First Kiss

After Eliza brought the tea on the table, Ban immediately drag and place her into his lap.


Eliza's body jolted by the sudden action of Ban. She bashfully stared at Ban who only chuckled but not letting her go from his embrace.

"I miss my lovely pikachu so I need her for a cuddle." Ban shamelessly stated.

"I.. You.. I didn't agree to be your girlfriend yet." Eliza coquetishly pouted but she cannot avoid the joyful look in her eyes.

"I know." Ban smiled gently. He continued "But I can't help it after not seeing my pikachu for a long time." He wrap his hand around her.

"Right. I have come here because I brought some news to you. This is related to my absence for two days."

"Oh.. I almost forgot. Where have you been for the past two days?" Eliza furrow her brows. She was worried sick for two days straight thinking of him.

Ban nodded and replied slowly "I have been in a coma after I left you at that night and I just woke up earlier this afternoon."

Eliza dazed for a few good seconds before she exclaim in disbelief "You- What happen? Why are you in a coma after that night? Did something happen? Are you ill? Tell meee...!" She almost strangle Ban as she keep on shaking the collar of his shirt.

Ban felt helpless by her sudden outburst. He patted her bottom to calm her down. He picked up the cup of tea and passed it to her "Here, calm down first. We're not in a rush."

"How can I calm down after knowing that you are in the coma this whole time?" Eliza took the cup and gulped it in one go after complaining.

"Okay. Okay.. Relax... It's not that serious-"

Ban didn't even finished his sentence as Eliza burst out once again.

"Not serious? Are you kidding me right now? You are in a coma....." Eliza keep on blabbering nonstop and Ban was totally helpless.

Ban knew why he saw the look of Vernard the other day. The look of helplessness. He thought 'So this is a hidden side of her. How cute... but I don't want to see it in the future. She's a nagger. I prefer the cheerful side of hers.'

"Are you listening? Why are you not saying anything? I'm dying from anxiousness here-"

Ban suddenly kissed her lips to shut her up. He didn't let go as he even put his tongue inside playing with hers into a french style.

Eliza widen her eyes. Her mind turned blank as her body turned weak.

"Mmmmmnnn~ "

After minutes of tongue battle, Ban slowly retract his tongue while ending the kiss leaving Eliza whose in a dreamy state.

Ban didn't say anything as he waited her to return to her senses.

Eliza slowly put her hand into her lips while staring at Ban with disbelief. Her face turned red by the second.

"You- "

Eliza shivered as her whole face was covered in red up to her ears.

"Can we talk peacefully now? Or you need another one?" Ban smirk as he wink at her.

"That was my first kiss..." She dazed for a second.

Ban was also at fault but he couldn't help it. He asked "You... don't like it?" This is his also first time doing such a bold action to anyone. He thought that might be a best way to stop someone from nagging nonstop.

Eliza blink her eyes. Her heart skip a beat and she approach Ban's lips for a kiss.


This time, it was Ban's turn to be surprised. He look at Eliza with raised eyebrows.

"I am just... shocked earlier. I didn't know you would do that out of nowhere. Of course, I love it." Eliza cheerfully smiled.

"I broke the rules so it's my mistake. How about this. You can request anything from me as a compensation. As long as it is within my means, I'll fulfill it for you." Ban smiled as he caress her hair lovingly.

"No.. It's not that serious. Really." Eliza smiled and kissed Ban once again to prove that she was telling the truth. She continued "Oh right. The news... I promise, I won't react too much. Hehe"

Ban also laugh and pinch her cheeks. He said "Don't restrain yourself just because of me. This is just the way I am. I love the way you are right now. Just be yourself like you always do."

"Mmmm~ Okay." Eliza got even more happier as she hugged Ban tightly.

"So.. The news..."

Ban told her about the happenings the night after Ban left the camp until he woke up.

"Heavens!..." Eliza covered her mouth with a surprised look on her face. She continued "That masked woman did it to you?"

Ban nodded and said "Turned out it was just a misunderstanding in the end." He explained Clara's identity and her origin which is outside their planet.

Eliza was shocked but trying to understand Clara's prowess, she knew it is logical if Clara was an alien.

"So that's how it is. But you are so reckless that time. If you died then..." Eliza had a look of determination on her eyes.

Ban knew what Eliza was thinking. He also made this kind of expression out of desperation from his battle against Clara.

"I'm sorry I made you worry. I promise I won't be reckless anymore. I just... cannot think of what would I do if something bad might happen to you." Ban said apologetically.

"Don't be. We know that Clara was more powerful than you at that time. We just need to increase our power in case something similar might happen again." Eliza tried to cheer him up.

Ban let out a wry smile. He said "Clara already told me about the power structure in her world. There are 10 major realms in cultivation. Every realm have 10 levels. She only told me about the first 2 major realms namely Mortal Profound Realm and Origin Profound Realm respectively." He continued after a pause "So to say, I am currently at 6th level of Mortal Profound Realm. However, Clara told me that her prowess was on the 6th Major Realm which is unknown to us. She also told me that they called themselves as Profound Practitioners and not some half-baked Divergents." Ban and Clara's conversation at that time was cut by the incoming Sally so Ban decided to continue chatting with Clara some other day.

A/N : Too many 'told me' here. lol Guess I didn't edited this part. I'll just leave it like that then.

Eliza tilted her head to ponder before shaking her head.

"I don't understand much about it but she sounded like a powerful woman." She said.

Ban chuckle and also shook his head. Not that he didn't understand like Eliza but Clara's power was out of his reach currently.

"Right. Talk about news. Brother Ban, I have a news for you." Eliza's face turned serious.

Ban raised his brow and asked "What is it?"

"Do you know that guy Anthony the other day?"

"Yeah. I know him." Ban recalled the joker back then. He remembered he gave that guy a gift. He furrow his brow and asked "What? That guy came here again?"

"No. But his Big Brother came yesterday. He was apologizing for his Little Brother's behavior the other day." Eliza explained.

"That's it?" Ban blink his eyes in confusion.

"Well, he was looking for you, Brother Ban." Eliza replied with a little hesitation. She continued "My grandpa told him that you are not in the camp because of a mission. However, I-I can feel that there was something wrong with that guy when he was looking for you Brother but I couldn't tell what is it. Even my grandpa turned vigilant after meeting the guy. Brother Ban... I- You should be careful. I-"

"Ssshh. It's fine. Nothing bad gonna happen to me... or to you guys. I promise you that.

Ban pressed her lips with as he interjected with a smile. He continued "Don't call me Brother. It sound so distant. Call me husband, at least when we are alone." He put a cheeky smile.

"You- I'm serious-"


Ban kissed her lips preventing her from nagging. This time, his action was quite effective as Eliza redden her face and turned obedient.


"Haha! Good! My wifey pikachu is the most obedient." Ban laugh heartily as he pinch her cheeks. However, there was a hidden killing intent deep within his eyes.

'Time for clean up some trashes tonight.'

Ban decisively muttered in his mind.

A/N : 2nd Chap for the day.
