
Ban immediately distance himself away from her.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Red Lotus smiled seeing his vigilance towards her. She replied "What kind of dumb question is that? As for what I want from you... You should probably know. You killed a member of our group."

Ban furrow his brow and became silent. He didn't know how strong this lady in front of him but he felt an extreme danger from her. Even if he go all out, he probably won't win against her. He didn't know which Divergent she is but if she is a Elemental Divergent, then he might make it out alive. But what will he do after that? His loved ones might be in danger. They will probably suffer under her hands before dying in a horrible fashion.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Red Lotus laugh as she teased.

Ban thought about his Myriad Elements Divine Body technique. That skill has an ultimate to detonate all of his elemental energies to form an elemental explosion enough to devastate few kilometers in radius but it is too risky for him. Even if he manage to kill her, there will be a serious repercussions in his body. He might be in coma, worse die from the blast. He shook his head and decided to exchange blows with her. He will think of another solution if things don't go in his way.

Red Lotus smiled looking at Ban who was preparing himself for a battle. A sword suddenly appeared in her hand and she throw it to Ban.

Ban caught the sword in surprise. He thought 'What is this woman up to?'

"Come. Don't hold back." Red Lotus said as she hold a slim sword in her hand.

The area was open and quite far from the houses, perfect for an all out battle.

'Oh? Some kind of a spatial treasure that can store items? Who is this woman?' Ban knit his brow. He didn't feel any malice from her.

*Swish* *Boom!*

Ban used his Phantom Steps and dash towards her back and execute his Space Rending Slash.

"Oh? Where did you learn these skills? They were so exquisite." Red Lotus block the attack calmly while inquiring.

Ban was surprised. That was his most strongest skill. Even though he only used half of his overall strength, it can defeat ten Titan at once.

"You know.. You're quite chatty for a beauty."


Ban flew away after being kicked in his stomach.

"Hehe. I am. Also, I love battles. So just come at me with everything you've got. Maybe, I'll reward you if you win against me." Red Lotus giggled.

"Oh? I'm all fired up then." Ban didn't know why but this woman didn't came to him for a revenge. But he still didn't know what is she up to.

'Terra Prison!'


Lotus was surrounded by a layer of earth bars. She didn't move her position until the skill was completely imprisoned her.

A/N : I'll just name her Lotus than Red Lotus.

"Nice skill. It's even tougher than iron. Now, I'm even more curious about you." Lotus smiled and observe the cage surrounding her.

"Heh! Don't get so confident about yourself." Ban smirk and replied. Since Lotus gave him a very good sword even tougher than that of Cold Void Metal, his overall power raised drastically.

'Nine Laceration Divine Slash!'

Even though the Space Rending Slash is his most powerful skill due to it's lethality, His Nine Laceration Divine Slash is the most explosive. It contained Nine elemental energies to fuel the skill.

Ban dash forward performing the skill.



'Hooo..' After he distance himself, Ban look at the area where he imprisoned Lotus. The area became a mess with cracks everywhere. He only activated his Spirit Detection to sense his surroundings. He didn't want to offend this woman using Heaven Seeking Detection.

"Strong..." Ban muttered looking at Lotus without any scratch.

"Your skills. Can you tell me where did you learn them?" Lotus walk out from the rubbles.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I'm asking nicely?"

"Well... My skills came from my master." Ban spout some BS.

Lotus frown and she dash towards Ban.


Ban flew once again like a cannonball backward and got smashed his body to a huge rock.

"Lies. I hate liars."

Lotus approach Ban step by step.

Ban slowly got up. He put a defensive stance. He thought 'What a freaking monster. I can't even scratch her with my skill. My skills can demolish a 100 floor building with just one slash and she can block them with ease.' He thought of his ultimate skill. He gritted his teeth. He still didn't know what is her purpose of approaching him.

Ban couldn't maintain his cool from the anxiety. The one he feared the most was losing his loved ones.

"Why are you doing this? Are you playing with me or something?" Ban ask while frowning. Since his skills won't work, then he got no choice. He sighed inwardly.

"What? Giving up already? I thought you are more than this." Lotus smiled.

Ban felt offended by her words. But he couldn't do anything about it. She was so mysterious like she came from another planet judging by her items.

"Fine. You want a show? I'll show you something. Let's die together then!"

Lotus stop her movement and look at Ban with confusion. Her heart skip a beat. She thought 'Did I overdid myself?'


The surroundings became stagnant from a radius of one kilometer and it's getting wider and wider.

"Since you want it that much, here it is."

Ban decisively said. He decided to explode himself than seeing his loved ones die from the danger of this unknown woman.

Regret? Of course he did. Because he couldn't be with his loved ones anymore. His journey has just began. He didn't even find his real parents. His lovers, friends, all of them. He cared for them very much.

However, he didn't regret killing those who deserve to die. And this person will be the next.


An aurora phenomenon appeared in the sky like a rainbow. Various of elements blended in the air and it became denser and denser by the second.

Lotus change her expression drastically. She hurriedly shouted "Wait! Wait! Wait! I was just joking! Hey! Stop it! You are hurting yourself with this!"

Ban sneered and replied "Joking? We're not even close to each other. Just sit there and watch the show. If I can't deal with you with my skills, then this is the one you are looking for." Ban shouted in frustration. He was like an extreme person right now.

'He's being emotional! This is bad! Stupid me! Why did I provoke this madman? Urghh!' Lotus complained in her mind.

"My name is Clara Walker. I am the niece of Emma. Emma Redwood. Do you know her name? She just send her regards to you." Lotus or rather Clara explained hurriedly her intentions.

"Emma?" Ban thought for a second and realized "Her?"

Ban suddenly stop the activation of his suicidal ultimate. However...


Ban vomited a mouthful of blood before fainting on the spot.

The phenomenon in the sky also vanished in an instant and the elemental energies in the surroundings dispersed like a smoke spreading in every direction.

Clara hurriedly came to support Ban. She let out a sigh of relief feeling his vitals were fine. She carried Ban heading to his home in an instant and place him in his bed.

A few seconds later, the door burst open and Clara turned to see who barge in.


Sally widen her eyes when she look at Ban whose body was covered by blood. She shouted at the masked person.

"Who are you!? What did you do to him?!"

A/N : Bonus chapter for the day.
