
9 30 in the evening...

Ban dashed towards the city from the shadows. He want to catch some fishes tonight. He promised Eliza to return in the camp tomorrow to start the training on soldiers.


It didn't take long as Ban stopped at the top of a huge building at the center of the city.

Ban glance at a certain hotel. He wore a pondering expression.

"This guy..."

Ban recall the time when he had a battle with those 'Dark Breed' cannibals back then, he bypassed a club which he recognized a certain person. That person was the one who kicked at Ban when he tried to save Emily from the rushing truck-kun. However this time, it was the person who accompanied his target from drinking at that club.

"This guy is the most chatty from the group as I remembered." Ban has a deep impression of this guy so he remembered his face clearly.


Ban approach the hotel silently. He jump through the roof like a ninja. He then placed himself into a balcony where the room of the guy located. Ban thought on how to interrogate the guy as he was uncertain about the relation of this guy and the other one.

'Hmm.. Shall I hang him from a rooftop and then interrogate while throwing him down before saving him from dying like a villain? Or Shall I intimidate him now using my suppression?' He also noticed the guy was accompanied by a woman. Judging by her thick make-up, Ban probably guessed where this woman came from. He also noticed the two being naked and were already finished their 'battle'.

"You really are what my sisters told me, you're amazing in bed daddy!" The woman said while smiling as she panted. In fact, one could tell the she was forcing her smile. She complained in her mind 'This bastard was a quick shot. He didn't even last for 3 minutes in bed. My sisters were indeed right about this guy. I don't feel a thing from his stick. What a waste of my time. Fortunately, I acted good in bed.'

The man put a smug expression as he squeeze the woman's thigh. He proudly said "But of course! I am the best in bed you got out there." He paused and continued "However, I can't visit you girls in the meantime. I have no money in me after this. I need to pester my Big brother to give me a task to gain some money."

The woman's eyes deep inside disdainfully look at the man as she smiled joyfully. She replied "You can come at our place anytime daddy. We always reserve ourselves exclusively to you." She caress his chest.

The man nodded and complained "After the task dealing with a brat in the stoplight back then, my boss didn't bother calling me after that. I guess I'll contact them later."

'Stoplight? Brat?' Ban narrowed his eyes in the dark corner of the room.

The woman happily replied "Yes. You can call me first if your payday is coming- Huh?"


The woman only blinked her eyes and the man beside her was gone. She rubbed her eyes before muttering in a low voice "What just happen? Where did he go? He was here a second ago..." She felt a cold breeze in the air as she glance at the open window.

Ban was at the roof top of the certain hotel. He didn't think too much about the woman as he leave her in the room alone. His right hand grabbed the neck of the man who was struggling with all his might. Maybe to get some air or to get away from the grip of Ban but it was all for naught. The man's face was red and he can't say a thing, only choking sound filled the air.

*Thud* *Cough!* *Blurgh!*

Ban throw the man like a doll on the cold floor of the hotel rooftop.

The man was fully naked. He was coughing nonstop and vomit a foul stenched liquid that was probably the liquor he drank earlier.

After a moment, the man stopped coughing as he glanced at Ban fearfully. He asked "W-Who are you?! Why am I here? *Cough!* What do you want from me!?" He covered his crotch that turned into a head of a baby turtle trying to hide it's head.

Ban was only staring at the man in silence.

The man wanted to run but he didn't have any strength due to fear. He knew the man in front of him was a real deal. His body shivered by the second from cold breeze of the night.

"Answer my question. You can choose not to answer but I cannot guarrantee my blade won't cut a part of your body after that." Ban calmly said as he summon a sword from his ring. This was the Clara lend to him at their battle last time. She gave Ban these two treasures earlier for him to use.

"Y-Y-You....Y-Y-Yesss..Y-Yes!" The man stammered in fear while glancing at the beautiful but deadly sword of Ban.

"Good. What's your name? Who is your boss? And who is this big brother of yours?" Ban asked 3 questions in one go.

The man gulped hard as he didn't know which question to answer first due to fear.

*Shingg!* *Thud*

"Time is running." Ban swung the sword, impaling the concrete floor easily.

"Y-Y-Yes! M-My name is Bruno Marks. M-My boss is Fred, also known as Mr. Croc. My Big brother... I-I don't know what you mean S-Sir. I-I have many Big brothers." Bruno replied carefully.

Ban raised his brow. After a second, he said "Your name sound familiar. Anyway, I am asking the name of the Big Brother you mentioned when you talk to your woman earlier."

"Y-Yes. His name is Chuck Gutt. He was the right-hand man of my boss."

"Good. Next question.." Ban narrowed his eyes dangerously as he let out an Aura Suppression skill.

"What's the name of that brat you mentioned earlier?"

"M-Mama!" Bruno was frightened out of his wits as he called his mother.

*Swish!* *Thud!*


Bruno was horrified seeing his whole left arm in the distance. He rolled on the ground as he screamed in pain.

"Silence." Ban calmly said as he raise his sword preparing for another slash.

"Uuuuuuuuuu." Bruno's face has snots and tears all over. His eyes shook as he stared at Ban fearfully. He tried to stay silent but he couldn't help but let out a moan of pain.

"3 seconds. What's the name of that brat you mentioned earlier. Time starts now." Ban raised his sword once again.

Bruno widen his eyes in fear. He thought in desperation as he recall the name of the brat back then.

"B-Ben! I heard my Big Brother called him that name! Please! Spare me S-Sir! I have wives and kids at home! What will they do-"


*Swish!* *Thud!*


Bruno scream in pain once again. He was like a pig being butchered at the moment. His left leg was separated from his body this time.

"Wrong answer." Ban knew that the guy was talking about was himself. So he didn't repeat the question again.

"Last question. Where is your boss? I might spare you from dying if you answer my question correctly. Wrong answer and I'll cut you into millions of pieces."

Bruno shivered nonstop upon hearing Ban. He valued his life more than anyone else. He didn't have a family. If he does, he might even sacrificed them just to survive.

"J-J-Jolly Club. H-He is the boss of Crocodile Gang and he often go to his club for leisure." Bruno replied despite the searing pain.


*Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!*

Ban cut Bruno's other limbs before ending the latter's life by severing Bruno's head in a quick and swift motion.

'Stupid, the government can take care of your wives. They help women who are widowed. Times changed and women almost ruled the government so they favored women the most.' Ban ended Bruno's life without regret. This guy is a scum in the society.

Ban swung the sword to remove the blood stains. After a moment, he calmly said

"Come out."

Ban narrow his eyes at the dark corner of the rooftop.

A/N : Check Bruno from Chapter 3.