Family Meeting

After breakfast, Ban played with Little Judith before relaxing himself into the sofa with Sophia and Sally on both of his side.

The Little Girl Judith play herself around the sofa. Ban pulled the ladies into his arms for a warm cuddle.

Ban look at the news of the television. The news was related to the trio he killed last night. Ban didn't have any reaction but he was quite serious inside.

'I need to deal with these guys' organization once I encounter with them. Doesn't the authority know about their organization? Such a huge organization and they were rampant everwhere yet, I haven't seen or hear news that someone was dealing with them.'

Ban shook his head inside and look at Sophia who was blushing but there's a bizzare expression in her eyes. She's been like this since breakfast but she wanted to say something but resisted.

Ban chuckle lightly and said teasingly "Don't worry, I'll fix that thing later when I have the time." He pinch her cute nose.

Sophia look at him in confusion. She ask "What do you mea...n fix-". Sophia widen her eyes and a few seconds, she blush furiously covering her face with both of her hands.

Ban nodded his head while laughing at her expression.

Sally was also at a loss. She ask tugging Ban's arm "What is it?" She was like a curious cat.

"Nothing much. The faucet in the bathroom got broke accidentally by Sophia." Ban shrug his shoulder replying to Sally.

"Faucet? Then there will be a leak. Why don't you fix it now?" Sally raise her brow at the nonchalant Ban.

Ban laugh and look at the embarrassed Sophia. He said "Don't worry it has been temporarily fixed by our Sophia."

Sally ask him once again while looking at Sophia "Oh? How did you do that Little Sis?" She was amazed by her Little Sis. She probably panic herself if the faucet would broke in front of her.

"Umm." Sophia look at Ban for help.

Ban laugh and kiss the latter's forehead. He said to Sally "Sophia twisted the iron tube that was connected to the faucet with her bare hands to stop the water from bursting out." He narrate as if it was a normal thing.

Sally's expression warp for a second then she widen her eyes in surprise. She exclaim "She... You what?! Little Sis, Did you just twist the iron tube with your bare hands? Is that true?" She turn her head to Sophia.

Sophia look at Ban and she responded to Sally with a nod.

"You.. This.. How is that possible?" Sally inquire Ban about the matter.

Ban shrug his shoulder "Maybe you guess it right now. She bacame a superhuman like us. I can feel her power barely entered at the 2nd Order. As for how... I guess after we did that last night." He smile at Sally whose widening her eyes in disbelief.

Sophia also look at Ban curiously. She became interested about his claim. The changes in her body made her feel frightened at the same time fascinated. After taking a bath earlier, she close the faucet to stop the water but it got broke in the middle of closing due to the sudden strength she produced. She wanted to call for help but she was embarrassed while her body only covered by a thin towel. Sophia tried to fix it but the result was the tube was twisted and the water stop bursting out. She panicked when she discovered that there is something wrong in her body and not the thing in front of her. But what baffled her the most was that how did Ban knows that she was having a little accident in the bathroom.

Sophia redden her face as she want to find an answer from Ban but she was shy to ask about it.

"How come she was already at the 2nd Order while I just entered 1st Order?" Sally ask Ban raising her brow.

"Maybe because she has a pure affinity of wood element. I don't have the concrete answer but that's the only thing I can say for now as I also do not know how to solve this question."

Ban shrug his shoulder. He can already tell that Sophia has a strong aura around her after practicing the Elemental Manipulation Canon. The technique is quite sensitive to the elements of the surroundings. Together with his Heaven Seeking Detection, he can see and feel the elements of the surroundings quite accurately. Sophia herself has a pure quality of wood element as her body glowed with vibrant green colour.

"Hmm. If that is the case then my fire element seems to be lower of a quality then?" Sally ponder as she ask.

Ban smirk and said "I don't know really but I can feel your fire element have become purer after we did that thing." He pinch her soft bottom making her shiver in his embrace.

Sally pouted and interrogate him with a glare "Then how did you know about the accident in Little Sis' bathroom? Surely you didn't peek at her while she bathed right?"

Ban's smirking expression turned stiff. He cough lightly and said "*Ahem*.. That.. I sense her yelp in the bathroom so I thought she was having an accident." He didn't remove his hand and instead grope both of their soft bottoms while he continued to explain "I have practiced a new skill today and that is I can sense people around me through my mind"

Sally disdainfully said "That's some kind of a perverted skill."

Ban pinch Sally's bottom and the latter moan softly. She pouted coquetishly at him.

Sophia blush about Ban's reason. However, she got hooked by Ban's skill more. She curiously ask "What are you guys talking about? What is this Order or something? And that skill..." The more she ask, the lesser her cute voice sounded.

Ban chuckle and kiss her forehead and said "Okay.. Now that you guys have become just like me, a superhuman, I will now tell you briefly about what I know and part of my secrets." He kiss both of them as he adjusted his position. He let go of the two and he continue to explain "Keep this a secret between us in the meantime of what I'm about to reveal for protection and safety."

Both women nodded seriously.

Ban pointed at the toy beside the Little Girl not far from them. He said "Becoming a superhuman can do this."


The toy float and it got pulled towards Ban who catch the toy.

Sally nodded while Sophia widen her eyes in surprise.

The Little Girl thought that Ban performed a magic show so she clap her little hands happily.

Ban smile gently as he carry the happy Little Girl and place her on his lap. He caress her smooth hair and gave the toy back to her. He continue to speak "A supernatural strength like what Sophia did earlier. You are the same too, Big Sis."

Both women nodded earnestly. The Little Girl also copied their actions as she nodded.

"Now, superhumans like us are called Divergents."

Ban raise his hand and it suddenly produce a water ball floating silently in the air. He said smilingly "There are two types of Divergents. One is called Elemental Divergents. One can emit an elemental energy as their main power. Just like I did. Their main power lies on the elements they have on their bodies."

Ban didn't continue his explanation as he watch the two digesting his words.

Patiently, he continued "The second is Enchant Divergents. One's body has a supernatural physical strength like what Sophia did."

Both of them nodded once again.

After a few seconds of silence. Sally raise her brow in confusion. She ask "Didn't you said that we have elements in our bodies but I can also feel my physical strength is very strong. I can feel it. I can even lift that refregerator with ease." She pointed at the thing not far from them.

Ban smiled at this and said "That's were our secret lies. We can use both super physical strength and elemental energies. Although, you guys don't know how to use your elements, I do and I can teach you that easily. That technique can conceal your elemental auras making you look normal to those other Divergent's eyes evading your troubles." He hug the Little Girl lovingly and continue "For now, classify yourselves as Enchant Divergents. But don't show your powers so casually as we don't know what danger will come and just stay low profile for now."

Both women nodded once again seriously.

"Now, for the main part. I have a technique, transfering a knowledge to one another are one of it's uses. I will transfer some techniques to you guys for you to practice later." Ban raise his forefinger and pointed at their forehead.