said "Didn't you say last time to leave him there and let the fate decide if he made his way to here remember?" He face his wife and hug her tightly.

Emma blush and pouted "You made the matter so important that you even reviewed histories just to investigate. Why not bring him here then?" She hug him back.

Isaac shook his head and said "It will be a problem if he move here seeing his progress. We will invite him here when the time comes. Let him have some experience there."

Emma nodded said "We'll follow you plan then."

Isaac grinned and ask all of a sudden "Looks like your niece was interested in him though. What do you say about it? I asked her yesterday why she won't come back. But she keeps evading like she was shy from the sound of her voice."

Emma widened her eyes and wonder "Is it true? That kid look so average to me though." She was confused for a moment.

Isaac laugh and said "You don't know this but the kid became handsome after his body being reborn."

"Eh? So that's why my niece became interested in him? How handsome could he be to make her so much into him this time?" She was also interested.

Isaac chuckled at her expression with a shrug "I don't know. Maybe he is just a talent equal to a monster genius." He crept his hand inside her robe fondling something while he continued to speak "What? You also became interest in his looks? Can't you see your husband is the most handsome in this realm?" He grinned and pinch causing Emma to moan suddenly.

Emma pouted while blushing. She hit his chest lightly "What are you talking about? You are my husband so of course you are handsome in my eyes." She felt weak from her husbands teasing.

Isaac laugh loudly and said "I am stressed these past few days. I guess I need to relax a bit seeing my lovely wife praising her husband." He carried the blushing Emma and disappeared in a second.

A/N : Just to Clarify.

♡ Ban can use the following types of energies ♡

- Elemental energies (Earthlings use this kind of energy)

- Force or Power (Like you see on DBZ - Only Ban can use this in his planet for now)

- Soul energy

- Intents will be updated soon.

- ???