
Ban twitch his lips "He claim himself to be a Titan? Interesting.." He rub his chin pondering.

Eliza also felt amused but then replaced by a worried face. She said to Ban "Be careful on your match. Do not underestimate your opponent. If Ms. Candy says that the goal of their group is to claim the top ranks, then he might really be strong." She never would've imagined that this Arena was a very brutal place.

People died everyday in the Arena and Ban will also going to have a deathmatch a few minutes later. She wanted to persuade Ban to withdraw his match fearing something bad might happen to him but she also fear Ban may also hate her for being such a nuisance. She could only remind Ban to be careful. Anyway, she could tell Ban wouldn't make some reckless decision just to throw his life away easily after knowing him. She could feel his confidence and he is also strong after witnessing his terrifying technique from the sparring.

"Mmm." Ban nodded gently to Eliza.

"Brother Whiss, look.." John pointed beside Ban's chair.

Ban and the others look at the LCD screen beside Ban's chair. In fact, all of the chair in the room has one. The screen was presenting the next match and the ratio of the bet.



WHISS (1:5)






John and others were confused at the betting ratio.

Candy laugh and said "The betting ratio depends on how the popular the Fighter was. Titan The Destroyer's group is very powerful from the rumors, so the management lower his winning bet ratio just like you see in the screen."

"Oh? So that means if I bet 1 dollar on myself, I'll get 5 dollars in return if I happen to win this match?" Ban inquired.

Candy nodded and said "That's right."

Ban turn to look at John and ask "Do you have money with you? I'd like to borrow some."

John was silent for a second. He was weighing the pros and cons about the match. He knew Ban was strong but hearing the might of his opponent might also strong, in fact strong enough to target the impossible top ranks, he waver a little. However, he needed a thigh to latch onto so he gritted his teeth and he go all out. He said seriously "Brother, I have 100 million on me right now. I have faith that you will win tonight so this card will be my gift to you. You don't need to return it to me, I am just happy to befriend a man like you. Treat it as a pocket money."

Miller gawk for a while. He knew that much money covers almost 10 percent of John's overall asset. He whispered in a low voice "S-Sir.."

John felt a weight had been lifted inside his heart as he wave his hand to stop Miller. He pass a golden bank card to Ban and said "Here you go, Brother."

Ban was silent for a moment. He only look at John not saying anything. In fact, he was quite surprised inside. He only intended to borrow 100k dollars at most but he didn't think the guy suddenly went all out. Ban could clearly see the determination deep within John's eyes.

Even Eliza and Candy were startled at the amount. They look at John with raising their eyebrows. They thought 'Giving so much money just to befriend a man he didn't know. Such a weird guy.'

"Mmm. But you don't need to give me that much money. I only need 100k dollars at most." Ban wave his hand in refusal. He owe this man a little and now he even wants to give him a hundred million.

"Errr." John became awkward as he didn't know what to say. He needed Ban's influence if the latter turned out to be a powerhouse in the future.

John thought for a while and his eyes light up and pick up an item in his pocket using a handkerchief and he cover the item with it into a ball and pass it to Ban. He said "Okay Brother.. Then I'll give you this thing as a present then. You can open it after the match." He smiled to Ban. He pick another Bank card and pass it to Ban. The card contained a million dollars.

Ban raise his brow for a second. He wanted to peek what's inside but resisted and he nodded saying "Thanks. I'll open it later then." He laugh and pass the item to Eliza for safe keeping including his belongings as he continued "You really did prepare when you called me earlier."

"Haha!" John could only laugh at this.

Everyone also became curious what John passed to Ban. Especially Candy who likes surprises.

Ban inserted the card and made a bet in his name with 100k dollars. If he wins, he will get 500k dollars in return.

Everbody sat down to look at the betting screen. John place a bet. After placing the bet, he cover the screen fearing someone might see.

Surprisingly, even Eliza bet on Ban's name. She bet 1 million dollars on his name.

Ban look at Eliza in surprise. The latter return the look with a smile in her eyes behind her mask.

Ban smiled and touch her hand gently intending to lock fingers with her.

Before they could do it, Candy suddenly exclaim.

"Guys look! Look at the betting screen!"

Everbody was startled and watch the betting screen.

Eliza was staring daggers at Candy but the latter avoided her gaze. She also look at the betting screen and exclaim in surprise.



WHISS (1:10)






"The ratio had gone up!" Eliza exclaim.

Everyone look at Candy for explanation.

"Ahem* I forgot to tell you that the ratio will change every 10 minutes before the fight. This is the first change and the last change will happen after 10 minutes." Candy explained.

"Why did it change so much in a short time?" Ban ask in confusion.

"Uhmmm. It seems like.. nobody bet much on Brother so.. " Candy cutely pursed her lips.

Eliza widen her eyes and ask "There are more than 50 thousand people sitting over there and they all bet for that Titan you mention?"

Candy nodded, shrugging her shoulders. She replied "His group was quite popular you know."

While the girls were having a chat, John's body was trembling all over. There's an unreadable look on his face. His palms were sweating.

Ban squint his eyes at John and ask "What happen to you? You want to take a dump?"

John laugh awkwardly and wave his hand "I'm fine. I'm good."

Ban shrug but when he saw the screen on John's chair, he widen his eyes. He said in his mind 'This guy is really going all out.'

Even though John covered the screen with his hands, Ban can still clearly see the screen. John bet 100 million on Ban's name.

10 minutes later...

The group look at the betting screen once again.



WHISS (1:20)






Ban click his tongue seeing the ratio. His bet will return 20 times if he win.

Eliza pursed her lips and complained "Does that mean nobody bet on Whiss except us here?"

Candy shrug her shoulder before saying "Alright. Brother Whiss let's go. I'll take you to the stage."

Ban calm his breath and said "Let's go." He stood up. Eliza and others also stood up. He wink at Eliza and Telepathically said "Wish me luck, Ms.Pikachu."

Eliza shivered for a second and smiled beautifully. She nodded and made a fist "Good luck.. H-Hubby....." She whispered the last word with a blushing face.

Everyone didn't hear the last word but Ban clearly hear it. He felt like biting her lips. Eliza's charm at this moment was very hard to resist for Ban.

Ban smiled and said to everyone "I'll be back later, don't worry."

Ban nodded to everyone before walking away following Candy out of the room.