Rising Era

Entrance of the Arena...

Ban raise and eyebrow seeing the building up close. He thought 'The materials that made the building is really impressive.' Ban check the black wall using his hand and he let out a surprise expression behind the mask. He added in his mind 'Strange.. According to my blacksmith job, this material is called Cold Void Metal and should not exist in this planet. Instead, it came from the core of a dying sun. From the texture of this material, the sun indeed died in a natural way and it made this material more valuable.'

A/N : Blacksmith job came from the Master of All Trades

Ban brighten his eyes but after a few seconds, he furrow his brow.

'This is a very precious material even for a chunk and yet it only became an Arena building. While it's true that this material is so tough that I can't even make a scratch using with an all out Mirage Smash but it will also smash my fist after the attack from the strong recoil. Maybe my strongest skill currently can take a chunk out of this thing but I will need a same level of toughness from the sword I use.' Ban thought about his Space Rending Slash technique.

Ban continued 'Anyway, the owner of this Arena is indeed very mysterious. I'm guessing all of the Arenas around the world have the same material as this building.'

"Brother Whiss! Let's go in." Candy called Ban who was dazing at the wall.

Ban and Candy swipe their badge in the scanner.

The guard look at the group and nodded indifferently before closing his eyes once again like he was meditating.

Ban narrow his eyes while looking at the guard. His guts told him not to provoke this person in front of him. One thing that make Ban look twice was because he remembered the dress of the mother and daughter duo at the hospital. The pattern of their clothes really look similar. However, Ban could tell that the quality of the clothes of this man in front of him was quite inferior to the mother and daughter duo.

A/N : Emma and Emily

Candy laugh a little when she noticed Ban was staring at the guard. She said in a low voice "That guard from earlier was very mysterious. He just stand there everyday. I've been here for almost 3 years and I didn't saw him leaving his spot. People tried to provoke him, and the ending was the person who provoked him suddenly disappeared on the spot like they never existed. Since then, nobody wants to provoke those guards, well, except for those brainless idiots feeling they were strong enough to face them. Rumors says that even Class S Fighters greeted them politely and some wanted them to be their master but the reply was a cold 'No'. I guess they came from the headquarters." She shrug her shoulder.

Ban rub his chin and ask.

"Headquarters? Wheres the Headquarters that you are talking about?"

Candy weirdly look at Ban but after recalling Ban didn't read the documents, she enthusiastically explain "The Arena have 2 headquarters. One in North Pole and One in South Pole."

"What? Such a place. I don't want to go there even if I am being invited by the master of the Arena himself. I'll surely die from that place." John thought out loud and said.

Candy smiled and said while brightening her eyes.

"Class S and Throne matches were happening there. My wish is to go to that place and witness the fight of those monsters."

Ban also became interested. He raise his brow and ask "You said about Throne. What are those?"

Candy smiled and wave her hand "Thrones are the ones who dominate the Arena rankings all over the world. Anyway, I will tell you about them in the future." She smiled mysteriously and continued "Meanwhile, I will tell you some details about your opponent tonight. And Hmmm.. How shall I say this? He.. is very powerful."

Ban ask "Powerful? Lady Nancy told me yesterday that this is also his first match. How can you say that he is very powerful then?"

"Hehe! Before I explain, we have arrived to my private room. Let's go in first." Candy smiled and scan her badge at the door.


The group stop and followed Candy inside.

A spacious room welcome the group. The decoration and design of the room was normal. One could say the room was in old style like they were in a cave of metal walls. Theres not much decoration inside and only filled with black chairs that were facing the glass window to view the stage.

"This is my private room. Every Rankers has one. The Arena prohibits the Fighters to make some decorations to the room so.." Candy shrug her shoulders. She look at Ban and continued "We will watch your match here later. There is also betting platform beside those chairs and the ratio of winning for the Fighter. Only bank cards are allowed for the bet. Any bank cards will do."

Ban nodded while he sat down looking at the stage. He also notice the audience in the upper part of the Arena just like a football stadium full of people.

Eliza and co also sat down looking at the Stage with wonder.

Candy lightly cough and said "Now, let's talk about your opponent Brother Whiss. He is a new Fighter just like you. However I heard that he came from a strong group."

Ban raise his brow and ask "Oh? What's the name of his group?" He look at Candy.

"Hmmm.. I think I heard my Big Sister that the group is called 'Rising Era'. She told me that the group was newly established. There are a total of 10 members of the group and rumors says they were foreigners but nobody can identify since they wore black cloak and masks. Rules don't prohibit anyone from registering themselves to other countries. As long as they can fight, nothing else matters. It is said that every members was so strong that their goal is to claim the 10 seats of the Class S in this country. The leader of the group already made it to the 40th rank of the Class C. One thing is for sure, all of the matches of the members in this group were all wins and no loses."

Ban raise his brow and smiled. He thought in his mind 'Very strong huh?' He clench his fist feeling the adrenaline of excitement.

"Oh right. If I win, how much money will I get?" Ban ask.

Candy raise her brow. She feel from the confident voice of Ban that he can win this match. She silently look at the mysterious Ban and replied "For an Unranked Fighter, your first win will be 10k dollars. Every streak of win added 10k dollars. Of course the bonus will reset if you lose or die. If you have 10 winstreak, you will be automatically pair for a random match of any Rank 1st to 50th Class C Fighter. If you win, you will gain 1 million dollars instantly. Now, if you become Class C Fighter, you will have a 1 million dollar reward every fight. Just like the last, every streak adds 1 million dollars. For Class B, 10 million dollars. For Class A, this time is 1 billion." She smiled and said "Don't think too lightly of those ranks, 70% who loses their match died everyday in the Arena."

Ban seriously nodded.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. There will be a special case in this arena to jump in class. You won't need for continuous battles to rank up." Candy said while smiling cutely.

Ban was surprised and ask "What is it?"

Candy replied "You will need a recommendation letter from Class A or above rankers. There are 10 Class A every Arena in a region and this country has 13 regions so, we have a total of 130 Class A fighters. As for the 10 Class S Fighters, I don't think they will give you a recommendation except you are their relative." Candy laugh and continued "Class A Fighter's recommendation can take you to match a Class C only while Class S Fighter's recommendation can take you to match a Class C to Class B fight."

Ban nodded and thanked her.

"Oh right.. Do you know the name of my opponent?" Ban ask Candy.

Candy chuckle and said "Well, I don't think I know his name but the records says his name was a title."

Ban raise his brow and ask "What is it then?" He didn't think his opponent gave himself a title instead of a name.

"Titan The Destroyer." Candy giggle a little and replied to Ban.

Ban was confused at her laughing expression. In fact, the title was so overbearing and pleasing to the ears.

"Ahem.. Uhhh.. I'm sorry. I can't help myself from laughing. It's just that....my Big Sis already saw him in person." Candy cover her mouth while blushing.

Candy continued

"She told me that your opponent does not look like a giant but-"

Candy blush furiously resisting her urge to laugh.

"He... He.. is a...midget."