
30 minutes later...

The betting screen changed for the last time.




RED LOTUS (40:1)



The audience were here to bet on Red Lotus' name. Although they have bet on Titan earlier, it was only a pocket money for them. The real gamble starts now as they bet with millions of dollars on Red Lotus without hesitation.

Some were also Vinswift fans, they hesitated at first but seeing the ratio, they couldn't help but bet on Vinswift's name decisively with reddening eyes of greed. Some who lost the bet on Titan earlier also bet on Vinswift hoping for a miracle to happen and regain their losses.


The group of Ban were focusing their attention to the stage.

Ban narrowed his eyes looking at the two Fighters at the stage. What baffled him was that he cannot distinguish the level of Red Lotus. However, he can sense a gentle yet frightening vibe around her.

Red Lotus' opponent, Vinswift was looking at the former with vigilance. He knew Red Lotus is not someone who he can easily underestimate. He is a Wind elemental Divergent. He kill his opponent in a swift and fast manner using daggers or wind blades but the opponent in front of him is a different case. She can kill any opponents without doing anything at all. She just stand there not doing anything and her opponent's body suddenly convulse and their seven orifices burst out of blood. They died without doing any action. And the worse of it is that after her opponent died, their blood suddenly formed into a lotus, a blood lotus.

Vinswift gritted his teeth. He knew a defenseless opponent is a perfect kill for him but his opponent is Red Lotus. Sometimes, he decided to just surrender before the match started but his pride didn't let him do it. He knew Red Lotus used some kind of trick to kill her opponents but he didn't know what kind of trick was it. This time, he didn't use a weapon to maximize his speed dealing a flashy blow to his opponent when the battle starts.

Red Lotus look at Vinswift calmly but she didn't put him in her eyes that much. There is only 10 seconds remaining for the match to start.

Suddenly, Red Lotus turn her head to the private rooms were located. She specifically look to a certain room. She suddenly smiled silently.


Candy's private room...

John was horrified when he saw Red Lotus was looking at their direction. He nervously ask Candy "Ms. Candy. These windows were tinted right? So how can Red Lotus know our location?"

Candy was also surprised. She replied "This is a 100% black tinted windows so people outside cannot see us here inside. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Right. That must be it."

Ban furrow his brow. He knew Red Lotus was looking at his direction. He activated his Heaven seeking Detection and he saw her beautiful face. She was the most beautiful lady he has ever seen. He suddenly saw her smiling face turn into a frown as she glare at Ban.

Ban was startled and he immediately deactivate his Heaven seeking Detection skill. He saw her eyes smiled once again before turning away to face her opponent.

"What was that for? How did she know I was looking at her face?" Ban crease his brow pondering the matter. His thought was cut by the excited John.

"Look! The match starts!"

Everybody focused their attention on the match. They were curious about how Red Lotus will deal to her opponent.


The audience were shouting and cheering loudly. Most of them were cheering for Red Lotus. They treat her as their goddess.

The two fighters were 10 meters away from one another.

Vinswift turn his head to face the screen and only 1 second remained so he burst his Wind elemental energy preparing to attack.

Red lotus carried a slim sword in her hand. She calmly look at her opponent who was tensing his nerves ready for the kill. She squint her eyes and smiled.


Vince bolted his body towards Red Lotus as fast as the speed of sound. He wave his hand horizontally planning to behead his opponent within a second. He smiled in delight as he was inch away from Red Lotus.

The audience gasp in surprise. Almost all of them forgot to breath seeing their goddess that is about to be headless. They didn't imagine Red Lotus to do her usual attack that is to kill the opponent in the distance.

Vinswift had a madness look on his face while grinning from ear to ear. The victory is within his reach. A little more and this will be over.


Vinswift saw Red Lotus disappeared in sight. His expression changed drastically. He didn't imagine Red Lotus was more faster than him.

Ban narrow his eyes in surprise. He couldn't follow Red Lotus' movement at all. He only saw a blur in the air.

Vinswift halted his step to observe the surroundings when he suddenly felt his vision split.


Vinswift lifelessly slump to the floor, dead. His blood scattered and formed into a lotus.


Everybody turned silent.

The audience thought the scene was similar. They widen their eyes in surprise upon realizing. They burst out cheering loudly.


"Brother Whiss.. Is this... some kind of a provocation?" John look at Ban with confusion. He saw Vinswift in two pieces on the floor just like Titan's outcome earlier.

"Brother..." Eliza grab Ban's hand tightly with a worried face.

Ban grab Eliza's waist for a hug and assured her "It's fine. Don't think too much about it." He frown and look at Red Lotus who was returning back silently.


Ban caress her back to comfort her agitated emotion. He said gently "Believe in me okay? I will be fine... I promise." He stare at her eyes gently.

Eliza's worried face turned rosy pink and nodded obediently. She took a deep breath calming her emotions.


Ban and Eliza were standing at the entrance of her quarters.

After bidding goodbyes to Candy, the group return silently to their City. Nobody talk on the journey as they were absorbing the happenings earlier.

Eliza said with a little bashful look "Do you want to go in?"

They already took their masks earlier so Ban could clearly see her alluring face.

"I'd loved to." Ban step forward to hug Eliza who became startled like a frightened rabbit. Seeing her like this, Ban chuckle and continue "But I have to go back. Maybe some other time I will shamelessly go in even without your invitation. Hehe"

Eliza redden her face but became disappointed hearing Ban is about to leave.

Ban kiss her forehead before saying "It's okay on the forehead right?" He cheekily said making Eliza blush even more.


"I'll head back now. Don't worry too much about what happened earlier. I'm sure I will not be able to face her in a match since she already been promoted in the higher ranks." Ban said gently.

"Okay. Take care on your way home."

Ban nodded and let go of her. He gave a one last look at her longing face and chuckle while pinching her cheeks before disappeared within seconds.


Ban travelled back using Phantom Steps. He was pondering that mysterious woman in the Arena.


Ban was travelling fast when a melodious voice suddenly rang out beside him. He almost stumbled in fright. He stopped and look at his right.

A black cloaked wearing a white mask woman was standing beside him. Ban widen his eyes in surprise upon recognizing the woman in front.

"Red Lotus."