
Ban used his technique called Godsend Bestowal to tranfer the skills he had on his mind to his women.

Ban imparted a very simple technique called 'Telepathy' first and carefully observe their condition. He receive those skills with great pain in his head even his soul felt like tearing apart.

Seeing them furrowing their brows, Ban immediately ask worriedly "What is it? Is there any discomfort in your bodies? If that is so, then I will stop using this skill to transfer my techniques to you. I will instead impart the skill using paper and pen."

Sally was first to regain her calm and said smilingly "No.. It's fine. There was no discomfort or something. I just feel strange that a new knowledge suddenly pop out of nowhere in my mind. Truly wonderful."

Sophia also nodded agreeing to what Sally said.

"Are you sure?" Ban rub their cheeks worriedly.

"It's fine really. It felt amazing instead. Right, Little Sis?" Sally replied as she look at Sophia.

"Mmmn.." Sophia smiled assuring Ban.

Ban breath a sigh of relief. He also smiled and said "If that's the case then the technique I used works well with you two. So how is it? Can you tell me what skill you receive?"

Sophia replied first with a bright expression "C-Cousin... I-I mean B-Ban.." She blush as she didn't know how to call Ban for a moment.

Ban chuckle at her cute expression "You two can call me hubby if we are alone. You can call me by my name outside the public. I will also call you wifey. Hmmm sounds great. Wifey Sally and Wifey Sophia." He shamelessly declared while smiling cheekily.

Sally snorted and pouted but she still agreed to Ban's proposal while Sophia nodded with a redden face.

"H-Hubby.." Sophia said blushing and she continue "Umm.. I receive a skill called telepathy. It says that one can pass a message to a person through their mind without using their mouth to speak. The skill only works if one touches the body of the target."

Sally also chime in "Yes.. Also you can use the skill without touching the target if you learn the Spirit Detection skill. What is that skill?" She look at Ban inquiring him.

Ban nodded with a smile and said "That's right. It is as the skill description says. One can communicate through mind connection." He didn't open his mouth and spoke through their minds.


"Wow!.." The two women dazed for a while before exclaiming in unison. Their eyes shined brightly looking at Ban with fascination.

Ban chuckle and shrug his shoulder. He was also surprised since this is the first time he used this skill. Seeing the reaction of the two, he guess the skill worked.

"I didn't touch you and manage to communicate meaning I used the Spirit Detection skill. The Spirit Detection is a type of scanning skill like I did earlier to my dear wifey Sophia." He pinch the cheek of blushing Sophia and continued "Both Telepathy and Spirit Detection uses spirit energy, this energy is not the same with elemental energy. Spirit energy comes from your soul and not the physical body."

"As far as I know, a person can have 3 types of energies in one's body. First is the common energy. It is a pure type of energy that has many uses. Second is the elemental energy. One can control elements from their body through their will. An the last is the spirit energy that came from one's soul."

Ban sat down and continued "People I have encountered as of now are using elemental energies. I still don't know how to raise your common and spirit energies but I guess it has something to do with you leveling up. The higher your level is, the stronger all of your energies."

Both nodded their head.

Ban transfer the Spirit Detection skill to his women.

"To practice these two skills, you need to follow the instructions on it. You can ask me if there is something you are not clear about it. We'll stop before noon. You can practice in your own room to have a silent enviromment. I suggest you practice the Spirit Detection first. It will be easy to practice Telepathy if you master the Spirit Detection." Ban carry the Little Girl and play with her with some magic show.

Both women nodded and kiss Ban's lips one by one before heading on to their respective room excitedly.


11 in the morning...

Ban carry the Little Girl and lay her on the sofa as she was sleeping soundly. She played a lot with Ban and she fell asleep after a couple of hours.

Ban prepare the lunch family after checking at the time. He didn't make the breakfast earlier as he was digesting all the skills he gained last night. He now wanted to try one of his skill called Master of All Trades as cooking was a part of this technique.

After checking the cooking job, he found it's uses was quite unique. Not only he knows countless ingredients and their uses out there but one also uses various elemental energies as a part of instruction. There are countless of dishes registered in this job and Ban already knew what dish he shall cook for the lunch. Given the ingredients in the kitchen, Ban started his work efficiently.

Minutes past by, and an hour have already over. Ban made 3 simple dishes for the lunch.


Ban check his women about their progress and smiled upon seeing their wondrous expression. He telepathically said "All right. Stop your practice. Time for lunch."



Both women startled and let out a cry of surprise. They look at the kitchen where Ban stood silently gazing at their direction. They hurriedly run out of their room.

Sally was the first one to hug Ban after dashing out of her room. She jump into his embrace locking her legs on his waist. She kiss him excitedly.

"I didn't know it is already this late. I was so engrossed in my training."

Ban laugh and beckon Sophia at the side for a hug and also gave her a deep kiss. Sophia blush instantly. She was just like Sally, very happy about her newly gained skill.

After the happy kisses and cuddles, Ban said "Alright, we'll talk during lunch. Go wash your hands. I'll prepare the dishes." He squeeze both their bottoms before letting them go with a happy smile.

"Woah! So I feel so distracted just now was because of these dishes? Mmmnn... Smells so yummy!" Sally gulp at the dishes. Even her stomach growl from hunger. She usually don't salivate a dish even if she was hungry. However now, she can't wait to taste them.

Sophia was also the same. She glance at the dishes from time to time earlier but she didn't comment about it.

"Okay, go wash your hands now."

Both women rush out with the speed of light to wash their hands.


"Did you really made all this dishes? What's the name of this one?" Sally pointed at the steaming hot dish near her.

Ban laugh and said "Well... That's a chicken curry."

Sally raise her brow and ask "But why was it's soup colour black? Did you mistaken a squid for a chicken?"

Ban roll his eyes and pick a piece of chicken meat. He took a bite and present her the meat of the chicken.

"Look. It's chicken meat." Ban didn't dally and eat his lunch with gusto.

"Let's eat."

Looking at Ban who enjoy his food, the women didn't hesitate further and grab their meals. The smell was so tantalizing for them to miss.

"Oh my goodness!" Sally widen her eyes.

Sophia was the same.

They continue to eat without stopping.



Sally patted her belly in satisfaction.

Sophia copied the action of Sally with a blush.

They didn't know Ban could cook something so delicious. The excitement they had when they learned a skill was replaced by Ban's delicious dishes.

"Your dishes were so delicious that even the dishes of the restaurant we worked tastes so bland." Sally exclaim with surprise.

Ban wave his hand and said laughing "Hah. You're just hungry from the practice. That's why." He re-direct their attention to the skills they practiced "Congratulations! You now mastered the Spirit Detection skill."

"Oh yeah... I almost forgot." Sally's eyes lit up. She said "This skill is so wonderful. I can sense the surroundings beyond the walls of the room. But using it constantly makes my head ached."

Ban ponder for a second and said "Maybe your soul energy is not strong enough. Don't worry. You can use that skill continuously if you level up more in the future." He smiled and continue "What's the maximum range you can sense?"

Sophia replied "I can sense about 100 meters."

Sally widen her eyes looking at Sophia in surprise. She blush slightly and said "I-I can sense 50 meters."

"Hah! That's excellent enough. My wives were geniuses!" Ban hug both and kissed them on their cheeks.

"...Mama! I'm hungree!" The Little Girl woke up from the sofa and exclaim cutely.

Ban laugh and said "Wifey Sally, go and tend Little Judith first. You can have a day off if you want to practice the skill I gave you earlier. I'll talk to Wifey Sophia in my room. I need to impart her some skills she need to practice in the future. After that we'll go to the hospital to help Uncle for the discharge." He kiss Sally on the lips and his devil claws was on Sophia's soft bottom leading her into his room.