We. Like. You.

March 16 2099 Thurs

Ban and the mother and daughter pair arrived at home. He check the house and found Sophia busying herself in the kitchen doing dinner. Ban glance at Sally weirdly and the latter calmly smiled at him as if everything is normal.


Ban met Sally earlier at the back of the restaurant together with Little Judith at 6 in the evening. But Ban however notice that something's wrong with her expression. Sally was avoiding his eye contact from time to time. It didn't last long as he recall their last night's activity. He chuckle lightly making her blush furiously. He grab at Little Judith and carry her in his embrace wanting to play with her for a while before Sally ended her shift.

Ban didn't plan on working in the restaurant anymore and he didn't have any contract there so he didn't mind reporting his resignation. He only work last time to receive his monthly wage. In addition, he didn't want to go to that forbidden area known as manager's office lest he might get attack by a ferocious hungry beast.

He told Sally that he would stroll for a while with Little Judith and come back after her work.

Time went by as Ban and the Little girl have fun walking in the busy street near the restaurant. They buy food to eat every corner, play at the park, watching the bright stars while riding on a ferris wheel and many more before they went back to the restaurant to fetch Sally. Little Judith was riding at Ban's neck while giggling nonstop.

After many years that Sally was with her daughter, this is the first time she saw her daughter so happy. Sally's nose felt sour after the scene in front of her. She approach the two and took the initiative to hug Ban and kiss him on his lips making the latter raise his brow in surprise joy.

Ban laugh and his free right hand hold her waist tightly for a long cuddle. He ask "What makes my wife suddenly kiss me all of a sudden?"

Sally didn't mind his comment and hit his chest lightly while smiling "What? I'm just happy seeing you both here."

Seeing the duo hugging each other, the Little girl clap happily "Mama loves Big Brother!" Her immature voice was so cute.

Her voice was heard by passersby and observe the hugging couple. Ban wore a cap so they don't recognize his young face but Sally was not and she also notice that they were surrounded by people whose either clapping or whistling happily. Sally blush furiously and drag Ban away to avoid them.

After they walk quite far, they slowed down and Ban took the initiative to hug her waist while walking. The Little Girl was still sitting on his neck. She enjoyed the view and saw everything clearly up front.

Sally didn't mind Ban's action as she also enjoyed being with him. After so many years, this is also her happiest moment. Free of worry and just enjoying the company of her beloved. She pouted and whisper to Ban "Your hand. Don't roam aimlessly." She blush when she notice Ban's hand caressing her bottom and sometimes pinch it.

Ban chuckle and didn't reply as if he didn't hear anything making Sally coquetishly pout and pinch his claw.

Seeing his claw didn't even budge and sticking right at her bottom, Sally felt helpless and decided to let him be as long as no one notice them. She picked up her phone and texted someone.

Ban also notice her action and glance at her. Sally also felt Ban looking at her and move away her phone while sticking her tongue out to him.

Ban smirk and pinch her bottom making Sally stagger for a second and glare at him blushing. Ban only laugh at this and ask "I didn't know you are quite close to my cousin though." He already saw who Sally was texting to saying they were about to arrive and prepare or something.

Sally change her expression and recovered quickly with a chuckle "What? You are always away at home so of course I am very close to Sophia without you knowing. I only ask her to prepare the dinner since we were about to arrive."

Ban raise his eyebrow and recall the Sally's text earlier. He was confused. He didn't read any dinner but she only told by Sally to prepare herself. It bug him a little but he shook his head.


Opening the door, the trio welcomed by a delicious aroma of the dish for the dinner.

Ban put Little Judith down and the latter to her and Sally's room happily wanting to play with her toys.

Ban walk to the kitchen and saw his dazing cousin.

"I smell Adobo's fragrant aroma. I didn't know my cousin could cook so well. I feel hungry again after smelling it." Ban smiled at the busy Sophia who didn't even notice the trio's arrival.

Sophia was startled and look at them surprised. She blush at Ban and greeted them "W-Welcome back. I-I made us some dinner. The second dish is almost ready. I-I'll prepare the plates now." She immediately run to prepare.

Ban already caught her "Hey cousin, relax. I got this. Big Sis will help me prepare the plates. Sit down and don't move." He pat her head. He didn't want to see her get injure again like the last time. He remembered her funny stumble back then and shook his head forgetting the scene. He didn't know his cousin could be clumpsy sometimes since they were child.

Ban look at the second dish and salivate a little "Mm. Nice. Tinola. What a nice aroma."

Sally chuckle at his side and said "You didn't know she could cook right? She cook every dinner and you didn't even taste her dish even once." She look at Ban with a smirk.

Ban was surprised and awkwardly ask "Err. I am busy these days Ha ha. Now that I know about it, how can I miss my cousins delicious dishes? Oh this is my first time tasting your dishes cousin." He look at Sophia smiling avoiding the awkward start.

Sally snicker on the side while Sophia smile brightly hearing his response but felt sad after a second.

Ban notice this and ask her "What is it cousin?"

"I.. My mother called earlier that father will be discharge by tomorrow. I am going back and can't stay here again." Sophia lower her head. She was dazing earlier because of this news.

Sally was also surprise and did not expect this to happen so early. She remember her plan about Sophia and feel agitated inside but she didn't say anything first.

Ban was also equally surprise as Sally. He said "Well, it's good that uncle is fine now. I will call them later. I will also accompany you to the hospital tomorrow to help." He continue to speak "As for staying here, I will ask them for permission to let you stay here from time to time. We already getting used to have you here in our house. I also like to have you here as a company." He recall his cousin's behavior these past few days and he shook his head inside. She was eavesdropping every night making him felt uncomfortable but over all, he didn't mind. Maybe she will get tired and bored someday and stop her funny actions.

Sophia's eyes light up and ask "Really cousin?" She rejoice deep inside hearing Ban's promise. Although she felt bored staying in this house, she can now visit her parents nearby. If Ban's assurance earlier were to happen, that would feel great for her. She also confirmed earlier while she was alone that she like Ban but she didn't think that much before and she will be returning to her own home. Only staying with him these past few days she had realized that. It was not a strong feeling but it was enough for her to push her goal to be his woman someday.

"Of course we love to have you here Little Sis." Sally beamed when she heard Ban's approval. She already treated Sophia as her Sister in the future without Ban knowing. She like this innocent lass fron the very start they met.

Ban nodded "Big Sis is right. This is also your home. You can come here anytime you want. We gladly welcome you here." He laugh and continue "Now then. Let's have a nice dinner now." He carress Sophia's head and proceeded to prepare the plates.

Sally also hug Sophia and gestured something to her making Sophia redden her face. She shook her head feeling embarrassed. Sally sigh and thought 'What a shy girl. Alright. Time will tell what's gonna happen in the future.' She gesture once again to Sophia to not worry as she won't let her force her to do something like that.

"What are you guys chatting about?" Ban look at the sisters silently gesturing to one another and felt weird. He didn't even understand a thing but the two were like chatting normally with their mouth.

Sally laugh and said "We are chatting about you." She found an opportunity.

Ban raise his brow and ask "Me? What is it?"

Sally squint her eyes and said "We like you."

"Like? What's there to like about?" Ban ask, interested.

Sophia blush on the side. She didn't think Sally would be this bold.

Sally smiled brightly upon hearing his question. She pulled the blushing Sophia to her side and they approach Ban.

Sally repeated the word one by one "We. Like. You."

A/N : Adobo & Tinola are PH's famous cuisine.