One Hit Delete

A few minutes later...

Ban and Candy stop at a door leading to the stage.

"This is as far as I can take you Brother Whiss. You need to swipe your badge for your arrival indicating your attendance to the fight. No outside weapons are allowed. You can use one of the weapons provided by the Arena inside." Candy explained.

Ban thanked her and was about to go to the stage when a warm and soft sensation stuck to his body. He saw Candy hugging him tightly with a blushing face. Ban could feel the soft melons sticking to his stomach.

Candy said "Good luck on your fight. Hehe" She run back while giggling.

Ban got petrified for a second and muttered "Did this lass has a crush on me? She also hugged me earlier." He shook his head and swipe his badge before entering the stage.

"Dang! I can feel they were bigger than Sally and Sophia but definitely not by Eliza and Elena. They were massi- *Ahem.... Perverted thoughts... go away...." Ban shook his head while walking to a wide round stage. The stage has a radius of 1 kilometer.

The audience were cheering just like a football stadium. When they look at the mask Ban, they laugh so hard like they were seeing a funny clown.

Ban could sense most of them were Divergents. He saw a big weapon rack outside the stage. Ban thought 'Is there a main event fight later? Is it normal to have these many people everyday?' He didn't know the answer since Candy was not in his side and also ingnore those people who mocked him.

Ban pick up a 1.5m length sword. After testing the sword, he nodded while surprised and muttered "Cold Void Metal. Heavy, about 300 kilos." He look again at the weapon rack and found out all of the various weapons were made out of the same material.

"The material used to make these weapons is second to none in terms of durability in this planet, not bad." Ban nodded his head and proceeded to the center. He continue to mutter "I wonder if someone tried to steal these things?" Ban shook his head recalling the guard at the gate. It would be a suicide if anyone tried to steal these treasures.

Ban raise an eyebrow seeing a masked man in the opposite side.

Ban look upwards and saw a huge LCD screen displaying the Fighters name and a countdown below.

"No referee?" Ban look around and found no referee present. He continued to mutter "I guess the fight will start after the countdown turn to zero."

There are only 3 minutes left in the countdown and Ban was 10 meters away from his opponent.

"Hey!" His opponent, Titan suddenly called with a calm and with a hint of mocking tone behind his mask. He carried a hammer that doesn't match his height. The hammer has a height of 3 meters made of Cold Void Metal. Even Ban estimated the weight of the hammer about 5 thousand kilos.

Ban stared at Titan silently. Titan was 70cm tall and wore a brown cloak with a brown tribal mask. Candy's claim earlier really fit the height of this man in front of him. But what surprised Ban was that this guy have 2 elemental aura surrounding him. Ban could feel his level, a 7th Order Elemental Divergent. Despite being a Elemental Divergent, He can drag a heavy hammer with ease.

Seeing Ban was silent, the man called Titan continued "Surrender now or you will die. I won't waste my time on a weakling like you."

"Oh? How do you know that I am weak without even exchanging blows with me?" Ban replied.

"I don't feel any aura from you. I can even smash you without using my elemental skills." Titan proudly said.


In one of the private rooms in the arena...

Nine person were sitting watching the match of Ban and Titan The Destroyer.

"Hey Boss, where did you met this little guy?" One of them suddenly ask the man sitting in the middle.

"Mmm. I met him in this country. He's quite talented as you can see." The Boss replied.

"What kind of Divergent is this little guy?"

The Boss ponder for a second and said "He is definitely an Elemental Divergent but his elements can be of use to strengthen his body."

"Elements? You mean..."

The Boss nodded and said "Indeed. He can use two elements at once. I met him in the capital. He was a leader of a small gang. This Titan really hid his power really well. He can turn himself into a giant covered by iron metal and he can also use fire element for offence hence the name Titan The Destroyer."

The others nodded.

"I tried to recruit him to be the member of our group but he challenged me to be the leader instead and you know the outcome." The Boss stated.

Another member chimed "So that's why this shorty wants to challenge us. Maybe he wants to be the eldest in this group. I heard he wants to challenged you Ms. Lotus. We knew that you are the strongest member here in the group even though you were just recently recruited."

The Boss also squint his eyes at the masked woman in the last row silently looking at the stage silently. He knew this woman was very illusive. In fact, he didn't recruit her in his team. She only appear out of nowhere and said she wanted to join to his group. When he was about to disagree, he could feel a sense of crisis deep inside like a wrong answer would lead him to the afterlife. Before he accept, he asked why. She only replied 'Because your group is situated in Fern City Arena'.

The Boss was puzzled by her answer but he accepted her to the group nonetheless. She only close her eyes everytime the group assembles but this is the first time that she observe a match attentively.

This findings deeply shocked the Boss. He look at the stage once again to observe the match.

Another man with a sharp eye observing the stage said "Strange... Titan's opponent didn't even falter the moment he entered the stage. Do you guys find something odd about this guy?"

"Why? Isn't it normal?"

"Sometimes, but you should know the terror of our group currently. Surely this guy heard the name of our group by now. Our opponents today would either turned vigilant or forfeit but this guy face Titan calmly."

"Haha. Then he's either stupid or fearless."

Suddenly, a dreadful aura envelope the group and a melodious voice rang out.



The group turned silent hearing the lady named Ms. Lotus. Even the Boss wasn't an exception.


"You don't look like you are scared. Do you even know the group I came from?" Titan ask in disdain.

"I do." Ban nodded. He look at the countdown and 2 seconds only remained.

"HAHA! Prepare to be smashed by me then!" Titan's body suddenly covered by a layer of iron. Seconds later, his body became an iron golem twice the height of Ban. The hammer in his hand emits a wild scorching fire.


Titan's voice became loud and hoarse while mocking to Ban.



The audience especially normal people exclaim at the sight. They already celebrated simultaneously about winning the bet. All of them considered Titan's group as an elite group that can destroy any opponent they had.

"Woooo! Easy Moneeeey!!!"

"Go! Kill this bastar- UCK!!"


A pin drop silence suddenly engulf the whole Arena.


In the stage...

Ban stood straight swinging the remaining blood stains of his sword. His action was very calm.

Behind Ban was a corpse of a man that has been split in two from head up to his balls.

Ban then calmly turn around heading to the exit nonchalantly.

Everone gape their mouth into a 'O' shape with wide eyes popping out.

Even Ban's group was the same.

After Ban return the sword to the weapon rack, he disappeared in sight.


"...What ....just-"

The audience turned dumbstruck and gossip with one another. They couldn't finish their sentence from stuttering.


Rising Era group...

Some of the members stood up in disbelief.

"Titan.. He... perished just like that?"


The Boss also had a look of surprise. He never imagined Titan's opponent to be this terrifying. He even experience Titan's might from their fight and he found it hard to counter those impenetrable defense. He only won by luck by using an unknown trick.

Ms. Lotus' eyes were brighten after watching the match. She didn't even bother to reply to her team who were exclaiming in disbelief. She thought 'Indeed, he is very mysterious.' A beautiful smile could be seen behind her mask.