Class A Fighter, Nancy

March 16 2099 Thurs

5 in the afternoon...

Ban walk out of the camp preparing to go home. He didn't plan to work at the restaurant anymore since he will be busy in the future. Just as he was about to call Sally to inform his plan, he receive a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" Ban answered.

"Is this Mr. Whiss?" A clear melodic voice rang out.

Ban raise his eyebrow. He thought 'She sound so familiar.' He guessed it came from Arena and remembered the lady named Nancy. He said "I am. Is this Lady Nancy? Is something the matter?"

"Yes. I am Nancy. I call to inform you that your 1st match has been finalized. You will face a Unranked Class Fighter." Nancy said calmly.

Ban was surprised "That fast?" He only registered yesterday.

Ban thought 'Why a registrar like her also doing this kind of job? I thought they were separate.' He shook his head.

Nancy replied calmly "Yes. Your fight is scheduled for tomorrow, March 17 2099 10pm at Fern City where you registered. Do you accept?"

Ban thought and ask "If I decline, is there some consequences?"

Nancy was surprised and thought he would accept the match. She said nonetheless "No. It's just that continuous decline will lead your I.D freeze in the Arena while you still follow their rules. As for unfreezing, 1 month at most for Unranked class to lift the freeze. The higher the rank, the longer the penalize. It's all written at the document I gave you."

Ban scratch his head "Right. I forgot. Yes, I will accept the match." He agreed.

Nancy nodded and replied "Just bring your badge and present it to the lobby. They'll know what to do next."

Ban said "I'll be on time. Thanks." He thought 'I think I am confident on my strength to face any challenger in this Arena. Since I am an Unranked Class Fighter, then my chances might be high enough. But I will still need to be careful for tomorrow.'

Nancy replied "Mm. Goodluck." She hung up the call.

'Good luck?' Ban murmured, surprised. He shook his head and proceeded to call Sally about his matter. He also plan to go to the restaurant to wait for her and go home together. He still remembered his manager and murmured "Guess I'll wait outside for Sally then but I'll have Little Judith to accompany me first."

Ban also call for John about his incoming match. The latter was also surprised and proposed to escort Ban every match he had. Ban agreed since he didn't have a car for the time being. After he make some money, he will buy a big and secured house for his family and a car in the future and never bother with John.


In a building with a hundred floor...

At the penthouse around Fern City...

A wide luxurious living room could be seen full of glamorous decoration. Calling a room was an understatement. The room was as big as a palace hall. There could be seen two women sitting on a sofa enjoying the sunset. One is a young and cheerful girl while the other was a young lady holding a phone.

If Ban was here, he might recognize the two as they were the ladies from the Arena yesterday.

"Big Sis! Did he accept the match? Are you sure it's him?" A young voice keep pestering a lady who was finishing her call. The young girl was holding a picture of a man in her hand.

This girl is the receptionist from the Arena. Her name is Candy Moore. Her expression right now was on lovestruck looking at the picture of a man whose smiling gently.

This man in the picture was Ban where Nancy printed in the registration room.

Nancy twitch her lips and nodded "Yes, it's him." She sigh helplessly. The whole situation was her fault after being busted by this little lady. She knock Candy's forehead lightly and said "Don't spread his info to the others or I will pinch you nonstop." She warned.

Candy stuck her tongue cutely and cheerfully said "He's so handsome Big Sis. I thought for a second that he was your boyfriend." She saw her Big Sis that night slipping Ban's picture on her purse. She laugh loudly and tease "What can I say, he's so good looking that even Big Sis can't resist his charisma. I wonder what uncle's expression would look like if he knew of this. Hihi"

The room filled her merry laughter.

Nancy covered her redden face from embarrassment. She could only blame herself from her action that night. She didn't know why but she couldn't resist the temptation. She grunted and said "Don't mention it again. Stop! Stop! Can't you see I can't even lift my face from embarrassment?" She pounce on Candy and tickled her for revenge.

Candy immediately surrender while tears of laughter hit her. She weakly lay on the sofa giggling.

Nancy arrange her dress and said "Let's go to the Arena. Today is my scheduled fight. I need to go for a warm up before the match." She proceeded to her room.

Candy caught up to Nancy. She look at Nancy's expression that was a little serious so she hug her arms "Don't worry Big Sis. It's just another annoying guy pursuing you. He's nothing to you Big Sis." She smiled joyfully.

Nancy rolled her eyes and dress herself in a tight leather fighting suit and covered herself with a mask. She pick a badge that has a silver full moon symbol on it and stash it in her bag. She said "That is why I need that work as a registrar as to avoid those guys. They keep pestering me all the time. My father also introduced those men to me. All I saw were those hungry eyes not waiting to devour me Hmph!"

Nancy recall those eyes of Ban that is so bright without any impure thoughts when he look at her.

Candy giggle on the side "They can't help it. My Big Sis is so beautiful that anybody will fall in love at first sight. That is why I am so curious about this Whiss guy. He made my Big Sis totally into him." She stuck her tongue.

Nancy finished preparing herself and pinch Candy's cheek "Enough nonsense. Let's go." Her face blush inside the mask while talking calmly.


In the hospital...

Inside a private ward...

Three people could be seen inside. A man's whole body covered by a bandage like a mummy laying in the bed. Various apparatus were connected to his body. He was laying peacefully asleep. This guy is Derrick after the accident in his car back then.

Beside the patient Deerick stood two men.

"Sir, what do you think about this matter? I smell something so fishy about young master's accident. " The man ask. His name was Troy, the right hand man of the guy in front of him.

The middle aged man frown. This guy is Dame Pitt, Father of Derrick. He nodded gloomily "I want you to investigate this matter. This brat is so adamant on following that lass here. We don't have any connection here and he was still being rampant. But he is still my son, I won't forgive them if I know this is some plot of somebody. I will torture them to death." He grip the iron bar in the bed and twisted it easily.

Troy nodded seriously and said "I will ask his fiance first what happen to him these past few days. Maybe I will get some clue about his doings." He continued "The report says that young master's tire burst resulting to his accident. But the thing is that all of his tires burst all at the same time."

Dame nodded and said "Go. I'll give you 1 week to investigate this matter." He wave his hand to Troy.

Troy bowed and left the room.


A/N : Skills recap

♤ Ban Rocks ♤

- Reborn Body

- 4th Order of level [Strength & Energy] (I don't do measurements on strength, just estimation of how strong the MC was.)

- ???

Movement skill(s) :

- Phantom steps [Mastered]

   > Stealth [Not Mastered]

   > ???

- ???

Attack or Defensive skill(s) :

- Mirage smash [Not Mastered]

- Basic Fighting Fundamentals [Not Mastered]

   > ???

- Dragon Transformation Kick [Not Mastered]

- Space Rending Slash [Not Mastered]

- ???

Convenient skill(s) :

- Manipulation [Mastered]

   > ???

- Spirit detection [Mastered]

   > Heaven Seeking Detection [Not Mastered]

- ???

Passive skills(s) :

- Serene Spirit [Mastered]

   > Immortal Grace [Mastered]

- ???

Body enhancement skill(s) :

- Myriad elements divine body [Mastered]

   > Elemental Manipulation Canon [Not Mastered]

- ???

Special skill(s) :

- Passion Conqueror Technique [Not Mastered]

- ???


A/N :

- Mastered skills means the skills Ban practiced were of course mastered.

- Not Mastered means either Ban only used that skill once or never practiced the said skill(s). It can also be categorized as (Initial Stage, Mid Stage and Mastered Stage).

- The icon '>' is the skill(s) that is under or part of the upper skill mentioned.

- As for the '???' will be the newly added skill(s) in the next few chapters.

- Maybe some new category of skill set can be added like 'Transformation skills' or something but I don't know yet.

- Skill decription is not available.