
"Now for the bet." Ban squint his eyes at Clara whose face was red from the embarrassment.

"Y-Yes, master." Clara stood up and called while bowing her head.

Ban raise his brow. He asked "You seem to be more reserved towards me now. Why is that?"

"N-Nothing? This is the usual me." Clara replied as she evaded Ban's suspicious gaze.

"Reeally? Oh right. Do you have a treasure on you that can easily heal my body? My body felt sore all over." Ban inquired.

Clara nodded and pass a pill to Ban. She said "Your body suffers from the backlash of your skill back then."

Ban doubtfully looked at her "Since you already knew that, why are you giving this pill now instead that night?"

"Err.. Because of your other lover. She.. didn't trust me at that time. But I told her your condition was fine and only needed some rest." Clara explained.

Ban nodded in understanding. He couldn't blame the two women about that, especially Sally who only protected him from strangers. He inspected the pill and exclaim in surprise "Vitality Restoration Pill!? Even a high grade of purity at that."

( A/N : Always take note that Master of All Trades skill are seldom mentioned in every chapters but specific jobs. I.E : Alchemy, Teacher etc. So yeah, this is the most complicated yet simple skill for the MC. )

"You know about Alchemy?" Clara was surprised. Ban was getting more and more mysterious in front of her.

"Guess." Ban squint his eyes at her.

Clara rolled her eyes in defeat.


Ban felt better after taking the pills. He slowly stood up and stretch his body. He look at the boxes and asked Clara "I noticed that you used a spatial type of treasure to store things..." He smiled like a fox.

Clara was startled and shook her head "I do but why should I give you one? Even if you are my master, you can't take away my treasures just like that."

"Borrow. I didn't say I'll take those treasures for free you know. After I create my own spatial storage, I'll return your treasures back. I just need some materials to create it." Ban calmly explained.

"You- Who are you really? Are you some kind of old geezer that transmitigated into this body?" Clara was getting goosebumps and shuddered her body while staring at Ban weirdly.

"Hey! What kind of look was that? Only my wives know my secrets. And don't run your imaginations wild, there is no old monsters living in my body." Ban scolded her.

"Then how did you know so much things? Even recognizing a Tier 2 Pill that is not existed in this world." Clara suspiciously look at Ban.

"I'll tell you in the future. For now, keep your thoughts to yourself. Anyway, you're always saying planet this and planet that. If my speculation was correct, you are not from this world. Am I right?" Ban asked.

Clara chuckled and said "Guess." She even put a mysterious aura on herself.

Ban rolled his eyes and replied "You have no talent on copying people. And yes, I am a hundred percent sure that you are not from this world. How powerful you are, how you dress and you don't even know how to use a phone." He stated the obvious.

Clara covered her face in shame.

"It's fine. Theres so much things that I want to ask you." Ban calmly said.

"Oh? You didn't even answer any questions of mine. So why should I answer yours?" Clara put a hand on her hip.

"Everybody has secrets. Who hasn't? Anyway, I only want to ask you about basic information about where you came from. Especially about Divergents. You see, I'm kind of at a loss here on how one can use their powers." Ban explained naturally. He continued "As your master, you should follow my will as a disciple. Don't you think so?"

"Okay. Fair enough. However, I can choose not to answer some questions if I want to. Deal?" Clara raise her delicate hand for a handshake.



"Ask away then." Clara sat down elegantly on a chair facing Ban.

Ban also sat down on his bed before pondering. He asked "What's the name of your planet?"

"That's not necessary. However, I can still answer that. I came from the Eastern Realm. You don't need to know more about that place." Clara wave her hand and continued "Next."

"Okay. Then what do you know about Divergents?"

"Divergents huh? Such a weird name. Yeah.. I heard you guys called yourself that name but we don't use that term to lable ourselves in my plane." Clara pursed her lips and continued "You guys classified yourselves as Divergents because you only had a half-baked blessing."

"Half-baked? Why is that?" Ban was curious.

"You see, people on this planet was either physically strong or elementally strong because they awakened themselves through hard working or going to a place where a strong elemental energy field to awaken ones affinity." Clara pointed out. She continued "In my plane, there is an easy way to awaken both elemental and physical power in balance just like my aunt did to you. We use pure light elemental energy to cleanse ones body to be reborn as new. A perfectly balanced Divergent."

"Oh? So Ms. Emma indeed turned me into a perfectly balanced Divergent. But why? Because I saved her daughter?" Ban pondered while muttering in a low voice.

"You- What did you just say?! You saved my cousin back then? Theres no way..." Clara heard Ban's muttering and was shocked deeply.

"What? I saved a kid from danger. Isn't that normal?" Ban raise his brow at Clara.

"Normal my foot! She's as powerful as me even if she is a 4 years old kid. Now you tell me, how can a mortal like you save a powerful kid from a danger?" Clara shook her head.

Ban open his mouth wide. He muttered "No way.. You're joking, right? That...That kid was a monster?"

"Hey! Watch your words! If her dad heard you badmouth his precious jewel.. Heh! You're in for a very.... very big trouble mister." Clara giggled happily.

Ban gulped a mouthful of saliva.

"Too bad I didn't record your words earlier. Hah!"

Ban replied shamelessly "I saved her life. That's the most important part." He continued to speak "Now I know how to awaken ones body, how about other energies like common and spirit energies, can you tell me more about it?"

Clara raise her brow. She replied "You can indeed awaken others with your light element but try not to awaken everyone as it will cause chaos to this planet. Light element is a very rare element. Maybe this planet has a few people who have affinity with light element but not awakened yet.

Ban nodded seriously. It would cause wars and power imbalance if that happens. He recall those cannibal people back then and furrow his brow.

"As for common energy you mentioned... That is the type of energy we are using currently. After being reborn, the body can gain pure energy in the surroundings. We called it Profound energy. It has many uses but it mainly represent Pratitioners like us. I don't want to continue explaining these things as it is a very broad and complicated topic. Next question please." Clara wave her hand.

"Profound energy... Huh? Wait. You didn't explain to me about spirit energies yet. And where is this Profound energy stored?" Ban asked after dazing for a moment. He knew there is something to this Profound energy that Clara mentioned. His Phantom Steps and Aura Suppression used Profound Energy. Most of his skills used that kind of energy too but only a little bit of it.

"Everyone has a spirit energy. I don't know much about its uses except to sense and communicate. This kind of energy is the most mysterious of the three. I often met people who uses spirit energy as their main power but they only rely on treasures. Also their skills came from that treasure so I don't really count them as strong enough to be a powerhouse." Clara squint her eyes at Ban. She continued "Profound energies was stored in the heart connecting to the meridians all over the body. You.. don't know where that energy resides?"

"*Ahem* Err... That is why I am asking okay?"

"You... I know you used Profound energies on your skills but you don't know where your energies came from?" Clara widen her eyes in disbelief.

Bam smiled naturally and replied "Elemental and Spirit Energy resides from the soul while Profound Energy resides from the physical body. So easy." He has a look of shamelessness.

Clara suspiciously looked at Ban but the latter's thick face showed no emotion so she could only admit defeat.

"Fine. Just to remind you, those I said earlier were only basic information about your so called Divergents. There are more, like Dark energy can also use to baptize ones body, a person may or may not have a main element. One of your lovers has one. Her main element was fire . But you and your other lover... I don't feel any Elemental energies from you guys despite you can use Elemental energies." In fact, Clara didn't sense any energy from Ban and Sophia at all. She clearly investigated Ban and his lovers the moment she arrive on this planet. Sally has an affinity of fire, Sophia has an affinity of wood, Ban has an affinity of multiple elements. Now, she no longer sense the two person out of three. That was really a mystery to her.

If ones body was baptized by light energy, one can only learn the element that the body has an affinity with. Just like Sally, she has a fire affinity. She will find it hard to gather other elements in the surroundings except fire.

'Huh? Was that the doing of Myriad Elements Divine Body and Elemental Manipulation Canon? I indeed cannot sense Sophia's elemental energies leaking out of her body earlier. That means she mastered both skills. Guess I need to impart Sally those techniques too.' Ban thought. He didn't know the two skills worth to others. If Clara knows these skill's description, she might pester Ban to let her have those skills for days, even months or years.

"A secret. Hehe Everbody has one or two." Ban bluntly replied to her.