
"Ooh. Very nice.. 100GB of RAM, 500TB of ROM and even 10G for 10k dollars. Not bad indeed." Ban picked one of the boxes before floating towards his side. He immediately open the box and proceeded to the phone.

( A/N : Year 2099 may or may not produce these kind of absurd specs but who knows. Most of the changes still follows our current year which is 2021. )

"You can have this one. It is colored pink." Ban glanced at Clara.

"Hmph. Why would I pick a color pink? I want black. I don't like that color."

Ban twitch his lips and scolded "Why didn't you say so earlier? I would've requested more colored black phones."

"You didn't asked me either. And what about this thing? I have one but I don't know how to use it except for communication."

Ban raise his brow. He asked "What are you talking about? This is a phone. This thing has many functions." He look at Clara like she was an alien. He thought 'Maybe?'

Clara blushed and retorted "What kind of look was that? I mean it. I didn't know how to use these things. When my phone received a message, I just go to the Arena for a response. That's one second reply you know."


Ban choked by his saliva. He almost couldn't hold himself from laughing out loud.

"Ahem* That- You're really punctual. I commend you for that." Ban raise a thumbs up to Clara who blush even more.

"So.. Uhh.. What's their response?" Ban asked with a stoic face.

"You- Just get on the main thing! Why are we using this phone?" Clara couldn't hold it anymore as she became flustered. The reaction from those staffs in the Arena was quite a view to behold. She also needs to know more about the phone but nobody taught her that. The Arena only provided her a functional phone and that's it.

"Okay. Let me set up the configuration first. I'll teach you how to use these things." Ban scan the boxes and found the black phone and he busy himself with it. He took the phone of Clara before inserting her sim card to the new phone.

"This thing has many uses. Don't move. I'll take a picture of you for it's wallpaper." Ban took a picture of Clara efficiently.

"Wrong. Hey. Put up a smile. The brightest smile you have. You look like a zombie right now." Ban complained.

"Why do I need to smile? And what are you doing? You're like that creepy staff in that Arena you know." Clara frowned at Ban.

"It's called painting but in a different way. Come here. Let me show you."

Clara walk beside Ban.

"Closer. Sit on the bed. I'll show you something." Ban urge Clara.

Clara frowned before sitting on the bed and look at Ban.

Ban dazed for a second before calming down. This woman beside him was so captivating.

"This is called a selfie. You can see yourself in front of the screen like a mirror."


Ban took a photo of him together with Clara.

"Looks like a painting right?"

Clara nodded as she marvelled the thing called phone.

"Here, you do it. Click this dot lightly after you make a pose. Smile a little. I'll turn around."



After a moment of waiting Ban heard Clara from behind.

Ban's eyes light up looking at the smiling beauty in the picture. He thought 'Just like I saw at the Arena. But this is even better.'

"What are you staring at? Just get on with it." Clara urged Ban to do what he needs to do. She felt embarrassed doing something so shameful in front of a man.

Ban immediately set her picture into a wallpaper. After that, he downloaded the necessary applications to the phone.

"I'll teach you how to use this phone before we go to the main thing."

Clara nodded.


An hour later...

Ban nodded in satisfaction. Clara was a fast learner so he didn't need to repeat the instructions twice.

"Now for our match battle. We will be using this phone. We will do battle through a game application."

Ban introduced the 5v5 moba game to Clara. She loves battle so she might like this kind of game.

Clara listened carefully as Ban introduced every hero in the game. Ban lend her one of his accounts.

"So you are saying we do our match battle in this game? Isn't this... childish?"

"Heh. Childish you say? If you're scared, then the bet is off."

Ban chuckled as he taunt.

"Who's scared? Let's do it then."

Clara took the bait.

"You wanna practice first? This is a bet you know. I'll give you a day to familiarize yourself with the game."

"Who needs practice? Let's start the match."

Ban asked "Best of 3? 5? Maybe 7 like a basketball?"

Clara raised her brow "What's a basketball? Anyway, one game is all I need. This is a very easy game for me."

"Oh? Are you sure about that? Even though I don't play much of this game, I still have my moves." Ban warned her. He continued "Right, we'll be using the same hero. You choose the hero we need to play one versus one. First three deaths will lose."

"Okay. Bring it on!" Clara said.

Ban look at Clara suspiciously. He thought 'Earlier, she refused adamantly to be my disciple. Now... What is this woman up to this time?'



Ban picked a Mage Class hero just like Clara.

=Battle Commence=


=Battle Start!=

1 minute later...

"You have been slain."*

Ban look speechlessly at Clara.

"What the heck are you thinking? You challenged the strongest neutral mob in this map with a level 1 hero." Ban scolded.

"Uhh... Do I need to level myself up first?"

Clara bashfully asked.

"Do you need to- Of course you need to level yourself up first. Didn't you hear what I told you earlier? You...!" Ban felt like smacking this woman's bottom.

"I didn't know that monster was so powerful. I thought killing the strongest makes my stats go up." Clara pouted.

"You have been slain."*

"For the love of-" Ban's Serene Spirit technique malfunctioned. He continued "Why are you attacking a tower alone? You should know that thing hurts like hell for low level heroes especially mages." He felt like puking out blood.

Clara became ashamed "I-I thought taking out towers makes my hero rich so I can buy strong items..."

"Calm down.. Calm down..."

Ban took a deep breath to fix his malfunctioned Serene Spirit technique.

"Focus. Okay? Try to kill those mobs in your lane that's invading your territory first. You can gain levels at the same time get some-"

"You have been slain."*

Ban's face turned red like he was holding a giant volcano from erupting.

"I-I lost?" Clara meekly look at Ban who was about to erupt.

Ban closed his eyes. He felt like dying inside. They didn't even clash and the game was already over.

A moment later...

"Don't you ever... ever play this game in the future. I clearly told you how to play this game and you keep on making shortcuts." Ban said gloomily.

A/N : You can look for Mr. Google about MOBA 5v5 game.
